I'm Never Leaving (Richie X Reader)

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Third Person POV

Richie Tozier and (Y/N) (L/N) are best friends. They're super close, and you'll almost never find one without the other. It's because of what they've been through. They used to, and still do, get bullied. Richie, getting bullied for his glasses and teeth. (Y/N), getting bullied for being a crybaby and a "slut". In reality, (Y/N) has never even had her first kiss. Before the rest of the Losers Club, it was just Richie and (Y/N). Then, as time went on, they met the others. The others always knew there was something special with the two friends. Something that was more than what the two friends would ever admit. They would always flirt with each other, in a friendly way, and they'd rarely ever leave each other's side. Almost every night, Richie would sneak over to (Y/N)'s house and spend the night with her. Sometimes, it was for fun, or out of boredom. Other times, it was because something bad happened. Whether it be because of his parents fighting, or because of something that happened outside of the house, which was usually the fault of the Bowers gang. After the whole thing with Pennywise and the missing kids happened, Richie seemed fine. And, he was, until one night.

It was around midnight when (Y/N) was woken up by the sound of knocking on her bedroom window. It was a familiar series of knocks that she usually would hear earlier, around 8:00pm. The (H/C) haired girl was very tired, to say the least, but when she realized who it was, she quickly got out of bed. She walked over to the window to see exactly who she expected. She smiled and opened the window, allowing him to come inside. She was still tired, but immediately woke up when she noticed he was crying. "Richie, what's wrong?" She asked, closing the window. He sniffled, keeping his head down. (Y/N) pulled him into a hug, running her fingers through his hair, to calm him as he broke down. After a few minutes, Richie slowly started to calm down, relaxing in (Y/N)'s arms. (Y/N) slowly led Richie over to the bed. "Come here. Sit down, and relax." She said, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to her. Richie did as told, leaning against the headboard of the bed. (Y/N) watched as he leaned his head back, taking in shaky breaths. She'd be lying if she said she didn't have really strong feelings for him. Feelings that can only be classified as love. And, she felt this feeling for a long time. Little did she know, he felt the same way. "I had a nightmare... It was about that damn clown... He was still here, and he... a-and he..." Richie paused, more tears streaming down his face. "It's all okay. Take your time." (Y/N) spoke softly, gently taking his hand. She intertwined their fingers and leaned her head on his shoulder, cuddling into his side. She tilted her head up, and reached up her free hand to wipe away his tears. "He killed you in front of me... And, I couldn't do anything... I let you die... It was all my fault..." He sniffled, breaking down again. (Y/N) sat up and pulled him into her, lifting up the blankets so they could lay down together. "It wasn't your fault. It's not real, Richie. I'm right here. I'll never leave you. Ever." She assured him, tearing up. She took in a shaky breath as a few tears ran down her face. It wasn't because of the thought of her dying. It was the thought of her being the cause of him breaking like this. The realization that he cares for her so much that living without her would be this hard for him. It was a moment for (Y/N) to stop and just think, as her and Richie hold onto each other so tightly as if the other would slip away if they didn't. They were both crying over something that wasn't real, but very well could've been. Richie started to calm down, along with (Y/N), shortly after. Richie wrapped his arms around (Y/N), resting a hand on the small of her back, and a hand on the back of her head. He pulled her into his chest, gently stroking her hair, and moving it out of her face. She looked up at him and put both hands on his cheeks, wiping away the left-over tears, and then doing the same to her own. She slowly moved her hands to his glasses, gently pulling them off, and placing them on the nightstand. She wrapped her arms around his neck, while he wrapped his around her waist. "I need to tell you something..." She mumbled into his neck. "Go ahead." Richie responded, rubbing her side in comfort. "I love you." She said, looking up at him. Richie looked down at her, a smile forming on his face. "I love you too, (Y/N)." He replied. (Y/N) smiled widely, tilting her head up to kiss him. He immediately kissed back, pulling her as close as he possibly could. Their lips moved in sync as a tear ran down (Y/N)'s cheek. They parted from the kiss, Richie kissing away the tear. "I love you so much." She giggled, kissing him all over his face, "I'm never leaving." That made Richie's smile grow to match hers. They went back to cuddling into each other, (Y/N) turning off the light. And, with that, they both fell asleep in each other's arms, not caring about what was to come their way. As long as they have each other, that's alright with them.

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