A Gruvia Wedding

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As soon as Juvia's eyes opened the morning of her wedding, nerves settled in her stomach, as heavy as a brick. They had waited only four months after Gray's engagement to get married, and that day had finally come. Although she was excited to be marrying Gray, she was more nervous that she had ever been before.

"Juvia, are you awake?" Cana's voice sounded through her apartment as she knocked on the door. "We need to get going so we can get you all dolled up for this evening!"

Juvia made her way to the door and opened it for one of her closest friends. Lucy and Erza were there as well, the three of them smiling brightly at her. "Good morning," she told them, unable to keep the smile from her face as she let them inside. "Juvia is sorry, she just woke up."

"You still have a few hours before the ceremony, so no worries," Lucy chuckled. "We'll head over to the guildhall while you're taking a shower and packing up. Then we need to get to the train station."

"Juvia won't take long," she promised. As soon as they had gone, she jumped in the shower and quickly washed her hair and body. After that, she dried off and threw on a green tank dress that fell to just above her knees and a pair of black sandals. Once we get to the rental house, I get to put on my dress! Eagerly, she packed a bag and ran to Fairy Tail, not wanting to keep her friends waiting.

"Perfect timing," Cana smiled, wrapping her arm around Juvia's shoulders as she turned her around and began walking towards the train station. "We were just about to come find you—make sure you didn't bolt before the wedding."

"Juvia would never run away from Gray-sama!" She gasped, indignantly.

Cana laughed, "I know, Juvia. I bet you've been counting down the seconds since yesterday, huh?"

"N-Not really," she said, her nerves returning, the brick settling in her stomach once more.

"Don't be nervous," Erza said as they took their seats on the train and it began moving. "Everything will be fine.

She nodded, though she couldn't help the nerves that still remained. She wanted her wedding with Gray to be perfect. She had never been with anyone who had made her so perfectly happy, so she hoped that he felt the same way about her. She feared that Gray would have second thoughts about their wedding, thinking they may have rushed into things, since they hadn't even been dating for a whole year yet.

"Juvia," Cana said, "we're here."

Juvia followed them off the train, frowning when she noticed that the sky looked quite dark. I hope it doesn't rain. Since they were getting married on the beach, rain would ruin everything. We'd have to postpone the wedding until it finished. Another brick of nerves was added to the first as they walked to the rental beach house they had purchased so they could get ready close to where the ceremony would be on the beach.

"It'll be fine," Lucy said in reassurance, grabbing her hand. She must have sensed Juvia's anxiety, and Juvia was grateful. Lucy squeezed her hand, smiling at the bluenette as they finally reached the beach house.

"There you are," Levy grinned, meeting them inside the doors. "Gray has been banished to the left side of the house for now, so that we could sneak you in without him seeing you. Natsu, Lyon, and Loke are keeping him busy."

"Do you have the dress?" Erza asked.

Levy nodded. "It's in the bride's room," she said. She led them to a room in the right side of the house.

"Now, let's get you in this thing," Cana chuckled, handing Juvia the beautiful gown she had chosen for the wedding. The top was a simple sweetheart neckline, and it was form-fitted until her hips. The bottom was loose, and fell to her knees. Over the whole dress, creating a second layer, was a lacey material that hung to her knees in the front and trailed to the ground in the back. Swirls of blur throughout the lace gave the dress almost the appearance of waves. Since they would be getting married on the beach, she had wanted something light yet beautiful, both qualities she had found in her dress.

Her hair was pulled up in a silk white ribbon and curled. Her veil was added to her hair as well, and flipped back so the girls could finish her make-up. That simply consisted of a dusting of blush, as light eyeshadow, and some gloss on her lips. She had borrowed the blue pendant from Levy that Gajeel had given her as the "borrowed" portion of her attire, and was wearing her old doll attached to a white lace belt that wrapped around her waist as the "old" portion. My hair is blue, and the dress is new, so those are already covered.

"You look amazing," Cana cooed, hugging her tightly. "I can't believe you're getting married!"

"Neither can Juvia," she chuckled.

"Alright, Ladies, time for us to get ready while Juvia takes a moment to relax," Erza announced, ushering the girls from the room. Cana, Lucy, and Erza were her bridal party, and Levy was supervising the organization of everything beforehand, having done this before.

Once alone, Juvia let out a long sigh and sat down on the small sofa. Part of her would be relieved when the wedding was finally over. Everything had been so chaotic the last couple of days, and she had barely had the chance to spend any time with Gray at all. It had been over a day since she had seen him, actually. The girls had taken her out for a spa trip the day before the wedding, and when she had returned to Magnolia, it was too late to visit Gray. And since it was their wedding day, obviously he hadn't visited her.

