0: "Welp, that was an introduction."

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"It's too bad we won't be in the same class Togo." Xander admitted, looking at Togo as he and Ace stood in front of the girl's classroom door. She simply shook her head.

"I know, but it doesn't mean we can't hang out. Sure, we won't spend as much time together as last year, when we were still in middle school. But I'm sure that doesn't change our friendship at all." she mused, giving them a small smile. But even she felt sad. I mean, she was all alone with strangers that probably wanted her to warm up to them. But due to her trust issues, it would be difficult.

"Why does this feel like a dramatic scene in a movie?" Ace sweatdropped, feeling the mood a bit too sad for her liking. Xander snorted, while Togo giggled a bit.

"I don't know, are we always that dramatic?" Xander asked.


"Yeah." Xander sweatdropped at that. Waving Togo goodbye, the two set off to their new class, class 80-B.

"I heard that we have an Ultimate Student, an Ultimate Art Forger, and, uh... I think there was a Pet Therapist, and uh, I don't remember what else there was." Ace numbered. Xander just laughed at that, kissing her on the cheek with a smile. The jockey blushed.

"You really gotta stop with the surprise kisses... Especially in public..." she mumbled, flustered. Xander chuckled, holding her hand.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't resist." he said with a smile. Ace simply huffed.

"Let's just get going."


Togo entered the room. She was still not used to the prosthetics, even after 3 months of practicing. She was just so used to being in a wheelchair after her legs were crushed. So she decided to still go to school on her wheelchair. Teruya was a bit upset, but he definitely understood. She pushed her wheelchair to an empty seat, just wanting some time to herself and not being bothered by idiots.

Of course god was not gonna let her have that.

"Hey there!" a cheery, female voice greeted her as soon as Togo managed to sit on the chair. The brown eyed girl mentally cursed herself for being noticed. With a sigh, she turned around.

A girl around 5"7 with long, dark brown hair and bright green eyes stood next to her seat, a happy expression on her face.

"...Hello." Togo awkwardly greeted her, a bit uncomfortable at how close she was.

"I'm Aliza Saphree! The Ultimate Foreseer! Nice to meet you!" the brunette introduced herself "But you can call me Aliza-chan or Ali!" she added with a smile.

"Togo Togawara... Ultimate Novelist." Togo simply said. Aliza's eyes sparkled.


"Breathe, Saphree. Breathe." she sweatdropped. The girl nervously nodded.

"S-Sorry! It's just I love Tales of Plumeria so much!" Aliza admitted with a bashful smile. Togo blinked in surprise.

"I wrote that when I was five, I was not that experienced yet. I didn't many people would like that." she sweatdropped.

"Well, it was my personal favourite!" Aliza beamed "It's such a beautiful story!" Togo simply nodded, hoping that the girl would leave soon. But, of course...

"Ayo, what's up." another person asked, joining the conversation. Togo mentally screamed. God hated her, didn't he?


"Oh, you two are the last two students." Someone said as soon as Ace and Xander entered the room. In the room were 14 other students.

"It seems to be the case." Xander agreed "I hope we have a good semester together!" he beamed. Ace simply shook her head.

"I hope that is the case as well." a boy with dark blue hair and blue eyes with star pupils smiled. Xander's eyes lit up upon recognizing him. However, Ace held him back.

"Xander no. Calm yourself." she deadpanned before going over to take a seat. The taller redhead huffed before trailing after her, sitting next to his girlfriend.

"But-But it's David Chiem-"

"I know, but you can talk to him later." she deadpanned.

"How about we all introduce ourselves?" a really short girl with brown hair that faded into yellow and yellow eyes suggested. She was really cute and short. At least now Ace wouldn't feel like a dwarf among these giants. She was already self-concious about her own height enough now for her to be spending three years of her life amongst almost 6'0 tall people.

"I don't really see a problem with it. I can start, if you wish." the blue haired boy smiled, getting up "My name is David Chiem, and I'm the Ultimate Inspirational Speaker. It is a pleasure to meet my future classmates." he said in a formal tone. Xander was silently gushing, making Ace sweatdrop.

"I don't see the need for you to adress us in a formal David." a girl with brown hair that faded into a light gray at the tips said. David nodded.

