It's About Time

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Hey there!!! 

So season 3 of Race To The Edge was AWESOME!!!!! 

If you haven't watched it yet that you need too!!! It's my favorite season!! 

This one-shot takes place after Episode 5 in Season 3 called Buffalord Solider. 

Astrid gets sick with Scourge of Odin. A lethal disease. Hiccup has to get the cure from the Buffalord Dragon to save her. 

You than have Episode 6 & 7. Which will have hints in this One-shot. 


Astrid's POV 

It's been almost a month since I had the Scourge of Odin. I owe Hiccup my life. I could've died and he did everything he could to make sure I didn't. If I'm going to be honest. I was terrified. I knew I was dying and I didn't want to leave Hiccup. I was so scared. But Hiccup was able to get the cure, after making a deal with Viggo about it. I ended up being fine. Shortly after I was better, we went for a vacation and our dragons went wild because of parasites that latched on to them. Gladly we figured that out as well. Shortly after that, we found out that Fishlegs had been keeping in contact with Heather. So we invited her to the Edge. She joined our team of Dragon Riders. But there's one thing that she said to me that I can't get out of my head. 

"You two are perfect." 

She said to me about Hiccup and I. She told me I needed to confess my feelings to him. The problem is, I don't exactly know how. I mean we've had some moments here and there. Some kisses, and hugs. 


Okay, so Heather may have a point. Maybe we ARE perfect together. But that just leaves one question. How do I tell Hiccup? 


Hiccup's POV 

I sighed as I flew on Toothless around the Island doing patrol. I kept thinking about Astrid. Well I mean, when do I not think about her. Besides thinking of Viggo. I almost lost her. I can't let that happen again, and I won't. I love her. She means so much to me. She makes me stronger. I can't lose her, or risk losing her again. 

Heather had talked to me recently. Mentioned how I should tell Astrid how I feel. She said we were perfect together. If I'm being honest, I really should tell Astrid how I feel. But I just don't know how. 

 Later that day. 

I was headed to the clubhouse for dinner. 

"Hiccup!" I heard and turned around to see Astrid running towards me. I smiled a little. She stopped running and we continued to walk together. "Where have you been?" She asked. 

"Just out flying on Toothless. I just needed to get away for a bit. Think about some stuff." I told her. 

"Like what?" She asked looking at me. I can't resist those blue crystal eyes. They're just so pretty. 

"Uh, nothing really important...." I said scratching the back of my neck with my hand. She gave me a confused look. 

"Um, okay." She said. 

We got to the clubhouse where the other five were already eating. We sat down and started to eat ourselves. The twins were telling some story about something that happened the other day. I wasn't really paying attention. I felt a nudge on my arm and looked. Astrid was looking at me. 

"You okay?" She asked. I nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told her taking a bite of my food. She sighed and turned to Heather to talk about something. 

After supper I sat on the landing strip with Toothless watching the sunset. I had my notebook out and was sketching the sunset on the water. 


Astrid's POV 

I was walking with Heather towards the stables when I saw Hiccup sitting at the end of the strip. I stopped in front of the doors and sighed. Heather nudged me and I looked at her. She raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Go. You need to tell him." She told me. I smiled a little at her and nodded. She went inside the stables and I walked towards Hiccup. 

"Hey." I said. He turned around and smiled at me. 

"Hey milady." he said.  I smiled and sat down beside him. 

"Can we talk?" I asked him. 

"Sure." He nodded closing his notebook. I took a seat beside him. 

"You know, how I heard what you said, when I was sick?" I asked.

"Yeah...because you repeated it to me later." He said. I smiled. 

"Yeah. I've been thinking about that." I said. 

"Me too." He said. He faced me and took my hands and I looked down at our hands and than up at him. My eyes met his emerald green ones. "Astrid. I need to tell you something." I nodded.

Heather was watching us from inside the stable. I could see her from the corner of my eye. 

"What is it Hiccup?" 

"When I said, that I couldn't imagine a world without you in it, I really meant....." 

I cut him off with a kiss. 

"I know what you meant Hiccup. That's why I said it too." I told him. He smiled at me. 

"I love you." he told me. I smiled. 

"I love you too." I said. 

He leaned over and kissed me. I smiled. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. 

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I told him. 

Heather came out of the stables. 

"Finally!" She said smiling. We both looked at her and smiled and blushed. The three of us laughed a bit. 

"Your turn Heather." I told her with a smirk. She smiled back at me. 

"Mhm." She said. 


There ya go!!! 

I hope you enjoyed it!!!! 

Love you guys!!! 

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