Foul Play

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Draco had, at first, been confused when Harry began flirting with him. He didn't understand why the other would- in no world did it seem like Harry flirting with Draco was a plausible outcome.
The worst part was that Draco had no idea how to flirt back. Every time Harry would say something one moment, he seemed to be gone the next.

For example:

"You know, you really do look stunning after practice." Harry sighed.

Draco stiffened up. He and Harry were the only ones currently located in the boys' locker room so he had to be talking to him- right?

"Yeah, I think your hair really frames your face quite, one might say." Harry hummed.

Draco refused to make eye-contact with the other- also refusing to change any article of clothing that was currently on him.

"It's really not your looks I've fallen for though," Harry murmured, leaning against the wall beside Draco, one made up of lockers, "It's the fact that your personality is just as stunning- even if you can be a prick sometimes."

This is when Draco's head shot up and he looked over to glare at Harry who was now looking in a mirror- or no, perhaps the mirror had always been there-

"Oh, hello, Malfoy." Harry didn't remove his gaze from the mirror more than to glance at Draco, "I didn't see you there, my apologies."

Draco blushes profusely before Harry strode out of the locker room.

How the hell was someone that smooth?


Harry wheezed as he made his way into the hall outside the lockers and collapsed against a wall where Hermione was waiting.

"So, how long did you last before stuttering this time?" Hermione looked slightly bored but was inwardly amused.

"Not at all this time, 'Mione!" Harry grinned.

"Did you try what I said or what-"

"What Ron said.." Harry muttered as if he should be ashamed.

Hermione sighed and slid down to sit beside Harry, "The mirror thing?" She seemed to cringe.

"The mirror thing..." Harry murmured.

"Just make a move, Harry- you know he won't." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"See, but that's the thing! I want him to be the first one to make a move- to show he actually...well, you know."

"Likes you?" Hermione looked unamused, "Really, Harry, is it that hard to say?"

"When referring to Draco, yes." Harry huffed.

"Speaking of referring to Draco," Hermione smirked.


Draco picked at his eggs with his fork. "Far too many eggs for his taste. And most of them about crispy. All I've since I came was this food here's name," He murmured quietly to the tune of Notes from Phantom, a muggle musical that Blaise had introduced him to. He now had the blasted song stuck in his head and-

"You have a nice voice," You could hear the grin in the voice that now sat beside Draco, causing the blonde to grip his fork tighter with surprise as he knew the owner of the voice was Harry.

"What the bloody hell are you doing at the Slytherin Table, Potter?" Draco's gaze flickered to his right so he could glare at a smug-looking Harry.

"Oh, come on now, Drake, Gryffindor won't miss me for a day." Harry began to place some bacon onto the plate in front of him.

Draco flinched at the nickname, "I beg your pardon-"

"Then beg, Dray." Harry said this casually as he began to eat his bacon.

Draco sputtered as his cheeks grew hot and he had no idea what to say. He simply turned back to his eggs and began angrily eating them.

"Don't choke, Drakeypoo, we wouldn't want that." Harry sighed.

Draco choked on his fucking eggs.


"I called him Drakeypoo." Harry recounted his story to a smirking Ron and Hermione as they sat at the chairs in The Gryffindors' common room.

"How'd he react?" Hermione grinned.

"He choked!" Harry cackled before growing red in the face, "Not actually choked- I mean he coughed up his eggs. 'Was bright red in the face too, 'least that's what I saw..." Harry paused to smile fondly, "It was rather...adorable, actually."

"Oo! Has Mr.Potter got a girlfriend?" An enthusiastic voice chirped from entrance of the common room as Ginevra strode over to Harry with suggestive eyebrow wiggles before pouncing to sit in front of him, "Who is she?"

"Er..." Harry paused, "Well, actually he's a-"

"A boy!" Ginny squeaked, "Ron, you bastard, you owe me Charlie's robs now!"

"Were you two betting on my sexuality?" Harry scoffed.

"Oh no, never- just if you liked Draco." Ginny hummed.

"Excuse me, but, I don't recall mentioning Draco-"

Ginny grinned, "You didn't have to. If you're in to blokes then you're obviously in to Draco- the way you look at him,"

"Talk about him,"

"Act around him."

"Dream about him- day and night, I assume." Ginny winked.

Harry's face turned bright red and he stuttered, about to protest.

"Any luck with him yet?" Ginny hummed.

"Well, I've been flirting-"

"Such as?" Ginny cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, I indirectly complimented him...and then gave him nicknames and-"

"So you're winning his heart through teasing him?" Ginny frowned.

"Well, when you put it that way-"

"Harry." Ginny grabbed the Raven-haired boy's shoulders, "You're my best friend and my favorite brother,"

"Hey!" Ron shouted but Hermione shut him up with a laugh and an affectionate slap to the shoulder.

"But I have to say, that's fairly stupid of you. You can't just throw yourself out there like some kind of puff brain. Make him work for your attention," Ginny winked.

"What are you suggesting?" Harry frowned in concern.

"Act cool- not I'm the savior of the wizarding world cool but...well, ignore him essentially- just for a bit, then he'll be putty in your spell-casting hand."

"Ginevra Weasley you're a bloody genius." Harry pulled her into a quick hug before smirking, "I've just the idea."


