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Draco doodled on his notebook with a small, subconscious smile.
Draco Potter.
Potter, Draco.
Draco Potter
Draco Potter.

Writing his own name was a delight Draco had always taken kindly to...but lately, he'd found a way to make it even better.
Switching his father's given name to him for Harry's...now that seemed a bit better than Malfoy.

He'd never truly appreciated his last name as much as his first...perhaps for the very reason that the name did belong to his father, of whom he wasn't all that fond of- not that these thoughts would ever make their way out of his mouth.

Much like these thoughts that Draco had about a certain savior of the wizarding world. Any blank page or patch on his papers were covered in the name Draco Potter- and on particularly fond days, simply Potter.

Looking at his work once he was finished brought a smile to his face. It was a fantasy he quite enjoyed having, being with the dark haired boy. Not that he would ever share this...
He could stick to teasing the other as a form of interaction...and that could work- maybe one day Harry would wake up and realize that the only way Draco knew how to show affection was through taunting and teasing-
It's how his own father showed him love, after all.
But...there was always his mother's side of things...while he wasn't sure if his father was actually capable of love, he knew the tenderness of which his mother gave him, and wondered how well using that would work.
He quickly shrugged it off.

It wouldn't.

Nothing would.

Draco had accepted that- or, was trying to, at least.
Every day after every class shared with Gryffindor he'd try to accept this.
Such as at this moment while he sat in the Prefects bathroom, legs crossed at the edge of the bath, he pulled out his notebook and began to doodle.
It was a poorly drawn portrait of himself, poor by his standards of course.
He has a knack for art, but could never get faces right- especially of those he knew well.
Which is why scratched out sketches of Harry's face would often find themselves in the pages of his book.
He was in the middle of labeling the page with Draco Potter once more when a voice sounded behind him.

"Oo, what would that be?"

Draco yelped with a flinch, nearly falling forward into the empty bath before him, swiveling his head and torso around to come nose to nose with Moaning Myrtle, "N-None of your damn business!" Draco hissed.

"So rude!" Myrtle hissed, before snatching at his notebook, her fingers simply going through.

"Hey!" Draco snatched the book away, with too much force might one add, as he'd expected Myrtle to pull back while briefly forgetting her absence of matter. He fell back and pages upon pages of Draco Potter and Harry sketches spilled out.

"OoooOOOoo!" Myrtle squealed as she went over and hovered about the pages, reading them over, "Fancying him are we?"

"Those are private!" Draco shrieked, lunging forward and quickly gathering up his papers.

"Hey! I was in the middle of reading those!" Myrtle complained.

"Too bad!" Draco growled, shoving his papers back into his book bag.

"Give them back! The art was quite-! HEY!" She squealed as a book was hurled at her, "Oh! That does it!" She remarked in a shrill voice, spinning up and disappearing.

Draco sighed in relief with her absence, in Benoni Ed to the fact that the pen he'd used so often to write and draw with had been charmed.


Draco was beyond mortified to find his arm covered in ink by the time he'd finished his daily doodles of Draco Potter whilst staring at the back of Potter's head in Potions.
He rubbed at the ink of his arms, but it wouldn't come off.
Looking down at his pen, he saw the tip of it glimmer and growled.
He was going to kill whoever did this-
Not figuring they were already dead.

The good news was that Draco was wearing long sleeves.
The bad news was that he couldn't see above his chest.
Written along his neck was the infamous name he'd coined.
And to make matters worse, when Draco was exiting class, he heard behind him-


Draco paused at the sound of Harry's voice, looking down quickly to make sure the writing on his arms wasn't visible, he quickly turned around and smirked, "What is it, P- P-o- po- oh-" Draco's throat ran dry as Harry paused a foot away and rolled his sleeves up to show exactly what Draco had all over his arms.

To say Draco's was blushing was an understatement. He was boiling.

He quickly swallowed before clearing his throat, "I-I see you take a fancy to me P-Potter?" He forced a smirk.

"I didn't write this, you must have." Harry glared.

"I did not!" Draco scoffed.

"What's that on your neck then?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"M-My wh-" Draco felt his neck, feeling a slight bump of a sensation where the ink was, he squeaked and slapped a hand over it, "Bloody hell-" Usually pale, he was now nearly completely red.

"Blimey- this couldn't have-" Harry sighed, "Look, I'm sure someone just enchanted one of our pens."

"Clearly, Pott- wait-" Draco met Harry's eyes, "Why would it have been your pen?"

It was now Harry's turn to receive scarlet features, "Um- well, no reason." He shrugged.

Draco gasped and smirked, "Harry Potter? Has a crush on me?"

"Malfoy!" Harry hissed in warning.

"Oh I'm sorry- Harry Malfoy has a crush on me." Draco grinned.

Harry covered his face with his hands and groaned, "Shut up."

"We're in equally deep shit here, Potter."

"Yeah, Potter." Harry glared up at the blonde, making him stutter.

"Sh-shut your- your- you- gah!" Malfoy waved his hand and briskly headed down the hall.

"Want to make it a reality?" Harry called.

"Wh-Whatever, Potter!" Draco flipped the dark-haired boy off as he briskly walked away.

"To you too!" Harry called back.
He couldn't hold back a growing smile on his features.

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