A Key

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So....after 6 months of nothing, I finally got my inspiration back!! (About time!) Since I finished the first one-shot, I wanted to post it ASAP for you wonderful Fairies. I hope you enjoy Gray and Juvia's story!

Happy reading! ^_^/

“Good morning, Juvia,” Lisanna waved, greeting Juvia as she made her way over to their group’s table.

“Good morning.” She sat down with a dejected sigh, staring down at the table.

“What’s wrong, Juvia?” Levy asked.

“Juvia thinks Gray-sama is avoiding her,” she moaned, her head falling onto the table as tears streamed from her eyes. “Gray-sama hasn’t talked to Juvia in three days, and every time she approaches him, he runs away!”

Lucy patted her back gently. “He isn’t avoiding you. Maybe he’s just been really busy?”

“Ever since Gray-sama asked Juvia to marry him he has been acting strange. He’s avoiding Juvia,” she mumbled, wishing she could sink into the floor. She was sure it was raining outside—she could hear the downpour clattering on the roof—but she couldn’t stop it.

“When he gets to the guildhall this morning, ask him what has been bothering him,” Levy suggested. “I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding.”

“Y-Yeah,” she nodded, though, she didn’t feel any better. Gray really had been avoiding her—she was positive about that. What she didn’t know, was why. Did I do something to upset him? Maybe he wishes he had never asked me to marry him, and he’s been trying to think of a way to take back his proposal?!

“Hey, there he is,” Lisanna whispered. She pointed to the doorway where Juvia could see Gray had just come inside. He had already taken his shirt off, and was ringing it out. It must be raining harder than I thought. “Go talk to him.”

Nodding, Juvia stood up. She slowly made her way over to him, following him to the bar and watching as he took a seat. After he ordered his breakfast from Mirajane, she climbed onto the barstool next to his. “G-Good morning, Gray-sama.”

“Morning,” he mumbled, not even looking at her.

“Gray-sama, is there something bothering you?” She asked, wishing he would just look at her. “Did—Did Juvia do something wrong?”

Finally, he looked at her, his black eyes meeting her blue ones for the first time since he had asked her to marry him. “Why would you think that?” He asked.

“W-Well, Gray-sama has been avoiding Juvia, and—”

“I haven’t been avoiding you,” he sighed. “I’ve been busy, that’s all.”

“Of course,” Juvia smiled, relief flooding her. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he told her. When Mira brought his food, he ate quickly before excusing himself. He told Juvia he would see her around, and then left. I thought you said you weren’t avoiding me…

“I see what you mean about the whole running away from you thing,” Lisanna said when Juvia returned to their table.

“That idiot,” Lucy frowned. “Do you want us to say something to him? He can’t just treat you like that!”

“No,” Juvia said, shaking her head. “Juvia appreciates it, but she is going to trust in Gray-sama for now. If he says there’s nothing wrong, then Juvia will believe him.” But I can’t keep believing you forever, Gray-sama.

But she did. Things didn’t change for an entire week, and Magnolia was beginning to have slight flooding due to the constant rain.

“That’s it!” Lucy snapped, slamming her hands down on the table as she stood up, angrily.

Juvia looked up at her. “What’s it?”

“You are going to talk to Gray, or so help me I will! I can’t stand one more day of soaked sandals, so something has to give. I don’t know what Gray’s problem is, but he needs to just come out and say it!”

“Say what?” Gray asked from behind Lucy.

With a small squeak, she turned to face him. “Where did you come from?!”

“Outside,” he frowned. He turned his attention to Juvia then, meeting her eyes. “Can I talk to you? Alone.”

She nodded, following him to a table at the far end of the guildhall, away from their friends. “What would Gray-sama like to talk to Juvia about?”

“I’m sorry,” he said, pacing in front of the table instead of taking a seat. “I didn’t mean to avoid you so much this week.”

“Juvia thinks Gray-sama meant to do exactly that,” she mumbled, crossing her arms. Although she was beyond pleased that he was talking to her, she wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily. He had hurt her feelings but suddenly ignoring her like that.

“It’s not like that,” he told her, appearing more and more frustrated. “I wasn’t trying to avoid you because of anything you did. I just…needed time to think.”

“About what?” She asked, nervously.

With a sigh, he came to a stop in front of her. “The other day, I kind of blurted all of that out like an idiot without really thinking it through.”

Although he hadn’t said what it was, she knew exactly what he was talking about—the day he had proposed to her. “Juvia doesn’t think so,” she said, trying to reassure him.

He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have done it like that. I mean, it’s a pretty big deal, and I rushed into it like it wasn’t. I shouldn’t have.”

“Oh,” was all she could say. She was fighting back tears, and was trying her hardest not to let it show. Does Gray-sama not want to marry me? It sounds like he’s saying it was all a mistake, so is he breaking off the engagement?

“If I could go back and change things, I would,” he said, frowning down at his feet, “but I can’t. So I wanted to—”

“Juvia understands,” she said, walking passed him. She couldn’t bring herself to stay and hear the rest. If he really was going to break off the engagement—which is what it sounded like he was doing—she wanted time to prepare herself. He wishes he could change things. He called himself an idiot for asking me. She felt a few tears roll down her cheeks as she went out into the rain.

“Wait a minute!” Gray shouted, grabbing her arm when he caught up to her. “Why are you running off? At least let me finish before you turn me down, damn it.”

“T-Turn you down?” She sniffled, confused.

He sighed, reaching into his pocket. “I was trying to say that I rushed into that proposal before. I didn’t even have anything to give you, so I should have waited for a better time to ask you something that huge. So, I’ve spent this week trying to think of how to make it up to you, and I figured it out.” He grabbed her hand a placed a small silver key on her palm.

“What is it?” She asked, even more confused now. She was thrilled that he seemed to still want to be engaged to her, but she had no idea what a key had to do with a proposal.

“Well, I figured since we’re kind of going out, you might as well have a key to my house. But don’t go breaking in at weird hours of the night or anything!” He added the last part with a frown, despite the dusting of red on his cheeks.

Juvia’s eyes grew wide as she stared down at the key, taking in its meaning. “Gray-sama is giving Juvia a key to his house?” She finally looked up at him, meeting his eyes.

He nodded. “It isn’t a ring or anything fancy, but I thought it would do for now. I’ll get you a real ring for my real proposal.”

“Real proposal?” She quirked and eyebrow.

“I’m still pissed at myself for blurting it out like that, so I’m going to give you a real proposal. Eventually. But I’m going to wait until a better time.”

She smiled, clutching the house key to her chest. “Juvia would like that.” So, in the end he was breaking off the engagement—but not permanently. Just until he could find a more romantic way to do it. The thought sent every nerve in Juvia’s body fluttering around excitedly.

Smiling, she grabbed his hand and walked back towards the guildhall. “Let’s go eat with the others,” she said.

“It stopped raining,” he commented, walking alongside her as he gripped her hand firmly.


“What?” He asked, looking down at her.

She quickly stood on her tip toes and planted a small kiss on his lips before standing flat and smiling up at him. When he stopped walking and began sputtering in embarrassment, she giggled. “Juvia loves you, Gray-sama.”

Sighing, he grabbed her hand and continued towards Fairy Tail. “I love you, too,” she heard him chuckle.

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