IH - 03

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Heya guys 🎇

Next update is here. 🤗

" You are late. " Pragya grumbled as soon as Arnav came to pick them up.

He rolled his eyes. "Just, get inside the car."

Pragya twisted her lips and sat behind with Khushi. As he was about to start the car, Abhi slided on the passanger seat.

"Thank you for leaving the the front seat for me, Fuggy." said Abhi grinning at her and she glared at him.

"You are not allowed here."

"Says who ?" asked he mockingly.

"Me" growled Pragya and he chuckled. "You are nonexisted for me" said Abhi wiggling his brows and the shine suddendly rubbed off from her face.

He didn't realise as he turned around and said Arnav to start the car, as soon as he completed the sentence. Khushi saw her mood drop and his nonchalant behaviour.

"Idiot" she muttered under her breath but a sudden jolt made her to smacked with the back of the driver seat.

"What the hell was that, Anny? Why did you put the sudden break?" asked Pragya rubbing her forehead with her palm.

But Arnav wasn't listening her as his eyes were narrowed at Khushi through the front mirror. She too was rubbing her forehead along with her wrist.

"O God, Khushi. You are hurt. It's turning blue" said Pragya examining her wrist and Arnav's back straightened.

"Let's head to the hospital to check it out." said Abhi seeing it getting worsened.

Khushi shook her head. "No need for it. It's okay. It will be better in few minutes"

Arnav started the car and looked at her in the mirror. His eyes found hers but he averted his gaze immediately.

"Come on, Out. I don't have full day for you guys." Arnav came out from the car, tugging his button of his coat.

"Rude much." grumbled Pragya coming out but a smile appeared on her lips to find her standing in front of a hospital.

"And you pretend like, you doesn't care" she said teasingly and he shoot her a glare.

"Not goona work on me" she said giving him a cheeky smile and went inside with Khushi.

Arnav and Abhi too went behind them.

"Is it blood there?" asked Arnav frowning and touched Abhi's temple.

He winced and he looked at him guiltly. "Come, let's get dress it up"

"No bro. it's fine" said Abhi shooking his head. "What is fine ?" asked Pragya coming towards them.

"How's Khushi?" asked Abhi. "Her wrist swelled much, So doctor said for X-ray. she went for that." Pragya replied looking at Arnav.

He averted his gaze and about to say something when a little shriek of Pragya startled them.

"O my God, Your head is bleeding Abhi" she cupped his face and turned it to saw the wound clearly.

"It's nothing, Fuggy. I am alright" he rubbed the blood with his handkerchief and show it to her. "See"

She looked at him in disbelieve. "I knew it you were dumb, but now I got the proof of it." she said. "When we are already in hospital, why don't you get it checked."

She dragged him with her before he could revert back. Arnav saw them going inside a cabin and then turned towards Khushi's room.

He saw her coming out holding her wrist with her other hand. He saw it swelling, with a dark blue mark making its way on it.

"Where is Pragya?" asked she slowly.

She wasn't expecting a answer from him but a small gasp of suprise escaped from her lips when he actully parted his lips to reply her.

"She took Abhi to the doctor. His head was bleeding."

" Is he okay ?" she asked concerned and he nodded. "Are you ?" his voice was so low that if she wasn't paying close attention to him, she would have missed it.

"It's fine. Nothing serious. Just need to come here tomorrow, if swelling wouldn't decrease." Words was running out of her mouth without her realizing it.

This was the first time he was talking to her. Actually not talking, listening to her. But still, she was feeling herself so happy that she put her other hand on his arm unconsiously.

His body stiffened at the touch as his eyes directed to his arm. Khushi saw his gaze and removed her palm immediately.

" You good ? " asked Pragya coming with Abhi and Khushi nodded.

" Let's go. I don't have more time." Arnav put his glasses on and headed outside without looking back at them.


" O that's alright, Pragya. She can stay here as long as wants " said her mother, Supriya, smiling.

Khushi smiled gratefully at her. Bulbul grinned listening the news, that Khushi was staying with them as she is hurt.

" We are going to do so much fun here. " She jumped up and town, swinging on Pragya and Khushi's neck.

" Careful Bulbul. She is hurt " Pragya reprimanded her sister and she pout.

" Wow, you got lucky bro. She is staying with us " Abhi teased Arnav getting a stern glare from him.

Arnav left from there leaving Abhi standing in the corner looking at the girl he love.

" A girl love him madly and he never noticed her and here I am.. walking behind her like a puppy to her but all she do just fight with me. " grumbled Abhi under his breath and headed towards her to tease her again.


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Ragika ❤️

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