Chapter : 45 A

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It Must Be Love

Chapter-45 A

Please give inline comments for my story that help me to write the story.. This is a request to all my friends & viewers... Guys please do comments, if you like the story, the response is hell disappointing, this is the last warning or else say bye bye to me forever. I got tired of giving warnings, you will never understand writer feeling.....

Try to do long comments, the response is very disappointing; don't force me to end the story.

She nuzzling in his chest while sleeping.... he smiled in her cuteness while sleeping and he kissed on her hair wrapped his hand around her shoulder protectively... after few min later they reached the mansion, he look at me and slowly move his hand and shake me.. Nandu wake up from the sleep and look at Manik...

Manik – Nandu we reached the mansion...

Nandu – hmm...

His friends left the car and closed the door and move to car back side to take our luggage... Nandu was about to go out of the car... but Manik hold her hand and pull her towards him... their lips are few inch apart.. He look at Nandu lips and brushing her lips with his thumb and move closer and closer to her lips and placed his lips on her and started kissing her passionately... both of them exploring each other lips... their trace was broken by the sound... Nandu hear that and pull Manik apart from him and catch the breath... Manik look up at his friends and slid the glass....

Manik – what? Yaar...

Cabir – if your romancing session is over means come out from the car yaar... and listen your honeymoon is completed...

Cabir said that in his smirking tone... Nandu hear that and blushed and Manik hear his words and give an angry glare to him and came out from the car... followed by him Nandu also came out from the car and he hold her hand and move to the entrance and ananya saw them...

Ananya – mom dad...

She said that and ran towards them and hugged them... they also hugged her and Manik took her in his arms and kissed on her face... Nandu also kissed on her cheek... ananya also kissed both of them...

Ananya – mom where is my gift?

Nandu – I will give your gift princess...

She said that and having smile in her face... then they move to Nyeonika and take blessing from her and Nyeonika hugged and blessed...

Nyeonika – I want to see happiness in your face always...

They smiled and his friends came towards them and hugged them....

Mukthi – how is your honeymoon trip yaar?

Manik – guys we are so tired and we will take rest and talk about this later... we are so exhausted yaar...

Cabir – yeah Mukthi leave them and we will talk about this later... you guys go and take rest...

They nodded their head and move to their room with ananya... the servant bring the luggage in their room and keep the luggage in the room and left from that place... Manik make ananya to stand in the floor and move to the washroom...

In outside

Ananya sit in the bed with Nandu.... Nandu move to the luggage and take the luggage and open the luggage and take the gift for ananya and move to her....

Nandu – ananya this is for you princess...

Ananya look that excitedly and want that in her hand surprisingly...

Ananya – thank you soo much mom...

She said that and hugged her....

Nandu – princess open it...

Ananya nodded her head and open the parcel... she was open the parcel and saw a beautiful teddy and Barbie doll in that.... she look at that surprisingly and happiness is overloading in her face...

Ananya – mom thank you so much... you are the best mom in the world... you know what I like and not like... you take rest and I will see you later...

She said that and ran out from the room and started playing with the toy... Nandu sit in the bed and take the dress for Manik and keep it in the bed and then take her dress from the cupboard and keep it in the bed...

That time Manik came out from the washroom while wiping his hair and Nandu look at him and smiled... Manik look at her and raise his eyes... Nandu nodded her head as negatively and she came to the washroom and started taking shawer and changed her dress and came out from the washroom and wiped her hair and started brushing her hair...

Manik was sitting in the bed and working in tha laptop... Nandu saw that and move towards him and sit beside him...

Nandu – Manik what are you doing?

Manik – I am just checking the mail baby....

She got irritated and closed the laptop and Manik look at her...

Nandu – always work... see now you take rest now only we completed our journey... you take rest...

She said that angrily and snatches the laptop from him and moves to the side table and keep it in the table....

Manik was looking her surprisingly and smiled in her caring.... Manik got an idea to tease Nandu...

Manik – Nandu give the laptop to me... I have to complete my work... give the laptop...

He pulls her and takes the laptop from the side table and look at her... he turn and see her... Nandu was lying on the floor and there is no response from her...

Manik – baby getup...

But there is no response... he gulped his lump of throat and make him strong and slowly raises his hand pull her... he saw blood is coming from her head... that time he realize what he done few min before...

He touches her blood from her head and shocked...

Manik – Nandu baby getup I am so sorry please getup... I did this playfully Nandu..... Nandu baby I am so sorry.... please getup...

