The Return

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Mitch's POV

We stood in shock and looked at the place where Austin had disappeared.

He was gone.

Jerome and I were about to turn around and go back to Adam's castle when Thalia grabbed my sweater.

"Don't leave yet," she said. Her voice was shaky and her cheeks were wet.

"Are you... crying?" Jerome asked softly.

"I'm okay," she said quietly, wiping the tears off her face.

We turned slowly and together, we began walking back to the castle.

"Does this mean I get my own room?" asked Ian, trying to add a little humour. It didn't work because we could all tell he was crying.

Suddenly, the ground was shaking and dust was flying every where. The force made us fall to the ground, coughing as dust filled our lungs.

When everything cleared, we saw a huge crater in the middle of the field. I ran over and looked inside and there stood Austin.

He was wearing really awesome platinum armour and his hair was blown all over his face. He looked surprised and he was holding his sword in his hand.

"Austin!" I exclaimed and everyone ran over to me.

"Hi Mitch..." he said quietly.

"How did you come back?" Adam asked.

"I just... wanted to," he said, grinning. Thalia slid into the hole and hugged him. He hugged her back and turned beet red.

"Dood! That was frickin awesome!" Ian exclaimed, helping him out of the hole. Adam helped Thalia.

We all ran back to the castle and he beat everyone by miles. When we arrived he grinned and laughed.

"It's good to be home!" Austin exclaimed.

"It's good to have you back!" I said.

We all went back to our own rooms and Jerome and I lay on our own beds and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm glad Austin is back," Jerome said, grinning.

I laughed.

"We were all freaking out," I said.

It was late, so I snuggled under my covers and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I stumbled into the dining hall and grabbed breakfast. Adam, Austin and Bashur were sitting there eating.

"Morning doods," I said, sitting down.

"Morning Mitch," they replied in unison.

"So, you're like Minecraft's Superman?" I asked.

"Pretty much..." Austin said, shrugging.

"So when there's a problem, you're going to respond?" Adam asked.

"Yeah," Austin said, grinning.

We talked a little and ate while more and more people streamed into the dining hall and ate breakfast.

Austin looked so normal when he wasn't wearing his fancy armour, but we all knew.

He was the Super Crafter.

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