Chapter 21 - Celebration

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Omg thank u all so much for 300 votes!
\\gives eternal hugs and cookies//
Enjoy this chapter! (=゚ω゚)


The moment Serena and Ash reappeared from the portal, everybody gasped. The two were covered in mud and murky water was dripping off them as if they were sewage pipes.

"Serena!" Misty exclaimed worrily, "what happened?!"

The honey haired girl scratched the back of her head before letting out a nervous chuckle. "We kinda got into some trouble

"You mean you got us into some trouble," Ash muttered under his breath.

Serena sweat dropped but then gave them a huge grin. "But I passed!"

Hearing that made the girls exhale in relief. They were scared that their clumsy friend would fail, but it looked like they didn't have to worry after all.

"Congratulations on your pass, girls!" Delia clapped her hands in approval. "A ceremony party has been assigned for tonight!"

"Awe, you didn't have to do that," May said, twirling fingers in embarrassment.

"The whole Mafia Org will be there so go and get ready!" Delia said happily.

Boom. Dead silence.

Her casual comment was dropped onto the group like a bomb. The girls gaped at her with their mouths wide open.

Ash plugged his ears.




"WHAT?!" They all yelled, and Delia nearly toppled at their deafening voices.

"Th-the whole Mafia Org?" Serena turned pale while the others looked at Delia in shock.

Serena had shot up in her seat before Delia could even open her mouth to reply.

"We're going to get ready," the honey blonde said with a serious expression. "There's no way we are going out there looking like this."

Casting her gaze down at herself, Serena was utterly drenched in different textures of mud. Beside her were Iris, who was bundled up in six layers because she was still shivering from the cold, and Dawn, who still had water dripping off her shirt. The only ones that were somewhat presentable were Misty and May, since they had completed the exam yesterday.

The girls nodded in agreement.

"You know there's no nee-" Delia started but the group had already exited the room. She sighed, a helpless smile on her face.

"These girls are sure a handful."


Everyone gathered in front of the Mafia Org main hall, patiently waiting for the new members to arrive. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and Ash appeared on the stage with an uneasy expression.

"Uh." Awkwardly sighing, he had one hand in his pocket, the other was holding the microphone. "...Now the ceremony for the new Mafia Org members will... begin."

The girls sweat dropped. That was so unnatural even a child could tell it was scripted.

Not to mention, it was only one sentence.

The crowd cheered wildly as the Ash walked off the stage.

"You could have just announced it yourself." He narrowed his eyes at Delia, who was laughing nervously.

"It's good practice, right?"

Ash wasn't a big fan of speaking in front of a crowd. He didn't have stage fright. It was just that he felt uncomfortable as he's not good with words, nor interacting with others.

"Um," Dawn squeaked, "do we go on stage now?"

"But of course!" Delia exclaimed as she hurried the girls towards the stairs, pushing Ash back on with them.

"Me again?" The raven-haired boy frowned, only to see Delia giving him a cheerful wave in response.

The crowd watched in amusement as the six stepped onto the stage. Serena, Misty, Dawn, May, and Iris all stood in a row. Ash cleared his throat, not forgetting to throw Delia a glare before speaking.

"These girls are the new members of Mafia Org: Misty Waterflower, May Maple, Serena Yvonne, Dawn Berlitz, and Iris Gelly," Ash said as he introduce them one by one. "They will be forming a team with me."

The girls greeted the large crowd with a bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Soft muttering could be heard amongst the crowd. Ash was the top assassin in Mafia Org. Despite his extraordinary talent for assassinations, however, he has always worked alone. The last thing they would expect was him to form a team with not one, but five people.

Not to mention, they were all girls.

The members examined the new members in curiosity, their scrutinizing gazes making them tense up. Then one by one, they started applauding. The girls exhaled in relief.

Delia walked up the stage and held out her arms with a grin. "Enjoy the party, everyone!"

The crowd applauded some more before dispersing to their respective tables. Ash and the others walked off the stage.

"Hey, Ashy Boy!" a cheery voice called from behind. Ash knew who it belonged to even without turning around.

"What do you want, Gary?"

"Don't be so cold," Gary complained while wiping the fake tears off his cheeks. "I was just inviting the girls to our table!" He gave the girls a wink, making them sweat drop.

"Whatever." Ash shrugged as he walked towards his assigned seat by the corner, the girls trailing behind him.

As they approached the table, Serena could make out a few familiar faces. They were all the high class assassins in Mafia Org that had been shown on the underground newspaper. There were about ten people in the group, including Ash and Gary.

"This is our group of friends," Gary beamed. "Everyone, these girls will be a part of the group starting today!"

"Yay, finally more girls!" exclaimed a tiny girl with golden blond hair tied up in a short side ponytail. "By the way, I'm Bonnie and this is my brother Clemont."

She was smiling cutely as she introduced her brother, who tipped his round glass with his index finger. "Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Trip," a boy with dirty blond hair pointed towards himself, then to the boy with green hair beside him. "And this is Drew."

Drew gave them a small smile.

"The name's Bianca," a girl with light blond hair said energetically. Following the pattern, she jabbed a thumb towards the man beside her. "This is Paul, he doesn't talk much but he's a pretty good person."

"Bianca." The boy who was known as Paul was smirking. "Is it that hard to not talk about me?"

The group just laughed while Bianca glared daggers at his comment.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shauna, I hope we can become great friends!" Shauna grinned at the girls.

"And last but not least, I'm Cilan," greeted the boy with lime green hair, "it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I hope we become great friends!" the five girls said in unison.

(A/N: if u don't watch the anime, look at the picture above for reference on what they look like :D )


Multiple conversations were rising amongst the members who sat around the table.

"So Ash." Trip smirked. "That was a great speech you said there."

"Shut up," the raven haired muttered, and a few giggled at his hand moved to the nape of his neck in embarrassment.

"This table group contains the top members of Mafia Org, we all joined around the same age a few years ago," Drew explained as he looked around the table.

"What made you all join Mafia Org?" Serena asked curiously.

"Well," Cilan paused, "we all joined because of our parents. They were friends with Delia-san, so they signed a contract for our membership."

The five girls nodded thoughtfully. So everyone in this group were added in because of their parents.

"I still don't believe it though." Gary leaned back in his chair and looked at Ash. "The lone wolf in Mafia Org is now forming a team? The sun light was well be rising from the west."

"I wasn't the one that made the decision, my mom was." Ash shrugged.

"But you're lucky, getting to form a team with these five beauties!" Gary exclaimed, causing the girls to blush.

Ash sighed. "I'd rather work alone, though."

"That's something you would say." Clemont chuckled.

"Don't feel offended." Shauna smiled at the girls. "Ash is always like this. He's very straight forward and blunt, but that's just because he's really bad at expressing himself. You'll get use to it."

"Was that suppose to be a compliment?" Ash cocked his head to the side, arching an eyebrow.

"Not really!" Shauna stuck her tongue out playfully.

The girls giggled as raven haired boy slouched in his seat. Who would have thought the infamous Mafia Org had members around their age? Fortunately, this group of new friends was quite the interesting bunch.

Being a part to Mafia Org might not be so bad after all.


[edited x2]

Sorry for the boring chapter! This chapter was more like a filler to the plot but the next one will be more interesting Dx

Not gonna lie I have no idea which ending I'm gonna go with so comment which ship you want to end up together!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

~Lori ☆〜(ゝ。

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