Potter: Part 2

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Suggestive? Towards the end? Only a tiny bit

"Bloody. Hell." Malfoy growled as he looked in the mirror at his neck and arms.
It'd been several days now and the ink had yet to wash off.
What kind of Witchery was this?
Draco had been forced to keep his collar popped, looking like an absolute idiot- when he arrived to class that was.
The savior himself hadn't shown up to all his classes in particular, seemingly trying to avoid embarrassment just as much as Draco.
Which is why the blonde was surprised to run into him three days after the whole incident.

Draco was simply walking down the halls of Hogwarts to his next class when an arm firmly gripped his forearm and dragged him off to the side.

"Why haven't these gone away, Malfoy?" Harry glared before noticing Draco's own ink still on his neck, he met the boy's eyes, "You too?"

Draco sighed sharply, pulling his arm from Harry's grasp, "Of course me too! You think I did this?"

"Well, it was your pen that's bewitched." Harry defended.

"What do you want me to do about it, Potter? It won't come off, no amount of water and soap has changed that fact."

"Well, what do we do?" Harry sighed.

"We?" Draco chuckled.

"You've got this issue just as much as I do-"

"Issue?" Draco scoffed.

"Not-" Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, "The fact that your name is all over my body!"

"E-Everywhere?" Draco gulped.

"Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter- m-my arms!" Harry flushed.

"Right." Draco nodded in embarrassment before clearing his throat, "Well, we had better find whoever bewitched my pen, they might know how to undo it."

"Will they want to?"

"Merlin knows..."


"Aparecium..." Harry murmured as he hovered his wand over Malfoy's pen.
The pen seemed to glow before floating up and heading out the Slytherins' dorms.

"After it!" Draco hissed.

"On it!" Harry nodded, bolting after the floating pen as it swiveled out of the common room and into the halls.
The boys panted as they tried to keep up without before stopping outside the Prefects bathroom.

"What the hell?" Harry frowned.

Draco looked equally confused as they crept towards the bathroom, slowly opening the door only to find it empty.

"Well that clearly didn't work." Draco scowled as the door slammed shut behind them.

"We don't know that yet- start looking around." Harry began to search the bathroom.

Draco nodded and began his own search.

They continued to turn things over, look around corners, until a giggle came from behind Harry, making him leap, "What are we looking for?"

"Gah!" Harry whipped around to face, "Myrtle- merlin's beard you-"

"You!" Draco hissed, advancing on the ghost with a raised wand, "You bewitched my pen, didn't you?" Draco growled.

Myrtle raised her arms in mock defense, "I do what should be done to those who deserve it."

"Why you little-!" Draco lunged at the ghost only to fall through and onto Harry.

"Ooooh~ look at the lovebirds~!" Myrtle cooed.

"We're not-" Draco's nose bumped Harry's and he quickly scrambled off of the other.

"Peculiar..." Myrtle giggled as she floated above them, "You two are acting like you despise one another!"

"We-!" Draco began before shooting Harry a look, only to find the other not meeting his gaze.

"You both doodle each others'-"

"Myrtle!" Harry hissed.

"Oh, does he not know?" Myrtle gasped.

"Potter?" Draco glared at Harry who was blushing, "So I was right!" He carded a hand through his hair, "Teasing you for Harry Malfoy- you do it too, don't you!" He fully turned to face Harry who was looking away in denial.

Myrtle gasped with a grin, "Oh good! Well, I guess you'd like this gone now-" She floated forward and swooped through the chests of both the boys before disappearing with an amused giggle.

Draco looked down at his exposed wrists to see his combined name with Harry's last slowly fade. He let out a small sigh of relief, which lasted only a moment before his attention swiveled back to Harry.

"Well, glad that's over, let's go." Harry stood up quickly.

"Do you despise me? Or do you love me?" Draco teased with what ended up turning up as a nervous smile.

Harry silently walked up to Draco before sighing, squatting to meet the sitting Draco's face, "Can't it be both?"

Draco's eyes widened before he opened his mouth to speak, "You seemed so upset about the fact that my name was all over your...arms...for someone claiming to feel such a strong emotion for someone else I'd think that was a bit of an over reaction."

