More Info On Original Story: The Council

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More info on my upcoming story! Yay! This time, you get more info about The Council. I also changed the names of the Districts in the City.

Kaleb, controller of Metal/Magnetic Fields. Controls the Ironworks District. Oldest member, but looks the youngest.

Edward, controller of Water. Controls the Wharf District. Leader of the Council, massive ego.

Alice, controller of Plants. Controls the Greenhouse District. Youngest member, prefers to dress more casually.

Jackson, controller of Electricity. Controls the Power District. Second most powerful member, wears a special suit that siphons off his excess energy that he generates and saves it.

Ben, controller of Animals. Controls the Zoo District. Least powerful member of the Council, but definitely the most stylish.


Basic Info:
   The Staffs- Each member of the Council holds a "Staff" that doesn't do much other than add an intimidating feel and serve as Keys for certain Protocols. Jackson's Staff is the only one with any function, allowing him to focus his Electricity and manage it better.
   The Heirarchy- Edward is the leader, with everyone having the same level of Authority below him.
   Secrecy- The Polulation believe that the Council are just owners of three separate corporations, with Edward being the Mayor while also owning his own company.
   Important Details- Kaleb is trying to take over everything, Alice has a crush on Kaleb, everyone else likes Edward.

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