Chapter twelve: Black and white

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"I won't let you touch them! " Marinette declared pushing Chat Blanc away from her, "you shouldn't have done that princess, " he said smiling like a psycho and slashing her across the face, leaving blood trailing from her once blue eyes. In pure agony she screamed as the whole world around her became pitch black,  "that ought to teach you not to disrespect me princess, " he said caressing her check, she was going to push me but then suddenly she felt a sharp pain through her body followed by another, she panicked thinking Chat Blanc had attacked her again but then she felt the twins inside of her awake and realized she was going into labor. "You don't look to well princess maybe you should lie down, " Chat blanc said pushing her down on the bed, but then his cat senses picked up someone's else presence "wait my dear I think we have a guest, " he said in a sing song voice, Marinette didn't respond she only screamed in pain as she went through the worst pain she had ever felt in her life.
"Where is she? " Cat Noir asked in anger "you mean my princess she's a little busy at the moment, delivering her little brats. " Those words sent fear through Cat Noir's mind as well as his wife screams of pure agony. She had gone into labor and right now was the worst possible time. Before he could even say anything Chat Blanc attacked him, sending him flying but he quickly recovered " you make me sick, Cataclysm! " he yelled destroying the ground causing both him and the sentimonster to fall through, however only Chat Blanc landed on his feet.
"Marinette where are you? " Tikki asked searching for her owner, and when she found her she almost cried. Marinette's eyes were bleeding and she was screaming in pure agony "Marinette! " Tikki yelled rushing to her, "Tikki... oh my god.. is that you.. I can't see.... and the twins... " Marinette couldn't finish she just screamed again and Tikki understood, the twins were coming and she needed help.
"I'm going to help you Marinette just please hang in there, " Tikki begged
"What's the matter Cat Noir? " Chat Blanc taunted using his staff to make Cat Noir look at him "Cat got your tongue? " he asked smirking "your princess is quite strong its a shame that I had to punish her for wanting you. " This was the last straw for Cat Noir now he was out for blood, in pure rage he attacked and pinned the sentimonster to the ground claws ready to draw blood. "Your going to die for what you've done! 'He yelled but Chat Blanc only laughed "you think if you destroy me with your pathetic powers it will make me go away, I'm the thing that keeps you up at night,  I am your darkest thoughts and desires, I am you and you will never get away from me. " He declared and in a moment of weakness he grabbed Cat noir and flung him off of him, Cat Noir feel flat on his back but Chat Blanc wasn't done he banged Cat noir against the wall multiple times until the man was nearly unconscious. "You can't save her she will be mine and you will die alone, " Chat blanc said twirling Cat noir's wrist spranning it in the process, however at the mention of Marinette Cat Noir found the strength again to fight back. "Its because of me that your in this world and I couldn't be happier to help you leave it, lights you pale imitation Cataclysm! " He yelled striking Chat Blanc with his powers and in seconds the sentimonster was nothing but a pile of dust. He breathed a sigh of relief and despite being injured he ran up to Marinette who was sweating like crazy, "Marinette oh my god I thought I'd never see you again! " He cried and embraced her tightly "kitty is that really you, he blinded me I can't see. " Marinette said sobbing and on the verge of blacking out from all the pain she was experiencing. "I promise you Milady its me, its going to be okay your safe, " he said tighting his grip on her and running off to the nearest hospital, the second they arrived Marinette blacked out

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