"Oh please," Harry scoffed, "I wasn't going to give Hermione the satisfaction of being right." He stood up and held a hand out to help the blonde up.

Draco hesitated before taking the hand and being pulled to his feet, "Right? Right about what exactly?" His lips twitched into a smile.

"Don't get cocky, you know.." Harry sighed.

"And is that really it? You going from being amused about this to mad and now back to amused?" Draco's eyes narrowed.

"I was amused until it wouldn't go away. Even if we were dating, I-" Harry paused thoughtfully, "Well I suppose it wouldn't matter much if we were dating."

Draco flushed.

"But- since we weren't," Harry cleared his throat, "It wasn't exactly a friendly reminder of the fact."

Draco nodded in agreement before freezing, "I'm sorry- pardon?"

Harry dropped Draco's hand and cleared his throat, "We should head back now." He turned towards the exit.

"Harry Potter, moping over me?" Draco grinned widely, slinking beside Harry and throwing a hand on his forehead mockingly, "How terrible my life must be with my forsaken love's name constantly reminding me of unending agony that I shall never find his body is my arms," He sighed deeply.

"Wow, spot on impression of yourself." Harry snorted.

Draco's face turned red, "I was mocking you, you-!"

"I wasn't the one caught doodling a fantasized name." Harry smirked.

Draco paused before returning the smirk, "Yes, you weren't caught, Potter."

Harry's shoulders scrunched up with a sigh, "You prat."
Draco stepped in front of Harry before turning around with a wink, walking backwards in front of the boy, "Takes one to know one."

"And an idiot." Harry sighed as Draco ran right into a wall behind him, the golden boy himself nearly bumping into him but stopping a few inches away instead.

Draco immediately locked eyes with the other before looking down to his lips, making the brunette grin in amusement.

"Stop being so confident, I've seen you break down over the s-smallest things before." Draco scoffed.

"Yes, and what would it take to make you break down?" Harry placed a hand on the space of wall beside Draco's right shoulder.

Draco's face was burning and he shrank down slightly.

Harry couldn't suppress a small laugh.

"What?" Draco hissed.

"Just what you said about being confident- you're right, you know, I'd have expected you to be the bolder one of us...but even compared to a mouse, I think you'd find it less of a coward."

Draco's jaw dropped and Harry frowned for a moment, afraid he'd overstepped.
Until a moment later, the boys were on the ground, Draco holding tightly to Harry's tie with his knees in either side of the brunette's rib cage, using the tie to hold Harry's head up slightly and taking his other hand to caress his cheek, "Coward? I don't think you're in the position to say such a thing, Potter."

"Would you like to back th-that statement up?" Harry swallowed dryly.

Draco thought a moment before leaning in.
Harry leaned forward and closed his eyes, only to find a moment later that his head had dropped to hit the ground gently, opening his eyes quickly again to see Draco getting up and stalking down the hall. "M-Malfoy!"

"Potter?" Malfoy paused to look over at Harry as if nothing had just happened, "There a problem?"

"Wh-Why did you..?"

"I backed myself up, I'm not a coward- and surely I'm not going to kiss a boy who isn't going to like letting the whole school know who's he is." Draco shrugged simply.

"Wh-What are you off about?"

"So you wouldn't mind if I-" Draco walked back towards Harry, "Called you Harry Malfoy from now on? You do seem quite fond of the name..." His eyes twinkled with amusement.

Harry's heart did a small leap and he looked down, "Can't say that it...would particularly bother me.." He murmured.

Draco bent down and caressed Harry's cheek, smiling before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the other's neck.

Harry pressed into the kiss and winced as he felt the blonde's teeth latch to his neck before melting into it.

Draco leaned back with a smirk, "Writing your name isn't the only way to sign something." He paused to plant a final kiss on the forming hickey he'd left before sitting up and nodding down the hall, "Come on, let's get to class."

"But next class doesn't start for another twenty." Harry got to his feet.

"What a shame," Draco sighed, taking the brunette's hand, "Looks as though I'll have to show you around my dorm."
Harry could have swarm he saw the other wink and his heart spun.

He'd have to thank Myrtle later.

I wasn't going to make a part two but someone asked so here we are 😂

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