Chapter : 47 C

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Please give inline comments for my story that help me to write the story.. This is a request to all my friends & viewers... Guys please do comments, if you like the story, the response is hell disappointing, this is the last warning or else say bye bye to me forever. I got tired of giving warnings, you will never understand writer feeling.....

Try to do long comments, the response is very disappointing; don't force me to end the story.

It Must Be Love

Chapter- 47 C

Nyeonika also left from that place... he enter into the room and saw his doll... she was sleeping peacefully in the bed... while seeing his sleeping beauty a small smile crept on his lips... he move towards the bed and sit beside her without disturbing her... she snuggle her face in the pillow like a child...

Her hair fall on her face and hiding her glowing and shining face... Manik saw that and move his hand towards her hair and tuck her hair and behind her ear... Nandu smiled in her sleep... Manik saw that and looking his sleeping beauty...

Nandu slowly open her eyes and saw someone is sitting beside her... she not see the person face clearly... she blink her eyes and saw her love is sitting beside and watching her... while seeing her hubby face small smile crept on her lips...

Nandu - baby when will you come? Why you not wake up me? Ok I will arrange lunch for you...

She said looking him all this in one go... before she speak more he shushed while putting his finger on her lips... Nandu saw that and look him...

Manik - hogaya tumare question... can I speak now...

Manik said looking her having worried on his face... Nandu nodded her head like a child to him...

Manik - what happened to you?

Nandu- I not get your point baby....

She said looking him having confusion on her face...

Manik - I know everything... servant says everything to me... why you fainted? Did you taking your food at time... I want to take care of your health also doll... so tell me what happened to you?

Nandu - Vo Manik I feel so tired and not sleep well in night... because of that only I fainted baby... don't worry I am fine... doctor say me to take rest...

She said looking him having smiled on her face and her one hand hold his hand to give assurance for him... he also cubbed her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb... Nandu gave a smile to him... then maid came to their room and knocks the door...

Maid - sir may I come in...

Manik - yes come in...

The maid enters into the room with a glass of juice in his hand...

Maid - choti mam Nyeonika mam send juice for you... she say you to drink the juice...

Nandu hear that and popped her eyes...

Nandu - phirse juice... no I can't able to drink the juice...

Nandu said looking the maid having sad on her face...

Manik - Nandu why you not drink the juice... you want to drink the juice... you are so weak na...

He said looking her having stern on his voice... Nandu nodded her head like a child while making a sad pout... Manik take the juice glass in his hand and say the maid to go... the maid nodded her head and left from that place... Manik forward the glass near to her mouth... Nandu nodded her head negatively to Manik... he raises his eyebrow towards her... she listen that and chuckled and drink the juice like a child... he smiled while seeing her childish act...

After completed the juice, Nandu feel nausea sensation and getup from the bed and ran towards the washroom while palming her mouth.... she enters into the room and puked the juice in the washbasin... Manik also ran towards her and hold her head... she was puking continuously... then she opens the tab and washed her mouth and face... Manik take the towel and give it to her... she rub the water from her face....

Manik - doll are you ok...

He ask to her having worried in his voice... Nandu nodded her head positively to him...

Manik - then why you puked the juice? Doll...

Nandu - you know na that I hate pineapple juice... it is not suit for me... because of that only I puked the juice...

Manik worriedly - are you okay na... that is the reason for you puked the juice...

Nandu- haan baby because of that only... trust me baby... come I will arrange lunch for you...

Manik - doll you take rest... your health important for me... by the way why you not sleep in the night...

Nandu - because of you only I not slept in the night...

Manik - what doll? You are not slept in night because of me...

Nandu - haan remember last night what happened?

She said looking him on her childish tone and chuckled.... he remembers their last night love making and smiled.... Nandu also blushed remembering the last night incident haunting on her mind...

Nandu - come I will arrange the lunch for you...

Manik - no doll... you take rest... I care for you... so you need rest... the servant will arrange the lunch for me....

Nandu - Manik don't forget to pick up Ananya from the school...

Manik - ok doll... I will pick up her...

He said looking her having smile on his face and pulled her cheek...

Nandu - aachhhh...

She nodded her head disbelieve while seeing his act... he left from that place... Nandu standing in the room...

Nandu think - I am so sorry Manik... I want to say this good news to you... but I want to give surprise to you and say this in our 3rd month anniversary and make that day so special.... I want to see the happiness flowing in your face...

Manik move to the dining table and saw his mom is sitting in the dining table and having her lunch... Nyeonika saw her son...

Nyeonika - Manik beta aa vo... Come and take your lunch...

Manik nodded his head positively to her and sit in the chair and the butler started serving the lunch to him... he started eating the food...

Manik - mom...

Nyeonika - haan beta...

Manik - is everything ok... Nandu is fine na...

Nyeonika - haan beta she is fine... Nothing to worry yaar... she is fainted due to tired and that it beta... doctor say her to take rest beta...

She said to him having confident on her voice... Manik nodded his head to her and started eating the food...

Nyeonika - Manik beta are you going to office after lunch...

Manik - no mom I am going to Ananya School to pick up her...

