Protective: Part 4 (Richie X Stan's sister!Reader)

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Third Person POV

After the gang got back to Bill's house, they went to the phone to call Eddie's mom. Bill went to go get a towel for (Y/N) as she sat on a chair in the kitchen. Stan, and Richie, sat with (Y/N). Stan was holding her face, tilting it in different directions, examining her features. "Are you hurt? Why were you crying? What happened? Did that clown touch you?" Stan continued to ask questions as Bill returned, draping the towel around (Y/N)'s shoulders. "I'm fine now, Stan." (Y/N) said, smiling a little at her brother's concern. "What happened in there?" Stan asked. "I got trapped in an empty room. The floor turned into a giant pool of pitch black water, and I got pushed in. I assume it was the clown who pushed me, but I didn't see. Anyway, I tried to swim back up, but the top was covered. It was so dark that I couldn't find an opening. It was the scariest experience of my life... I felt like I was drowning, which made it a lot worse. Just when I thought I was going to die, I found an opening... It was so dark, I thought something was going to get me in the water while I was trying to find a way out..." (Y/N) explained, tearing up a bit from the memory of the fear she felt. Stan hugged her tightly while Richie rubbed her back. Stan kissed her head, thinking to himself. He thought about how lucky he is that she came out alive. She could've very well been dead, and it would be his fault for letting her go in there. "I'm sorry... I should've went in for you... I'm a terrible brother..." Stan said, tearing up himself. (Y/N) quickly sat up, breaking the hug. "Stanley Uris, don't say that! You are the best brother I could ever have.I chose to go in there. I don't know if the missing kids are dead or not, but either way, I want to help find out. It was my choice. You couldn't have stopped me." She assured, looking him in the eyes. Stan gave her a weak smile, that she returned. "Mrs. Kaspbrak is here!" Bill called, from the other room. The three at the table got up, and walked outside to see Eddie's mom yelling at the others. Richie and (Y/N) stayed behind the group as she hissed at Beverly. "Holy shit, that woman is mean..." (Y/N) said, watching Mrs. Kasprak get in the car. "Yeah... She is very protective of Eddie. She's like Stan with you." Richie replied, snickering at the end. (Y/N) laughed with him, leaning her head on his shoulder. She tilted her head up, and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for helping me back at the house." She said,smiling. Richie blushed, looking down at her. "No problem..." He responded. (Y/N) intertwined their fingers, a smile growing on Richie's face. They quickly let go, and stood up straight, when Stan turned around. (Y/N), and Richie, joined the group in the road. "I saw the well. W-W-We know where it is, an-and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill said, confidently. "No! No next time,Bill! You're insane!" Stan yelled. "Why? We all know no one else is gonna do anything." Beverly retorted. "Eddie and (Y/N) were nearly killed! And, look at this motherfucker! He's leaking Hamburger Helper!" Richie shouted, making (Y/N) hit him on the shoulder, for the last comment. "We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself. It comes back every 27 years." Beverly argued. "Fine! I'll be 40, and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to be out of this town too." Ben interjected. "Because I want to run towards something. Not away." Beverly corrected. "I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie asked, gesturing to Beverly. Beverly glared, and flipped him off. "Richie!" (Y/N) scolded, hitting him on the shoulder again. "I'm just saying let's face facts. Real world. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed too." Richie snapped, stepping up to Bill. (Y/N) gasped, covering her mouth. "Georgie's not dead!" Bill said, getting in Richie's face. "You couldn't save him, but you could still save yourself." Richie said. "No,t-t-t-take it back! You're scared, and we all are, but take it back!" Bill repeated, shoving Richie. (Y/N) was both shocked and scared, heartbeat rising as her breaths got heavy. Richie shoved Bill back, causing Bill to punch Richie in the face. Richie fell to the ground. "Richie!" (Y/N) panicked, rushing over.Richie got up, and they both tried to go at each other again. This time, Stan and Mike held Richie back, Ben held Bill back, and (Y/N) stood between the two. (Y/N) tried to calm Richie down as he continued to yell nonsense at Bill. "Guys...STOP!!!" (Y/N) screamed before passing out. Everyone froze as Stan caught her. Richie felt terrible, looking down at (Y/N)'s unconscious figure. "This is what it wants. It wants to divide us. We were all together when we heard it. That's why we're still alive." Beverly reasoned. "Yeah, well I plan to keep it that way." Richie said, storming off. (Y/N) slowly started to come to, looking up at Stan in confusion. "What happened?" She asked, tiredly. "Bill and Richie got in a fight, so you fainted." Stan answered, softly. (Y/N) quickly shot up, looking around for Richie. "Did he leave?" She questioned further, looking down in disappointment. "Yes, and we're leaving too." Stan said, standing up. He helped (Y/N) up, walking to get his bike. Ben and Mike started leaving too, disappointing Bill and Beverly. (Y/N) stood in shock. "So, that's it..." She mumbled, sadly. She didn't want to leave. Especially, since she wasn't going to just have nightmares about the whole thing for nothing. Bill, and Beverly, gave (Y/N) pleading glances. (Y/N) opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Stan. "(Y/N), let's go." He said, getting on his bike. (Y/N) sighed and walked over to Bill, handing him his towel back. "I'm sorry..." She whispered, walking over to her bike, and leaving with Stan.

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