It's all for us

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(TW: torture, blood, graphic death scenes) (One AJ reference too)

I looked around. I didn't recognise the place I appeared to be standing in. It wasn't the overworld. I can see that. Throught the windows, swirls of light purple passed.

I was in the void.

But, the floor beneath my feet wasn't the normal, ethereal light of the void. No. It was marble. A smooth array of white and black waves.

I must admit, this was gorgeous, but a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach told me this wasn't going to be fun.

And that nagging feeling was right, for no sooner had I acknowledged its existence, than my thoughts were interrupted by a high, cold, merciless laugh.

A laugh I recognised.

Pearl's laugh.

I whipped around, searching for the source of the laugh.

And there they stood. Clear as day. Purple robes about their figure, a ribbon like mask over their eyes. The Watchers had taken them.

"Poppy..?" I said, my voice shaking in fear.

Rather than words, I was met by another round of laughter, made louder by the 2 either side of them.

"She's not your Poppy anymore. Pearl's ours. And there's no coming back." The farthest right Watcher spoke.

Anger boiled up inside me. Theyp misgendered them!! And... they didn't care. This... isn't my Poppy.

"My Lords, should I have some... fun with her. Or should I just do my job now?" Pearl turned to the Watchers beside her.

"Have some fun with her. You earned it." The farthest left one spoke up this time.

Pearl smirked. A smirk I've only ever seen them use in battle. A smirk all of the MCYT gang have grown to fear.

A smirk that means hell is open, and the demons are here.

The Watcher, on their closest left, handed them a... device of sorts.

Pearl stepped forwards, the smirk still emblazoned on their face. Fear was etched in my every breath. My every word. My every blink.

"Please... no..." I said, looking into the purple masked eyes of my Poppy.

"Please, yes!" They said gleefully. Then the pain started. An excruciating pain that hurt my very bones.

Exor knows how long that pain lasted, until a voice registered through it.

"Finish her."

Then, a blinding pain, then nothing.

Just death.


I sat up, gasping. It had been a dream. Just a dream.

Pearl was next to me, but free from the horrific mask they had them in.

I wrapped my arms around their waist.

"Oh, what happened?" They asked, stroking my hair.

I didn't answer. I just kept hugging. Holding on like I wouldn't let go.

"What did they do to you?" Theh whispered in my ear.

"You... you were with them. On their side. And you... you..." I couldn't say any more. The words stung in my throat, not allowing me to speak them.

"What did I do?" Pearl said calmly.

"They made you kill me..."

Pearl's face contourted in rage. "Aight. That's it. I'm going. They're gonna pay."

"No, please!" But they were gone.

The familiar, blood-stained marble steps graced my feet. 13 left. 13 Watchers for my blade to meet.

The first was easy to find. Roaming the halls, silently in front of me. He didn't even have time to scream before my sword went through his chest, meeting its heart halfway.

The second, I found by accident. I must have taken a wrong turn into the sleeping quarters. Two of them were sleeping there, and one was walking to theirs. I shot a dart into the neck of the one stood up, and he crumpled down, dying slowly and painfully.

The third was asleep, and so was the fourth. I slit their throats easily. Blood, dark and violet, pooled onto the sheets, the metallic smell filling the air.

I closed the eyes of the poisoned one, due to honest courtesy. We escaped do still honour the dead. Even if they don't deserve it.

The final nine weren't so gracious. They were waiting... at the circle where ceremonies were held.

I silently stepped up the long marble steps, each one dripping in more blood. Fresh blood.

Human blood.

Cleos mutilated body was central, blood pouring from the wounds littering her body.

My blood boiled. Killing Cleo?! Seriously.

I loaded my blow pipe, bringing it to my lips, aiming at a Watchers eye, and realising. It hit the target square in the weak spot, and he fell over, dead.

The other Watchers turned to the fallen one, then to me.

"I'm back, baby." I said, before diving straight at one of them, my sword in hand.

It didn't dodge. It was one of the smarter ones. One of the ones who accepted his fate.

My sword went straight into its chest, coming out purple with blood. Perfect. It dripped slowly onto the floor. Slowly. In sync with the Watcher coming towards me.

"What this time? You massacred more than half of us." It said, almost pleading for mercy.

"You tortured my Buttercup." I said, walking towards them.

"Oh, yeah. That was his idea. I'm still really impressed with that-" The Watcher cut himself off after he was halfway turned around.

My daggers made contact just in between his wing joints. I dragged them down, wincing slightly at the scream that escaped its mouth.

"Don't worry. He'll be last..." I whispered in its ear as it crumpled down.

My axe appeared in my hand. I found my target, racing towards it with my axe raised. It froze in fear. My axe swung over it, and its head came off. Eesh. That's bloody.


Bloody means nice.

A dark sensation had overtaken my body, like corruption, seeping up my arms and legs. I looked at my limbs and found a dark red magick swirling around them.

Then, a calm yet hoarse voice spoke in my ear.

"Well done. 5 left. I can help, if you let me in."

And I let Exor's corruption overtake me.

My vision sharpened, hunting for my next target. The Watcher by the window. It stared back at me, eyes wide. Then I ran towards it, arm trailing behind me. It's more aerodynamic, ok!

I raised my leg high just before it, kicking it square in the face. The kick turned into a backflip, and the Watcher fell through the window.

I turned to the next one, a few metres away. A smirk dawned on my face as I calmly walked towards it. I just swiftly turned its head, and enjoyed the snap.

The next one I brought forward, surrounding its body in magic. I tightened the hold, hearing its gasps for air. I kept crushing it, watching it turn to dust.

2 left.

The penultimate one was fun. I trapped it in a bubble, then overwhelmed it's senses. Too much sound. Too much smell. Too much everything. Overwhelmed to a point of death.

Final Watcher.

I walked up to it, a new sword appearing in my hand. A gift from Exor.

"Goodbye, old friend." I plunged the Dark Soul into its chest.

It was over.

All of them.


I massacred them.

It was all for us, Buttercup.

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