He yelled everyone name ... they hear his voice came to her room and saw Nandu... he took her in his arms and placed her on bed....

Manik – guys somebody calls doctor...

Cabir nodded her head and call the doctor...

Cabir – doctor is an emergency... please come fast to Malhotra mansion...

Doc – yeah I am coming...

Cabir –ok thank you doctor...

He said that and cut the call...

Manik was sitting beside her hand hold her hand... Nyeonika and his friends are surrounded by them...

Nyeonika – Manik what happened? Please say everything to us...

Manik nodded his head and started saying everything to them... they all hear that and shocked...

Nyeonika - Manik she said this all this for your health and she was showing her love through care... but you are teasing her and playing with her emotions...

Manik – mom I did this playfully and I don't know this will come to this extend... I am so sorry mom...

Nyeonika - Manik you want to say sorry to Nandu not me... anyway whatever happen leave that and think what you want to do next...

Manik nodded his head and looking all of them in his watery eyes... then doctor came to mansion and Abhimanyu saw the doctor and move to the doctor and came towards him and take him to the room...

Manik give space to the doctor and doctor check her hand but bandage on her head and give prescription to Manik...

Doc – give this medicine to her...

Manik – doctor she is okay na...

Doc – yeah she is okay... she fainted due to shock and no need to be worried...

Then doctor left the mansion with Abhimanyu.... Nandu was lying in the bed unconsciously... Manik again sit beside her hold her hand and tears are dripping from his eyes... some drop of tears fall on her hand...

Nandu feel wet and slowly gaining her conscious and open her eyes and blink her eyes to see who is near to her... Nandu see Manik is sitting beside her while holding her hand... Manik look up at her...

Manik – baby I am so sorry... I don't know this will happen... I am soo sorry baby...

He said that having tears in his eyes... she not listen his words and jerk his hand... he was shocked by her sudden act...

Nandu – mom I want to take rest... I am so exhausted... I am not interested to talk anything now...

She said to them and all of them left the room with ananya except Manik is sitting with her... she lye on the bed and cover her with blanket up to her chest....

Manik was still in shock by her behavior... he move towards her....

Manik – Nandu I am so sorry... please forgive me baby....

Nandu – Manik we will talk about this later and I want to take rest... you go and do your work I will not disturb you....

She said that and closed her eyes... Manik not say anything to her and he also lye beside her and wrap his hand around her waist and move near to her and keep his chin on her shoulder... Nandu struggle in his grip...

Nandu – Manik leave me I want to sleep...

Manik – please let it be...

Nandu not say anything to him and stop struggling and a small drop of tears fall on her corner of her eyes and slept in the bed due to exhaustion...

Manik p.o.v

Nandu I am so sorry for hurting... I think I don't want to hurt you... this are happen due to my naughtiness and my playful character... I am so sorry baby doll... please forgive me... I will not hurt you anymore... I am so sorry...

End of p.o.v

Then he hugged tightly and slept peacefully... after two hour later Nandu wakeup from her sleep and sit in the bed and saw Manik... he was sleeping peacefully and she saw tears in his eyes... Nandu without disturbing him... he came out from his grip and left the room...

She saw ananya is playing in the hall with the toy... Nandu smiled and move towards her and sit in her knees...

Nandu – ananya princess...

Nandu called her name and ananya turn and look her...

Ananya – haan mom...

Nandu – have you had your lunch...

Ananya – yeah mom.... granny give the lunch to me... without say anything I have my lunch mom...

Nandu – that's my mom good girl...

Nandu said this to her having smile in her face and kissed on her forehead... that time Nyeonika came with a juice in her hand...

Nyeonika - Nandu beta are you okay...

Nandu – yeah mom I am fine...

Nyeonika - Nandu have your juice first....

Nandu – hmm...

Nandu want that in her hand and started drinking the juice and give the glass to the servant and the servant left from that place...

Nyeonika – Nandu how is your head?

Nandu – its okay mom... little pain in my head.... that's it...

Nyeonika –okay beta... take care yourself...

She said that and caresses her hair... Nandu was looking her confusingly...

Nandu – mom are you going outside...

Nyeonika – yeah beta I have a work on outside... Manik dad called me... so I want to go there and stay there for few days... he need my help beta... so I am going there for few days... he also busy in his work... take yourself and take care Manik and ananya...

Nandu just nodded her head positively....

Nyeonika – Nandu I will go after one hour only... before that I can spend time with you and Manik and ananya...

Nandu – okay mom as your wish...