Nyeonika - ok beta....

She said to him... after completed the food, Manik move to his room and saw Nandu is sitting the bed and hug the teddy while watching the TV... Manik saw that and came near to her and sit beside her... Nandu look at him and gave smile to him while seeing her beautiful smile...

Manik - doll take rest... you are not fine na....

Nandu - Manik I am fine so don't worry baby...

She said that to him and pull his cheek lightly... Manik also smiled... Nandu rest her head on his chest and hearing his heart beat... Manik to her in his embrace and hugged her tightly and kissed on her forehead...

Next day

Nandu and Nyeonika go to the doctor clinic to take some test... after that they go to the shopping and Nandu buy so many toys for Ananya and her future baby...

Nandu - mom can you call your family decorator to the mansion to arrange room for future baby... don't say this Manik ... say the decorator to not say anything to Manik...

Nyeonika - ok beta I will tell everything to him...

She said while caressing her cheek... Nandu nodded her positively to her and hugged her having smile on her face... Nandu say the decorator to arrange the room for baby... she was busy in that... Manik was busy in his work and taking care of Nandu and Ananya... like this one month passed and their 3rd month anniversary also come...

Nandu arrange surprise everything in the farm house and called her friends to the farm house except Manik... they helped to arrange everything in the mansion... after completed the decoration, Nandu cross check the arrangement once again... everything was perfect...

Nandu - guys everything was perfect and awesome... now it's time to call Manik to the farm house...

Her friends nodded their head having smile on their face.... Nandu dialed his number in her phone and called him... Manik attend the call...

Nandu - hello baby...

Manik - haan doll bolo...

Nandu - please come fast to the farm house na...

Before he speaks more she cut the call...

Manik - hello doll....

Then he saw the phone call ended...

Manik - phone kaat diya... now I have to go now.... otherwise she will kill me...

He take his phone and left from the office.... within 20 min, he reach the farm house and saw Ananya and krish is playing in the entrance... he move to them...

Manik - Ananya and krish where are others...

Ananya - they are inside papa...

Manik - ok beta... you guys play...

He said to them while caressing their head and they nodded their head... Manik enter into the mansion... suddenly the balloon burst and the colour paper fall on him... Manik look at that and surprised... his friends ran towards him and hugged him...

His friends- happy 3rd month wedding anniversary Manik...

Manik look surprised...

Manik - thank you guys I really forget about our third month anniversary... where is Nandini?

Mukthi - she is waiting for you in the hall...

Manik - why we are waiting for come lets go?

Manik said to them and take his step to the hall... Nandu is standing in the hall... she was wearing light pink colour salwar.... she was looking damn beautiful in that dress... Manik look at her and mesmerized in her beauty... she was breathtaking... Manik was opening his mouth and staring his beauty queen... Nandu was feeling weak on his strong gaze... her foot become jelly due to him intense gaze... Mukthi saw that and move towards him and click her finger in front of him... he turn back to his sense...

Mukthi - Manik where you lost?

Manik - nothing yaar....

Mukthi - nothing I think you are lost in Nandini....

She said that and all of them laughed... Manik gave glare to her.... he took his step towards her and stand beside him...

Manik - doll I am so sorry for this... I forget our third month wedding anniversary...

Nandu - its ok baby....

She said to him while caressing his cheek... Manik smiled and hold her hand and kissed on her palm... Nandu was blushed by his sudden act and lower her eyelid...

All - awww how cute....

Cabir gave a whistle to them... they look here and there blushingly....

Cabir - guys cut the cake...

They hear that and cut the cake... Nandu feed the cake to Manik and Manik feed the cake to Nandu....

Manik - happy 3rd month anniversary doll...

Nandu - same to you baby... Manik I want to say something to you... I have a news for you.....

Manik - haan bolo what is the news doll?

Nandu- the news is...

Before she say the news to him....

"So your 3rd month anniversary" they hear this and turn and look the direction who is the owner of that voice... it is none other than sameer... MaNan smile fades away from their face after looking sameer...

Manik - what are you doing here?

Sameer - I am here to fulfill my wish...

All of them look him having confusion in their face.... Nandu stand behind Manik and hold arms tightly... he look at their hand and turn and look at Nandu... a fear is appear on her face he can sense that....

Manik - get out from here...

He said looking him having anger on his face...

Sameer- cool cool Manik.... Itni hyper is not good for your health... before going I want to show you something....

He said looking him having evil smirk on his face... Manik and Nandu look each other confusingly... he clapped and three henchmen came to the hall... they look at that and shocked....

Precab - Nandu was lying on the floor while holding her stomach and scream Manik name... tears are rolling down from her eyes and blood is bleeding from her lower sensitive part... she was screaming Manik name is extreme.... she was crying badly... Manik also crying very badly while seeing her teary eyes... he and his friends are helpless in that place... his friends also crying badly...

Guys please do comments and votes, if you like the story, the response encourages me a lot.

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Votes were less on previous update.

How do you find MaNan scene?

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Want twist or MaNan happy moments?

A twist is going to happen in MaNan life...

Few words for Manik and Nandu love?

Love Diyu

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