Draco pinched the bridge of his nose as he stood in the passage that led onto the quidditch field. They were practicing for the game tomorrow and had been held up due to somebody's Toad being let loose on the field by means of an accident.
What was annoying him more than waiting though was the silence from the green-eyed wonder who stood beside him, in the line of Gryffindors beside the line of Slytherins. It was unlike Harry to do this- was something wrong? Draco couldn't ask out of fear that Harry might think- might know- that Draco actually cared. And that just simply couldn't happen.

After a few more minutes it became unbearable and Draco had to make small talk, "Who's Toad do you think it is?"

"Neville's." Harry remarked short and blank, keeping his gaze set forward with an unreadable expression.

", what was its name again?" Draco didn't want to stop talking.

"Trevor." Another short response.

Draco glared forward, "Why?"

"Don't know." Harry shrugged.

"You've got to have a better answer than that?" Draco scoffed.

"No. Do you?" Harry continued looking forward as a loud whistle blew and the Gryffindors were out first, followed by the Slytherins.


As Harry flew up into the air he felt his chest twist. Draco had actually just initiated a conversation with him and he had left. It felt liberating but also frustrating. Why couldn't the blonde do this on normal occasions?
Harry supposed he'd been making it too easy for himself to be the only one initiating things but- this wasn't a relationship, why was this so complicated?

As a seeker, Harry's first sights were set on the snitch, which he currently couldn't locate.
Instead, his eyes trailed that attractive Slytherin who was also looking for the snitch- however, despite the fact that both boys should be looking up versus over...they made eye contact that held for a moment before Harry remembered his task and looked away.

This was really starting to piss him off.

However, before he could dwell on this for too long, a blur of gold flashed in front of him and he was up on instinct in an instant. He quickly balanced with one hand on his broom, the other outstretched to grab the Snitch, which was just out of reach.

Just as he felt his hand might close around the small golden object, he felt a bump in his shoulder and looked over to find Draco smirking. Not at him though, but at the snitch.

Harry glared slightly at the fact that the snitch was getting more attention than him.
They continued around the stadium as the snitch wove too and fro.

"Scared to lose to me again, Malfoy?" Potter broke the ignoring rule.

Draco, however,  who had caught on, did not break this rule, and merely shrugged, still focused on the snitch.

Harry scoffed in offense and hurt at this before feeling himself speed up. His broom was reacting to how his legs tensed against it with frustration, speeding up as a horse would should it feel such reaction.

This caused Harry to go spiraling down an hit the field, rolling until he was flat on his stomach.

There were a few murmurs of concern and the game was paused.

Draco was the first to show up by Harry's side, "Harry, - I- Potter, are you alright?" He sounded genuinely concerned, reaching out to touch his shoulder that'd taken most of the damage in the fall.

The rage of every missed opportunity today finally hit Harry which caused him to swat Draco's hand away, "I'm fine." He gritted his teeth, shoulder throbbing as he most certainly was not fine. He shakily got to his feet and Draco took a step back, "You know, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't-" Harry stuttered as he couldn't finish his sentence.

"If I hadn't what?" Draco glared slightly.

"Ignored me!" Harry sounded petty.

"Ignored you?" Draco scoffed, "You're the one who ignored me, first!" He growled as he neared Harry, inches away as Harry advanced towards him and they glared at each other.

"At least I had a reason!"

"So did I!" Draco bit back.

"Revenge is not a good reason!" Harry narrowed his eyes at the blonde.

"Well, pardon me if you don't give me much else to respond with, Potter! The hell am I supposed to do with you throwing yourself at me all week only to then act as if I don't exist?" Draco's voice sounded especially hurt at the end.

This caused Harry's heart to throb and his emotions to take control of his mouth versus his brain, "Well I'm sorry if I don't know h-how to act around you-" He stuttered.

"Because you like me?" Draco dared.

"Yes!" Harry sounded more irritated than he meant and Draco looked surprised, although he really shouldn't have. Harry's face turned a brilliant red and he stared at the ground, "That- sounded more aggressive than I meant it to be I...don't...know how to...act.. around-"

"It's okay." Draco quickly murmured, "I...don't...know how to respond."

Harry looked up from under his lashes with a sheepish grin of a smile.

Draco's breath caught in his chest as he realized that the two had gotten so close in their heat of anger that their hands were brushing and he could feel Harry's warm breath ghost his chin.

It hadn't been that Draco didn't want to flirt back. He just never knew how.

Flirting didn't seem to matter in this moment.
Sure, it had helped to get to this moment but- the raw feelings and tension that bounced back between the two boys was enough to give Draco the courage to caress Harry's face and lean forward, planting a gentle, delicate kiss on his lips before he leaned back.

Both boys stared at each other before smiling as their foreheads connected momentarily.

Draco supposed Harry had been right with whatever tactics he had used to get to this moment.
Harry supposed that he owed Hermione, Ron, and Ginny a lot for this.

He could never repay any favor that would amount to the pure bliss that Draco had brought through kissing him.

////I really hate how a lot of Drarry fan fictions criminalize Ginny and I also don't entirely like how the Movie Script portrays her versus the badass that she was in the books but I also like soft Ginny too so I can't complain entirely.
Any-who!! There's a thing—

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