Chapter 25 - Confession

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"I think I might actually be in love with Ash Ketchum," May whispered in shock.

It was actually suppose to be for herself, but for some reason she had said it out loud. Realizing what she just said, May quickly covered her mouth.

"No no no that's not what I meant!" She quickly explained, even though it didn't work at all.

"Yes yes yes I'm pretty sure that's what you meant!" Misa giggled in satisfaction as she jumped in her chair, "MY OTP IS CANON."

May sighed at her error. It was just a random thought but now she said it out loud. What's worse? Out of everyone, Misa was the one who heard it.

Her life was pretty much over.

"If you do have a crush on him, why not just confess?" a familiar voice said thoughtfully.

Misa and May looked towards the side and saw Trevor sitting in between them with an amused expression. The two girls was stared at him with their jaws hung wide open.

May cleared her throat, "First, confessing is not as easy as you think, and second, WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

Trevor simply smiled, "I just happened to be passing by."

"You sure you weren't stalking us just now?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Of course not!" Trevor smiled innocently. May just shook her head, not even bothering to say anymore. Now aside from Misa, Trevor knows her secret as well. May sighed.

It can't get anymore worse than this.

"Since you have trouble confessing to him and all," Trevor looked at her smugly, slightly leaning forward from his chair, "How about I give you a push by writing an article about everything I just heard? I'm a half time journalist after all."

And of course it just got even worse.

"I like you," Misa smirked as she slapped Trevor on the back, "I have a feeling we might be able to get along."

May glared at the two of them, her pride wasn't allowing her to back down now. "Even if you do write the article," she crossed her arms, "All I have to do is deny, after all you don't have any proof."

"That's true," Trevor nodded as he took out his camera, "But coincidentally, I recorded all our conversation up until now. It's a habit of mine so I hope you don't mind." He smiled mischievously.

"WHAT?!" May jolted up from her chair, causing people around them to look at them. Trevor snickered as he glanced at her, which made her even more flustered. She sat back down, her face burning from embarrassment.

"AHHH NICE JOB!" Misa grinned as she and Trevor high fives each other.

May's eyes twitched in irritation.

"WHY YOU LITTLE...?!" She swung her hand towards Trevor's face but he dodged it. He shrugged and stood up from his chair.

"Oh that was so fun seeing your reactions," he laughed heartily, "Ash never got fazed by anything I said, he was no fun."

May just glared at him.

"Anyways, I'll be taking my leave," Trevor glanced at May and Misa once more before spinning around and walking away. He lifted up a finger.

"One week," he said, "I'll give you one week time limit. If you don't do it until then, well you know what happens."

May fumed at the orange hair boy, who just innocently beamed at her.

"Well then, good luck!" she watched as he disappeared out of her sight.

What did she just get herself into?


It's been six days since the whole 'confession deal' was made. The rumours about Ash and Serena dating have mostly quieted down as well.

The group all sat at the lounge, doing different things at the same time.

Ash was sleeping on the couch.

May played with her food while trying to avoid the stares that came from the others.

Trevor sipped on his tea and glanced at May every once in a while.

Misa just went full out and stared intensely at May the whole time.

Dawn looked at the strange tension between the four, not really including Ash. "Um," she poked May's shoulder, "Everything okay?"

May just forced a smile, not to mention a really fake one. "Oh everything's totally fine, I don't know what you're talking about. EverythING'S OKAY ALRIGHT?"

Dawn simply nodded as she put her hands up in defence. Something was definitely wrong but since May was in a terrible mood, she just dropped the conversation.

"When's Serenie coming?" Iris jumped up and down on the couch, earning a glare from Misty.

"She'll be back from the library soon, until then, just settle down," Misty said.

May tapped her foot in irritation as she shoved a cookie in her mouth. She didn't know if confessing to him was really a good idea. Well actually, she already knew the answer. It was either confess and only he knows, or not confess and let the whole organization know. It was a pretty obvious choice between the two.

But despite that, she couldn't bring herself to say anything. Every time Ash came by, her voice just gets caught in her throat and she always ended up running away or doing something really stupid.

Misa shuffled beside her and nudged her in the elbow. "When are you planning to confess?! You wasted too many chances," she whispered, "Today's the last day you know?"

"I know that," May sighed. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and walked over to Ash, ignoring Trevor's amused gaze.

"What now?" he yawned and stretched his arms.

"Can you come for a second?"


May looked around nervously as they walked away from the group. Ash leaned against the wall.

"So? What have you been wanting to tell me all week?"

May sweat dropped. She had been following him around for the pass few days, trying to find the right time but it never came. She took one last deep breath before walking closer to him until they were one inch apart. She looked at him in the eye as Ash looked back.

"Okay listen," May placed her arms on her hips, trying her best not to blush, "I'm only going to say this once, okay?"

Ash just nodded half heartedly.

May closed her eyes, it was now or never! But the moment she started talking, another voice could be heard.


After May finished her confession, her face was as red as an apple. She adjusted her vision but Ash wasn't in front of her.



Serena was walking with a pile of books in her arms, but she accidentally tripped over her foot and fell. At the same time, May was confessing.


Ash spun his head around only to see Serena falling with a bunch of books in the air. Subconsciously, he swiftly jumped down the stairs and caught Serena just before she hit the ground.

-Flashback end-

Ash stopped in his tracks.

Why did he just do that?

His body just moved by itself. It was the first time that happened before. The most likely reason for that was some sort of muscle spasm. Shrugging it off, he let go of Serena's waist, which he was holding.

"T-thanks," Serena blushed as she picked up the books and stood up. Remembering about May, Ash looked at the direction May was in and saw her looking at him in disbelief.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you," he tilted his head.

May just gave him a menacing glare before stomping away.




Did you like this chapter? A bit of advanceshipping but amourshipping rules all ( *ω')

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~Lori ☆〜(ゝ。

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