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Hopeless Pig

I didn't expect him. How did he even get there?

Didn't he become a father just two days ago? Instead of spending time with his wife and child, he was there to enjoy? Huh!

Anyway, it's his life, he should do whatever suits him.

He was coming towards us, with each of his steps towards us, my heart was beating faster.

I didn't want to argue with him again. Hell, I didn't want to even look at him no matter how hot and handsome he was looking in the black shirt.

" once we friends went on shopping, he was choosing a shirt for himself And he asked which one...

Although he was talking with Aarav, his eyes are turning towards me again and again.

"Black suits boys" I murmured from behind.

The next day, I see him dressed in a black shirt, black jeans, black shoes, a black watch, and even a black bag, grinning like an idiot.

That crazy Veer who never left a chance to make me smile, Where did that sweet veer go?

I kept looking here and there, trying to avoid him but my blushing Simmi nudged me to greet him.

Greet my foot!

I didn't want to even look at him. His eyes, his penetrating gaze, burn my body.

Being annoyed with Beeji's continuous elbow on my stomach, I finally blurted a meek "Hi" To his shoulder to which he nodded.

They left us alone to talk.

To talk? And with him? Sure with some kicks and punches.

He was looking at me shocked, now what was with him?.

Did I look bad in the dress?

He sat there with his grumpy face, ordering vodka.

I cringed even at the mention. I badly hate alcoholic drinks but the guy beside me was hell-bent on making me lose my senses.

We kept sitting without talking to each other until he cockily smirked at me, asking "So doc is getting married ha? " 

What? Did he hit his head somewhere?

Even if I am getting married how does it concerns him?

I just turned my head away, replying to anything to him means inviting unnecessary argument.

But the nerves of the man, he kept irritating me to reply to his question.
How I wished to drown his face in the vodka glass but I controlled myself.

I wanted to shift to another seat when his words halted me.

"You came here to see the groom right? C'mon, look at me. See your supposed groom" He poked my arm.

See the groom? Wait... Did beeji?

What the hell! I am tired of this shit. When for two months she didn't make me meet any guy I thought she stopped this malpractice of hers but little did I know. And even after two months, she found him? Headless pigeon? I won't ever marry this guy because he is already happily married and has a son.

~so you would have married him if he wasn't married.

No. Never. I wouldn't have married this playboy ever. He loves to play with others' feelings. He loves to make a mockery out of sweet bondings.

"Who is married? " He looked confused.

And the Oscar goes to him.

What was with so much acting? he could have directly said I am bored with my wife and want another one to entertain my desires.

When did he turn so ugly?

"You tell me why would you do that? Are not you satisfied? You want a mistress right? Want me as one of your mistresses"

My heart broke with every word I said, tears threatened to fall.

" Shut up" He roared making me flinch but  I wanted to hurt him for hurting me. I wanted to break him as broken I was for all these years.

"Why should I?..you..."

"Sakshi is my sister" He said gritting his teeth, I felt my heart stop beating.

What? Oh shit! I messed up. Everything was making sense now.

How could I? I insulted the pure relation of a brother and sister.

I should not have assumed things.
What did I do?

He smiled at me sadly with his red eyes, he was throwing a questioning look at me.

It pricked me. I wanted to correct myself. Say sorry to him but it felt difficult.

"I... I " I tried to say but he cut me off.

"I know what you thought. What can I expect from you? you love playing with people's emotions isn't it?" he faked laughed.

I never played with his emotions. It was him who played with my emotions. How can he?

I was angry, I was hurt I myself didn't know what I wanted.

He picked up another shot, don't know what came to my mind  I snatched it from his hand almost landing on his lap in the process.

His hair was falling on his forehead, he gazed at me with his red-teary eyes. His strong cologne was making me lose my senses. His one hand was wrapped around my waist and the other on the vodka glass I was holding. There was so much to say but none of us wanted to start. I wanted to slap him, kick him, scratch his face but I wanted to hug him too. I wanted him to mend all the destruction he did.
Tears formed in the corner of my eyes remembering our moments. The dreams I saw for both of us.

