In the Dead of Night

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Adam walked up to me and looked me in the eyes.

"Get you're sword ready," he commanded. I did as he told me.

"What's so bad about the night?" I asked. Ty laughed so hard I thought he would hyperventilate.

"What's... what's so bad about the night?!" he howled with laughter.

"Mobs, Austin! Mobs are what's so bad!" Bashur chuckled.

"Is that a mob?" I asked. I pointed to a skeleton type creature with a bow.

"Yeah, that's a skeleton," said Ryan. He stabbed his sword into the side of it's head and it fell, dead.

"Come on, we're wasting time," Ian said.

"Mitch and I will take Austin with us," Jerome said.

"Okay, Ty and I will go together," said Adam.

"Ian, Ryan and I will go together then," said Bashur.

We all walked away in different directions. Mitch and Jerome looked around cautiously.

"Guys, how bad can mobs harm you?" I asked, feeling the handle of my sword.

"Depends on the mob. Some can kill you easier than others," Mitch told me.

We walked on for a while, not saying much. It was so quiet, and every once in a while you could hear a groan or a hiss. I didn't know what they meant, but I knew I was safe because Mitch and Jerome knew what they were doing. That was when I heard a loud hiss from behind me.

"Austin!" yelled Jerome.

The explosion sent me flying and I landed against a tree. Mitch and Jerome ran over and Jerome picked me up. I could just see the outlines of them and everything was fuzzy.

"We have to get back to camp, Mitch," Jerome urged.

"Agreed, let's go. We don't have much time," Mitch nodded.

Everything went black.

I woke up a while later on my bed. I looked around and saw that Bashur had cleaned up my wounds. Mitch and Jerome were talking softly outside with Adam.

"Creeper explosion. We didn't see it sneaking up on us," Mitch said.

"He's lucky to have lived, being that close to the explosion," Adam said.

I tried to sit up but Bashur shoved me down again.

"Go to sleep," he ordered. I lay down again and Bashur stepped out of my hut. It was dawn, from what I could see, but I was so exhausted I fell asleep in an instant.

I woke suddenly to the sound of yelling.

"Ian's having a derp attack!" Ryan called.

I got out of bed and looked out the window. What on earth was a derp attack?

I saw Ty grab Ian and pin him to the ground while Adam grabbed TNT out of his hand. Bashur and Ryan dug a hole a little ways away from the camp and Mitch and Jerome threw Ian into it.

"This hole is dirty!" called Ian in a really weird voice.

I walked toward the commotion with a confused look on my face.

"Ian has a condition... where he gets really stupid and doesn't know what he's doing," Ty said calmly. "Plus his eyes get all weird."

I looked down at Ian and saw what they meant. His eyes were crossed and he was dancing around and singing.

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I just kissed you, and I have rabies!" he sang it his "derpy voice."

"Oh boy... come on guys. We'll leave him alone for a bit," said Ty. We walked to the fire pit in the centre of camp and started a fire.

My first minecraft night, complete.

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