When someone knocked on the door, bringing her out of her thoughts, she shook herself and put a smile on her face. "Come in," she called, impressed with how fast the girls had gotten ready. "Gray-sama?" She asked, her eyes growing wide as he quickly came into the room and closed the door behind him. "What are you doing here? The groom isn't supposed to see the bride—"

"—before the wedding," he finished for her, smiling. "I know, but I wanted to see you before the ceremony. If you're feeling half as nervous as I am, I figured you could use some company while the girls are getting dressed."

"Gray-sama is nervous, too?" She asked, standing as he made his way over to her.

"I think nervous is too tame of a word," he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. "It feels more real now that I'm in the tux," he chuckled.

She smiled, looking down at her dress. "Juvia knows what you mean."

"You look beautiful," he said, tucking part of her bangs behind her ear.

"So does Gray-sama," she said, her face turning scarlet when the words were out of her mouth. "N-Not beautiful. Handsome. Gray-sama looks very handsome in his tux."

He laughed, opening his mouth to speak as a knock interrupted him. "Juvia, we're ready," Cana called. "The ceremony starts in ten minutes, so we'll meet you in the lobby."

"Y-yes," Juvia answered, she and Gray both exchanging guilty glances.

After the girls had gone, Gray kissed her on the cheek. "See you in a few minutes. I'm sure the guys are looking for me. Don't really want to get caught in here."

She giggled, nodding. "Everyone certainly would be angry."

She ran to meet the girls at the front doors, and they all walked to the beach together. Gray had met up with his groomsmen, and had been ushered down the aisle already. They smiled at each other as the bouquet was handed to her and everyone lined up.


Gray was practically shaking as the music started and everyone walked down the aisle. Cana and Loke led the group, being the maid of honor and best man. Next came Lucy and Natsu, followed by Lyon and Erza.

And then came Juvia.

After much pestering—and even more begging—Gajeel had agreed to walk her down the aisle. The two had been friends since way before Fairy Tail, and Juvia didn't think it would be right for anyone but him to give her away, since he had become like an older brother to her.

Gray couldn't help but stare as she made her way to him. Her dress blew in the breeze, and her veil swayed around her face as she walked. He couldn't imagine a more beautiful sight if he had tried, though he didn't want to. She was absolutely perfect, and she was about to make him the happiest man alive.

"Here ya go, Stripper," Gajeel said, placing Juvia's hand in his. "She's all yours, gihi."

"Thank you, Gajeel-kun," Juvia smiled, earning a rare smile from the dragon slayer in return as he went to his seat next to Levy.

Before the speaker could begin the ceremony, the dark clouds above, which had been hanging threateningly overhead all day, finally let loose and rain poured down on the small crowd gathered there on the beach.

"Oh no!" Juvia exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, everyone," the speaker called.

"We'll have to postpone until the rain subsides. If you will, let us all wait out the weather in the beach home."

Gray noticed that Juvia didn't move as everyone else made their way towards the beach house. "Juvia?" Gray frowned, grabbing her hand and starting towards the house with her. "You'll ruin your hair and makeup if you stay out here in the rain." When he heard a quiet sniffle, he turned, stopping in his tracks when he saw the tears running down Juvia's face. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"J-Juvia wanted today to be perfect," she said, meeting his eyes. "She was so nervous beforehand, afraid that Gray-sama would change his mind, and anxious that something would go wrong, so she hoped that it would all go smoothly. It might not stop raining until it's too late to continue," she told him, her tears falling even harder than the rain now.

"Juvia," he sighed, "I'm not going to change my mind, and nothing could ruin today, alright? What's a little rain? Nothing. We've faced things way more difficult than this, right?"

She nodded, wiping at some of the tears on her face. "Good," he said, smiling at her as he took her other hand, "so, we just need to think a little creatively to get passed the rain problem, if you really don't want to postpone the ceremony."

"How?" She asked.

"Trust me?"

She nodded immediately, smiling. "Of course."

"Then focus on the rain, and make it fall around us, not on us." Again, she nodded, doing as he said. Once she had, Gray lifted his hands towards the rain, freezing it and creating almost a half-dome around them.

"There," he grinned. "Now no one will get wet, right?"

"Gray-sama is a genius!" Juvia cried, wrapping her arms around Gray as she hugged him tightly.

"I'll go get the others," he chuckled.

In just a few minutes, the ceremony was back in action, and the vows were being exchanged. The two said their I Do's and the rings were placed on each other's fingers, then the speaker concluded the ceremony.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Fullbuster," he smiled, looking at Gray. "You may now kiss your bride."

"About time," Gray smirked, pulling Juvia close.

"Juv—I-I love you, Gray," she told him, blushing deeply as she met his eyes.

"I love you, too, Juvia Fullbuster," he smiled, kissing her. Their friends cheered and congratulated them, and Juvia's smile was brighter than he had ever seen it when he pulled away.

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