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It happened.

The thing that I feared, happened.

I saw Vaidehi crying her heart out holding her teddy bear.

We came home after our classes and she locked herself up in her room.
I had a slight idea of what would have happened but I didn't know the whole thing.

She didn't open the door even for dinner and I covered up for her saying she was sleeping because of a terrible headache. Mumma was adamant to see her but somehow I managed to dodge it.

Later, I jumped into her room from the window. She was not answering my calls and I was getting scared.

The sight before me left my heart bleeding.

She was crying non-stop.

I tried to touch her but she flinched back facing her back towards me.

I encircled my hands around her frame from behind but she kept protesting not wanting to face me..."Relax Vai... It's just me here. I am always with you " I kissed her hair and felt her getting a little easy.

Moments passed in silence. She broke down in my embrace. She kept crying until her eyes dried off.

"I... I am ashamed " She whispered still not facing me.

"Vai... " I tried to calm her down but she was not ready to listen to me.

" I am sorry Suhani. You tried to make me understand but what did I do? ... I am ashamed of myself" She spoke in a guilt-filled voice.

"It's okay Vaidehi"

" No, it's not Suhani. For the past 2 months you were trying so hard to make me understand and what did I do? I trusted someone else more than you. I thought you were wrong. I thought he changed. If there is someone whom I hurt a lot in these two months is you and today you are sitting here consoling me. You should hate me. I am embarrassed Suhani. I don't have the courage to face you. I am really sorry Suhani really sorry. " I again heard her sniffing and my heart clenched.

" It wasn't your fault Vaidehi. I know how manipulative he is. " I sat in front of her and hugged her.

" But you warned me Suhani. It is my fault and I am really sorry" She hid her face in my chest and started crying again.

I couldn't help but loathe that pathetic boy. How badly he had crushed so many girls feeling without feeling any remorse. Just like Vaidehi...they too must have felt terrible about themselves. He not only broke their heart but their confidence too. I felt helpless to be not able to do something for them and vaidehi. I really wished Veer to trust me over Samrat for once. What if he at least tried to research his friend's character when everyone was saying the same thing...but he had blind faith in him.

In these two months, Veer and I hardly talked. Especially after that major fight between us, we couldn't talk, and then this happened.

I wanted to tell him everything so bad but I knew he won't believe me.

I put Vaidehi to sleep and went back to my room. At least now she was out of his clutches. I hoped he doesn't disturb her in the future.

I was in a sour mood throughout the day. Vaidehi didn't come with me as she was already very disturbed and didn't want to face anyone. I was alone today as Raina went to meet her parents in Delhi and Aarav too didn't turn up. Above that Samrat was pissing me off further by constantly asking me about Vaidehi when he clearly know what happened to her.

I was not at peace that day. I wanted to leave home early, I was getting some negative vibes. As soon as the last class ended I started rushing toward the exit gate but to my bad luck, Samrat stood there blocking my way with a sly smile.

"Get aside" I hissed at me.

" Well! Hello to you too " He gave me a mocking smile telling me he achieved what he wanted.

" How is Vaidehi? " He smirked and I was all ready to punch his face, " You... How dare you? "

" See this" He held my hand and scrolled through his phone.

I was confused why was he showing me his and Vaidehi's messages.
But soon he said something that set me off the ground, " What if I show this to Vaidehi's parents? "

My eyes popped out. He can't be that evil.

" I heard that they are a little conservative and they don't understand this love shit and all. Umm...let me guess what they will do to Vaidehi? They will come here and curse their daughter for maligning their name... Slap her... Then bring her back. Right? They will lose their trust in their daughter. Also, your parents will be disappointed in you and you will too lose their trust right? Wow! I just predicted the future. I am so smart isn't it".

I couldn't believe he was using this against us. One after another tears fell from my eyes. I felt caged. And this was all due to my own mistake. I felt horrible. I wanted someone to pull me back from here. It was suffocating me. I couldn't stand it.

"Don't cry, Suhani. Just do me a favor and I will let this go. After all, we all make mistakes right? " He tried to wipe my tears but I moved back. That pathetic excuse of a man! I had never hated someone in my life as much as I was hating him. He was an evil monster.

"What do you want" I screamed at him while tears of agony kept falling from my eyes.

"Simple... Just say that you were never into Veer. It was a bet between us about mine and his friendship. You wanted to break our friendship and Veer was a mistake "
I gasped at him. Was he even his friend? How easily he said that all?

"Never" I gritted my teeth at him and started to move away when grabbed my hand.

"So you want me to send this to Vaidehi's parents? Fine... I will gladly do it"

"No, please... Please stop it"

"Accept you wanted to separate us " He glared at me with fury in his eyes.

"No" I shook my head. "I never wanted to separate you both ". I cried but he paid no need to it.

" I am asking you for the last time Suhani. Just say that Or I  sending this to her parents " He glared at me with challenging eyes.

" Fine... I... I wanted to B... Break yours and V...Veer's friendship. It...It was a challenge. Getting close to Veer was an M... Mistake. It was a lie...I don't... I don't like him...  Sorry"

I was crying while repeating his words. Each and every word was a lie. I never thought like that. Every word was directly slicing my heart.

Samrat looked at me with satisfaction in his eyes. He did something on his phone and put it just near me. I was trying hard to not break down into tears.

He looked behind me and then at me again. Before I could realize he gave me a painful look and grabbed my shoulders, " How dare you Suhani? Do you even know how much Veer was into you? Do you even have the slightest idea what you have done to him? You have played with his emotions. You have lied to him. You have cheated him. And all you have to say is Sorry? Do you think it can mend what you have destroyed? I have never seen such a self-centered and selfish girl like you. I will never forgive you Suhani... Never... You have hurt my best friend... I never knew girls like you existed" He completed looking at me with disgust.

I had enough of him. I jerked his hands away from me. Such a loser he is. How easily he can play such cheap games? What would he even get from this? Why was he doing it? Did he hate my presence in Veer's life this much that he had to play such evil games?

"Here... I have deleted it all" He showed me his phone and ran urgently somewhere.

I didn't have the time to think over his actions. He was a heartless man and I wanted to be away from him as soon as possible. I couldn't stand his presence, I ran to my home.

How dare Veer say that? Did he just assume me and Samrat to be together? Is he blind or what?

Here I hate that manipulative friend of his to the core and he thinks I am romancing him.

He broke my heart yet again.
He didn't even ask me anything he just assumed whatever he wanted to assume. Bloody frog now I will tell him whom he is messing up with.

He loves his laptop too much right?

Wiping my tears harshly, I took his laptop.

Now I will tell you Mr. Veer Malhotra how are you suppose to behave with your wife. 

Just wait and watch.

Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Editor :- its_chahat_here ❤✨

Thanks for reading❤.

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