In room

Manik was sleeping in the bed and lye on his stomach and his hand move on the bed and that time he realize Nandu is not in the bed... he open his eyes and saw Nandu is not in the bed... he getup from the bed and move outside the room... he started searching her everywhere... then his eyes fall on the ananya room... there he saw Nandu... she was playing with Ananya ...

He got relief after see her... then he took his step towards ananya room and Nandu saw him...

Nandu - ananya princess you play here I will come now...

Ananya – ok mom...

Manik was about to speak to her before that she left the room and move to the kitchen... ananya look at his dad and called him...

Ananya – papa....

Manik – yeah princess... what are you doing? My princess...

Ananya - I am playing with the toy... papa what happen to my mom head?

She ask to him... Manik was about to say something before that Nandu reached the room with juice glass and cut between that... they turn and see her...

Nandu – I fell down on the floor so this wound is happen on my head...

She said this and came towards them having fake smile in her face...

Nandu – Manik this is for you... drink the juice and mom is waiting for you... she want to talk to you...

Nandu said that and before he speaks she left the room... Manik was standing in the room.... then he drink the juice and a butler came and want the glass from his hand and left from that place... then Manik move towards her...

There he saw Nandu is sitting with her... Nyeonika look up at Manik...

Nyeonika – Manik come here and sit...

Manik – ok mom....

He said that and came towards them and about to sit Nandu getup and about to go... Nyeonika hold her hand and she look at her...

Nyeonika – Nandu sit here where are you going?

Nandu – mom I has work in kitchen...

Nyeonika – Nandu beta servant are there na they will handle it...

Nandu – but mom I want to give instruction to them...

Nyeonika – Nandu beta see that later... there is time to prepare for dinner...

Nan – ok mom...

She said that and sits in the sofa... Nyeonika started talking to them...

Nyeonika – you guys what to sort your problem now?

Nandu – mom there is no problem in between us mom...I am so happy what he is done for me? I caring for them... my wish is only one think that they want to live a healthy and a happy life... this is a responsibility to me as a wife.... that it mom... I don't care about my health... they are healthy means I am also healthy... and no one want to play with my emotions...

She said this in her crying and a small drop of tear escape from her eyes.... they listen that....

Nyeonika – Nandu I know these are your responsibility... I know you want to perfect in your responsibility... I know you are perfect and caring child... you will make anyone happy.... you want to see everyone is want to happy... that is your habit... if he say sorry means you accept that and sort the problem now... I know you need time... he will not do this kind of stupid things anymore...

Nyeonika said that and look at him...

Manik – Nandu I am so sorry I will not these type of stupid and I don't rise my hand on you... I done this playfully ... these are happening in a fraction of sec... I not imagine that this will happen...

Nyeonika – Manik you guys talk and I am going to stay few days on your dad mansion... I am already late... I have to go now...

She said that and left from that place while waving her hand to them... we also wake their hand... then Nandu was about to go but Manik hold her hand and make her to sit in the sofa...

Nandu – Manik leave my hand... I want to go now...

Manik – baby doll I am so sorry....

Nandu – sorry is not enough Manik....

She said that and jerks his hand and started moving from that place... Manik followed her and hold her hand pinned her in the wall and without wasting a single sec and slammed her lips and Nandini shocked by his act and not responded the kiss first... she was struggling in his grip.... she not allowing him to enter into her mouth.. His grip is tight in her waist and she hissed and he got a chance to enter into her mouth and exploring her mouth...

She slowly stops struggling and started responding the kiss and holds his nape of his neck and pulls him towards her more and more... after 10 min he broke the kiss due to breathless... he saw her eyes is still closed...

He saw that and move to her ears....

Manik – baby doll I am so sorry...

He said that and huskily in her eyes while biting her earlobe and she hissed in pain and open her eyes and saw his eyes... his eyes is filled with guilt and pain... Nandu look deeply in his eyes and lost the whole world in his chocolate brown eyes...

She nodded her head as yes without knowing what she is saying... Manik was so happy that her doll is accepted his sorry and started jumping in that place... Nandu turn back to her sense and realize what she said...

Nandu – next time you do like this means I will kill and I will also die...

She said that and before she completed the sentence he again placed his lips on her for another one passionate kiss and both of them started exploring each other mouth till breathless... due to lack of oxygen they broke the kiss and he took her in his embrace and hugged her very tightly.... she snuggle in his hug and smiled...

Guys please do comments and votes, if you like the story, the response encourages me a lot.

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Want twist or MaNan happy moments?

Few words for Manik and Nandu love?

Love Diyu

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