Chapter 5 - Class Time

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[Serena's POV]

Attention an intimidating aura, I approached the student and held my finger up in disapproval. "Hey, you! Skipping class is not allowed!" However, my eyes soon widened when I realized who it was.


Unknowingly, my heart had started pounding ferociously against my chest as I backed up.

'Oh no, I just said something really embarrassing didn't I? How would he think of me now? A weird girl who goes around lecturing people for no reason? OH NOOOO!'

Thousands of possibilities were taking over my thoughts and I hid my face in embarrassment.

After a while with no response, I started wondering why he wasn't saying anything. Was it because he's so put off by my reaction that he didn't even want to talk to me?

With my curiosity taking the lead, I snuck a peek at him—and face palmed.

He was asleep.

'I am such a idiot.' I shook my head as I came closer to him.

Ash was lying on the grass with his hands rested behind his head. A light breeze blew towards us, and his raven bangs fluttered peacefully on his forehead. Come to think of it, his blunt demeanour from yesterday seemed to have dissipated while he was asleep. I observed the sleeping boy, intrigued by his now contrasting appearance that made him appear innocent, just like a little kid. A smile was edging on my face and without thinking, I was leaning forward to get a better look at his features.

'His eye lashes are so long. Was his hair soft and silky like this yesterday?'

I was about to stroke his hair when suddenly, his eyes shot open and his brown eyes stared right into my blue ones. It was then when I noticed that our faces were merely inches away from each other. Immediately, my face blushed fifty shades of red and I backed away.

"Who are you?" Ash asked groggily as he yawned and stretched his arms.

"Well um, I'm Serena," I replied awkwardly, still not fully recovered from the shock.

"Need something?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Well," I bit my lips, my mind racing to think of an excuse because there was no way I was telling him that he looked really cute while he was sleeping and his hair looked really soft so I couldn't help but wanting to touch it. No way.

"Well, it doesn't really matter to me anyways." At my struggling state to think of a response, the raven-haired boy just shrugged.

I'm saved! I sighed in relief.

"Come to think of it..." I crossed my arms. "Why were you sleeping here? You were suppose to go meet all the S-Class students in the green house first thing in the morning!"

"Hm. After the battle yesterday with the karate girl-"

"You mean May?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Probably?" He shrugged." I wanted to check out Tokyo since our family just moved here and all, so I was walking around the city. And before I knew it, it was night time. I didn't want to go home as I would be greeted by guns and bullets, and I wasn't in the mood for that."

I blinked twice. "What?"


"Guns and bullets?! What kind family do you have?" I stepped back, baffled at the things that were coming out of his mouth with such nonchalance.

"I wouldn't say it's that bad, I just didn't feel like reacting to them yesterday so I just walked around the city some more." Ash spoke with his usual stoic tone, but a smirk was on his face. "Then, morning came so I arrived at the campus. I did think about going to the greenhouse, but since the weather was pretty nice I decided to take a nap under this tree. Guess I lost track of time." He scratched the back of his head.

I blinked twice before giggling at his recount. "You're the only one around who actually does that."

"Am I?" He shrugged. I nodded as he pulled himself onto his feet. "Well. I'm going to the greenhouse now, so I'll see you around."

"Sure," I smiled, watching him turned towards the greenhouse's direction.

"Serena, was it?" At his mentioning of my name, I tiled my head to the side before realizing what he had to say. "That outfit suits you." His statement was blunt as usual, but it reverberated in Serena's ears like enchantment as she watched Ash walk away.

"T-thanks..." Blushing, I felt a smile glued on my face. "Wait, I'm coming too!" I exclaimed as I followed him to the green house.

[Misty's POV]

"So.... You missed the whole morning classes because you were sleeping?" I looked him with both suspicion and disbelief. Seriously, who wouldn't be when dealing with a careless person like him? Most of the time, you couldn't even figure out whether he was being serious or not.

"Pretty much," Ash replied while putting his hands in his pockets.

With narrowed eyes, I was weighing his statement while Serena casually took a bite out of her strawberry cake. "It's true Misty, I was the one that woke him up."

"I woke up because I felt your breath on my face, why were you so close anyways?" Ash asked flatly, unaware of the impact of his blunt statement as he just looking around the greenhouse. With raised eyebrows, I watched in amusement as Serena's cheeks saturated with a deep shade of pink.

"Well..." Serena bit her lips. I smirked at her reaction, which was only there when she was either nervous or can't think of anything to say.

"ASH KETCHUM!" Everyone but Ash flinched at May's sudden outburst. "I WASN'T IN THE BEST STATE YESTERDAY SO I COULDN'T FIGHT TO MY FULLEST. HOWEVER. TODAY, I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!" She pointed at him in determination.

"Sure," he replied, not even bothered to hide his look of boredom. "I could burn some time with this."

"Ooooh... This is getting fun again!" Iris squealed while jumping up and down.

"Prepare to lose, Ash Ketchum." May smirked.

- Three hours later -

"ONE MORE TIME!" May yelled as she threw herself towards Ash, who dodged with ease.

"But the gym is going to break." Ash looked at the gym, which was covered in holes, and sighed at its sorry state.

I sweat-dropped as I flipped the score board once more. They've had about fifty matches now, and Ash won every single one of them.

"PEOPLE, SCHOOL IS GOING TO END IN TEN MINUTES. ARE WE GOING TO LEAVE OR NOT? I HAVE TO GO TO A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION AFTER SCHOOL!" Iris interrupted the two with a slam of her hand. At first, Iris was excited for some action, but after fifty rounds of repetition, she was now sulking in her chair.

"Same here, I wanna make it in time," Dawn pouted, twirling around her strand of blue hair.

"Me too, if I'm not mistaken, it's quite the grand birthday celebration and we're all invited." Serena nodded along with the rest as she threw a macaroon in her mouth.

"It's amazing how you can eat that much without getting fat," I sweat dropped at the honey-blonde who was munching away beside me.

"Same here!" Serena grinned as she took another macaroon.

Ringggg! Last period had ended. Carrying our bags in one hand, we tried to squeeze out of the gym without people crowding around us.

"Ash, where's your bag?" Iris blinked as she poked her head to see his empty hands.

"I think I left it at home..." He said, not paying much attention.

"You think...?" Dawn sweat dropped as we walked past the school gate. "Come to think of it, you're new to Tokyo, right? If you want, I could show you around the city!"

"No, thanks. I have something to do after school today," he said, looking up into the clear sky.

"Dawn," I sighed, "we have to go to a celebration together today, right?"

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot," Dawn scratched her cheeks. We couldn't help but laughed at her aloof reaction, while Ash simply stared into the distance. I guess he was the type who daydreamed quite often.

"Um, Ash?" We all turned towards the source of the vice. A girl with fidgeting nervously with her phone, and it did not look like that she was from our school. "Is it okay if I take a picture with you?"

We all looked over to Ash, who had no idea what was going on.

"Psst... Ash?" I had to nudge him to bring him back to reality.

"Hm?" He glanced at me, puzzled. I rolled my eyes. Not only was he careless, but he was oblivious as well. It took him a full minute to notice the poor girl, but when he turned look at her, he was instead faced with a picture of himself.

"Yay! I took a picture of the Ash Ketchum!" She grinned as she skipped away, leaving us all in befuddlement.

"...So what did you want to ask me?" He tilted his head, entirely overlooking the situation just now.

"Forget about it." Speechless, I just shook my head. "I have never met someone this oblivious in my life."


[edited x2]

Hey, everyone im gonna be away for awhile so here's a super long chapter for you all :)

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