His eyes were saying so much, filled with so much intensity that I shivered under his gaze.

We were lost in each other's eyes when we heard a sudden flash.
Beeji clicked our picture when we were drowning in each other's eyes
We separated quickly looking here and there.

"They are looking so good" beeji said making heart of her eyes.

She was looking at both of us in awe and Dadu beside her was looking at her in aww.

We both hung our heads low, not knowing what to say.

" So it's a yes? " Dadu chirped happily.

"They are showering kisses on each other. Of course, it's a yes" Beeji clapped making my cheeks heat up. From my peripheral view, I could see his ears getting red.

"Dadu it's not what you think. We were... It... Was" He was trying to explain when Dadu beat him up saying "oh koi gal nii puttar. Hormones kehdene hai anhe 'hormones'. Mai tennu pehle hi keha si shaadi karle" Dadu winked at veer . 

[ It's fine son. They are hormones. I was already asking you to get married.]

God! How embarrassing. My cheeks flared up. While veer said, "Dadu stop it".

Beeji and Dadu both giggled looking at us.

"What is this? why you both are sitting here...see there, all the children of your age are dancing and enjoying themselves so much...what should I do with you two. C'mon dance is  must!"

Beeji threw me towards him and he caught me. Why they were treating me like a balloon?

What if I would have fallen down?

And then we were standing in between the floor, close to each other. All Thanks to my great beeji who left no chance to put me in trouble.

The lights were dim and only the blowing sound of music could be heard.
I looked around people were lost in drinking and dancing

I looked towards beeji and dadu, they were sitting in an isolated corner, lost in their talks.

I was observing the surroundings but suddenly I pulled towards a wall...umm...Veer I mean.
My heart started thumping very fast.
We still had a decent distance between us.
He held my one hand in his and my one hand rested on his chest automatically, the other around his torso.

Slowly moving our feet we start dancing to a piece of soft music.

I felt his eyes on me but couldn't look into his eyes. I feared I will drown in them.

My eyes spotted beeji and dadu...she waved at us happily and again got engrossed in their talks.

They were thinking so wrong of us. I need to clarify that ... I can't give them hopes which I can't fulfill.

I was lost in my thoughts when I was pushed into his chest hardly.
His hold on my waist tightened and he glared at the person who got lost in the crowd.

I heard his heart racing when I examined carefully, I was pressed into his body and tightly caged between his arms.
His hot breath was falling straight on my face and he was looking into my eyes.
This time I couldn't move my eyes away from his face.

His eyes wandered on my face and my heart raced like a marathon.

I tried to move away but a strong pull on my hand and I fall back on his chest with my back pressed into his front.

He snaked his arms around me and hold me tightly. I could feel his breath behind my ears...him sniffing through my hairs. My eyes closed instinctively, I was melting in the warmth of his arms.

My heart stopped when his cold lips touched my earlobe as he whispered " Soniye"

He turned me around to face him and I was caged again between his arms
I shivered looking into the intensity of his eyes...his hooded gaze thundered my insides...his eyes darkened more than usual.

That was definitely not Veer...it was all alcohol doing its work.

He pulled me more into him. His eyes were filled with want...it felt he was not himself. His tears filled eyes were asking an unknown question.
His eyes moved to my lips and I almost stopped breathing.

His mouth started dropping towards my lips, I stilled

I couldn't move... maybe I didn't want to...they were creating havoc inside me.
As his lips inched closer to me I closed my eyes.
Our nose touched, I could feel his breath on my lips.

When our lips were about to touch the music changed into a very Loud pop song...bringing us back to the real world.

And we jumped away from each other as our senses knocked back into us.

I was going to kiss him?

How could I lose my senses, it was wrong.

He was looking at me all shocked and his shocked expressions suddenly changed into anger ..his eyes turned red, palms curled into a fist...with that, he stormed out from there.

Yeah! my touch disgusts him.

I made a fool of myself yet another time.

I wanted to scream, I just want to hide and cry somewhere. He rejected me again.

My eyes filled with angry tears and I left from there to the washroom.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Editor:- its_chahat_here

Thanks for reading❤

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