Chapter 28 - Dream

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The honey-haired girl looked around her, then watched in puzzlement as the jet hair boy slowly made his approach.

Wind blew behind them as the two stood under a cherry blossom tree. The petals soon began to descend all around them.

Serena watched in awe at the beautiful scenery of the pink cherry tree as a smile unconsciously formed onto her face.

Her vision then shifted to Ash, who was looking at her with a warm smile. She had never seen ash smile like that. Unlike his usually smirk, it was heartwarming and genuine.

"Serena," he started, "Do you love me?"

Serena looked at him with a expression that contained both confusion and shock.

"I don't think I do. What's with this questi-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Serena felt something warm press against her lips. It took her a moment to realize what was going on. And when she did, her face went soaring up the sky.

Ash Ketchum was kissing her.

The Ash Ketchum.

Despite not knowing what in the world was going on, Serena found herself melting into the kiss. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers through his hair. It was a strange feeling that was going through her, yet it was very enjoying.

Slowly Ash pulled away from the kiss and gazed at Serena.

Serena felt her heart skip a beat.

He looked at her with a small smile on his face, Serena looked at him with bright red cheeks.

"Are you sure?"


Serena sat with her usual group of friends for breakfast, her mind constantly going from Ash, to the current conversation, then to Ash again.

The moment she made eye contact with him, she immediately looked away. The raven haired boy looked at her with a puzzled expression, but just shrugged it off.

Serena buried her face in her hair, embarrassed.

The honey haired girl still couldn't believe that she had that dream about Ash.

Out of everyone she could dream about, it had to be him. And out of everything she could of dreamed about with him in it, it had to be Ash kissing her. Serena shook her head.

"Serena?" a voice drove her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Misty looking at her with a worry expression. "Everything alright? You're spacing out."

The honey blonde waved her hands in front of her face and gave Misty the most assuring smile she possibly have. "What in the world are you talking about? I'm totally fine!" Serena laughed nervously, "I was just thinking about... stuff."

"What stuff?" Ash rested his hands behind his head and looked at her curiously. Serena's vision made their way from his eyes to his lips. Her dream flashed though her head.

"NOTHING IMPORTANT!" Serena blurted out a bit too quickly. Ash looked at her unconvinced but just shrugged.

"If you say so."

Serena sighed in relieve as everyone continued to have their own conversation. She tried to think about food and fashion but her eyes unconsciously made their way to Ash again.

She quickly shook her head. She'll have to get her mind off Ash if she doesn't want to raise anymore suspicions.

Alright. Serena took a deep breath.

Don't think about Ash...

Don't think about Ash...

Don't think abou-

"Serena, what do you think?" Iris's squeaky voice suddenly entered her thoughts.


The whole group grew silent as they all stared at Serena. Realizing what she said, Serena covered her mouth.

Iris raised an eyebrow. "I asked if you like pizza better or hamburger."

"Well um," Serena said, her face burning from embarrassment. She frantically looked around, trying to cover her mistake. "Oh I was goING TO SAY PIZZA COVERED IN ASH."

The group sweat dropped at her answer while the raven haired boy looked at her in confusion.

"Sounds lame. Is that even edible?"

Serena mentally face palmed herself. She tried to glare at Ash but only managed to stare at his lips. She groaned frustration. He wasn't helping the situation at all.

Serena sighed.

This was going to be a long day.


Serena sat alone in a dessert store in Mafia Org and took a deep, calming breath. Ever since that dream she had, everything that was in her mind was something related to Ash.

She had suffered through the morning carrying her friends' suspicions since she accidentally blurted out Ash's name again twice for no reason.

She was beyond grateful that Ash had no idea what was going on because he was a dense idiot, but the rest of the group seemed to think that she was infatuated in Ash.

Sure, she was quite fond of the boy because he helped her a bunch of times, not to mention, he's really good looking. But she didn't think that she had fallen in love with him.


The honey hair girl was so lost in thought that she didn't realize that someone had stood right in front of her.

"Helloooo?" a familiar voice said, "Mind if I sit here?"

Serena shifted her vision in front of her and saw Delia waving her hand in front of her.

"Oh um yeah! Sorry about that," she sweat dropped as Delia took a seat in front of her. "What brings you here, Delia-san?"

"What else could I do in a dessert store other than to eat desserts?" Delia chuckled as she skimmed through the menu, "You looked like you were doing some deep thinking. Mind telling me what you were thinking about?"

Serena felt her face heat up, "Not you too Delia-san!"

Delia giggled lightly at the honey hair girl's reaction. "Is it about... a boy?"

Serena looked away.

"Could it be... Ash?"

Her eyes widened in surprise, "How did you know?!"

"I guessed," Delia laughed as she leaned back in her chair. Serena's face flushed red with embarrassment. She wasn't planning to spilled her secret that easily. Delia had definitely caught her off guard.

Guess she's not known for the Mafia Org boss for nothing.

"You know..." Delia gracefully took a spoonful of her cheesecake. "Ash had changed a lot ever since you girls joined Mafia Org."

Serena's head perked up. "He did?"

"Yup," she nodded, "Ash was actually very cheerful and lively when he was a kid, but the all changed when he had lost his father 10 years ago."

Serena frowned, not knowing why she frowned. "Did Ash's dad... pass away?" she asked tactfully.

Delia simply shook her head. Serena gulped nervously as Delia started talking about the past of their family.

Little did she know, after hearing what Delia was about to say, it would change her perspective on everything.

Including her unrealized love for Ash Ketchum.




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~Lori ☆〜(ゝ。

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