"Wait, wasn't Chiem one of the scientist in the building we broke into during Valentine's Day? I saw one of the tags, and it said something Chiem." Ace whispered to Xander, who nodded with a serious face. No way that one of David's relatives could be working for Zetsubou.

"The name's Whit Young, the Ultimate Matchmaker! Nice to meet ya!" a boy with blond hair with pink highlights and blue eyes grinned. And that was just how the introductions went. Xander noted down all the names and talents, and also noting down something about them to keep in mind.

Arei Nageishi, the Ultimate Bowler. She was a bit of a bitch and a bully. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Ace did growl at her though, but thankfully Xander managed to calm her down. Hopefully, she wouldn't be like Yukie. Ace prayed for that.

Charles Cuevas, the Ultimate Chemist, and Arturo Giles, the Ultimate Plastic Surgeon. They were both quite rude and cold, especially Arturo, who down right insulted him, Ace and a few others. Xander wanted to punch him so bad at that moment. Nobody insults his girlfriend and gets away with it.

Teruko Tawaki, Ultimate Lucky Student, Hu Jing, Ultimate Zither Player, Levi Fontana, Ultimate Personal Stylist, Min Jeung, Ultimate Student, Rose Lacroix, Ultimate Art Forger and Julia Rosales, Ultimate Effects Artist, although preffers to be called J. They're the more calm ones, but J got angry quite easily. Not like Xander or Ace minded, everyone had their own characters and all.

Nico Hakobyan, Ultimate Pet Therapist, and Eden Tobisa, Ultimate Clock Maker. They were adorable and Xander wanted to protect them at all costs. Ace kinda wanted to hug them. Kinda.

Veronika Grebenshchikova, the Ultimate Horror Fanatic. She was... quite the character, actually. A really difficult last name to pronounce too. As her talent says, she really loves the horror. She spooked Ace a bit.

"Well, what do we do now-" the door opened, interrupting Teruko's question. A familiar green haired boy walked in the room, a brunette and a blue haired boy following him.

"Hello everyone!" Yamato beamed, waving at the class. Most of the students looked confused.

"It's such a pleasure to meet our new underclassmen." Iroha politely said, bowing down with a small smile. Oh, they were their upperclassmen? That was cool. Arturo simply glared at the two boys. He found them ugly. The girl, on the other hand. She fit his standards of beauty. Ace stared at him with a scary look. If he tried to do something, she'd cut his thing off. He looked at her in confusion.

"Ah! Roha, Ruya! Nice to see you." Xander smiled, getting up. Now that confused the rest. He knew them?

"Xander, we saw each other this morning." Teruya deadpanned. Ace snorted at that, while the rebel's face turned slightly pink.

"Matthews? You know them?" Levi asked.

"Oh, yeah! Middle school friends." Xander quickly clarified.

"Why didn't you tell us you were friends with such a cute girl?" Whit huffed, reffering to Iroha. Teruya's eye twitched at that, while Ace shot Whit a small glare. Xander forced a smile, a vein popping. They did not like that question at all. Yamato shivered slightly. He didn't like seeing an angry Teruya. Even his boyfriend was not safe from his angry self.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." the painter smiled "I'm not into men." she added. Whit looked petrified, his body turning white with a painful expression, yet still smiling. Ace tried her best to not laugh, while Teruya and Xander were completely losing it. Yamato sweatdropped.

"HAHAHAH GET RECKED!" the merchant wheezed. Some of Xander's class laughed at Whit.

"You totally deserved that for trying to flirt with Roha." Ace said, getting up and walking to her friends.

"Middle school friends too?" Charles asked, raising a brow. Ace simply nodded.

"Oh yeah! You guys forgot your bentos." Teruya remembered, taking two boxes out of his bag "I was thinking about giving them back to you guys during lunch time, but since Mato here wanted to visit, me and Roha deicded to come along." he explained before handing them to his friends.

"Thanks man."

"Pfft. Imagine forgetting your food. Couldn't be me." Arei laughed under her breath. Ace shot her a glare. She saw, flinching slightly.

"Well, we'll be going now! We still gotta visit the other two classes." Yamato smiled, waving at them before leaving the room, Teruya and Iroha following after him.

"...Welp, that was an introduction." Eden sweatdropped. Some students agreed with her.



This just reminds me I need to get all of the DRDT cast's sprites so I can add them in my story RP

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