Bill Denbrough

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Y/n POV (When's it not?!)
I jolt up from the bed covers,feeling the familiar sensation of fear and saltiness of my tears
This is not my first sleepless night, not the first nor the last
Why did it choose me,why the dreams
They never stop,the clown...t-that clown keeps appearing
After that one night seeing it at the barrens the dreams never stopped but became more intense each time
Each night,each freaking night I feel as if it wanted to make me fall apart and I can feel myself doing so

~later the same day,At Bill's house~
Stan:so what do you guys want to do?
Ed:I don't know

I wasn't really paying at the moment
His words startled me as my mind left my own world

Y/n:Hmm....yea great,yea great
Bev:Daydreaming again?
Y/n:Yea sorry

I tried as hard as I could but wasn't able to put much or any emotion in my words
Silence took over for a few seconds until I spoke again having enough

Y/n:Ill see you guys later,I have something to take care of

There was a couple byes and see you laters as I cycled of into what could be my end

Bill's POV
Stan:Whats been going in with her lately?
Ben:Yea I noticed that too
Bev:I didn't even see her laugh at Richie's ridiculous jokes
Ed:I don't know guys but I'm worried about her
Bill:M-me too Eddie

What hurt most was that I didn't know what's wrong  and I should,I should know but I don't

Ben:Hey what's that?

I turned to look at the little slide infront of me
It was the slide we were looking for

Bill:It's the s-sewer system slide
Bev:The one we were looking for?

I nod picking up the slide and basically running down the stairs and into the garage,soon followed by the losers

I took a shaky but half confident breathe as I stepped into the creepy burned down house
I am not letting It get satisfied watching me crumble into a pile of ashes beneath its claws
I entered a greenhouse looking room
And as soon as I entered I felt someone or rather something throw me across the room and place a hand to my neck

♦:Hello darling

Bill's POV
The garage door opened and the light shone through
It was gone but not for long

Rich:What the fuck was that?!

But before anything else could be said I was already cycling away

~At the house on Neibolt~
I dropped silver infront of the gate and walked on the porch murmuring under my nose 'its not real'

Bev:Bill no
Bill:Look you d-don't have to come with me
B-but I have to go in t-there
Stan:No Bill this is crazy,are you insane?!

He was cut off by a spine shivering laugh coming from the back
It didn't even take me a second to start making my way down there and tho their own words the losers followed
But what I saw next I never will forget
There stood the clown leaning over her,over Y/n
He let out a maniacal laugh as he placed his hand over her mouth and turned towards me

Penny:Am I not real enough for you Billy?
Im real enough for Y/n

His laugh faded as he launched at me but before he could do anything a pole was already sticking through his head
He let out a painful and weakness filled growl before emerging back into the darker parts of Derry
As soon as It left I rushed to Y/n's side
And planted a kiss on her lips

Bill:W-why did you come here?
How did you k-know?

I was now trembling
Both of our eyes were now pouring out tears
And I just cant believe that....
That I could've lost her

Y/n:Im sorry,I just couldn't bare this anymore,I couldn't I-Im sorry
Bill:I love you,don't ever leave me please
Y/n:You didn't stutter....
Bill:Because I m-mean it
Y/n:I love you too Billy
I'M BACK!!!!!
I missed this well anyway
It was 3.45 am when I wrote this
I got a very good inspiration,Idk from where but I did and I couldn't let it go
Anyway hope you enjoyed it
Love you guys
Til next time😉

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