Chapter 10

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Spamton *Quiet* "nonononodon'tleaveplease. Please! staystaystaywithme... (y/n)!!"

 You stood over him as he is hyperventilating and glitching. Slowly you reach down and touch his side. Nothing happened at first but then he started to scrunch up into your hand. And you took this as the opportunity to scoop him up.

 This made the glitching stop but the static was as clear as the sky. You lay down onto the couch. Letting Spamton to lay on your torso in an almost ragdoll position, you then gently grabbed his head and made it lean angst your chest.

You "Do not worry Spamton I am here. Just focus on my breathing."

 After some time his breaths become more and more calm. But the real reason he was calming down. He could hear your heartbeat and could feel your soul eager to help him. Even with static screaming in his head the lovely beat pierced it.

 His head was finally clearing as he could finally process your intoxicating warmth. Nuzzling into it he could not be more glad about going to sleep. For sure Spamton gave your clothing a death grip and never wavering. You just held him and pet his hair. A few minutes went by and you just watch his glass slowly fade from static to its yellow and pink self. And you found out he fell asleep just by looking at his eyes from an angle. Slowly getting up, you saw that his grip did not falter on your shirt. 'Clingy little guy aren't you?'

 Walking over to your bed. This time you were mentally prepared with sleeping with a guy next to you... More like attached to you like a parasite, but hey you can't help your itch to help him. After getting ready for bed. You lay on your bed upwards then slowly turned to your side. And you grabbed the blanket and pulls it over you two. Making sure Spamton was not covered completely by the blankets you tuck some under his shoulder. Grabbing his precious sunglasses you reached your arm behind you to gently rest them on the nightstand. Spamton's face was in full view. He looked so cute and you could even see him what he would look like back then. His white fluffy hair and smooth skin not lined with puppet joints. But you knew that did not matter. Spamton was still Spamton deep down, and you loved that about him.

Spamton *Muffled* "beautiful sounds..."

'Oh shit is he awake?!' You eyed him for a second to realize he was just talking in his sleep. With a sigh you rubbed his cheek. Surprising for a person that looks like they were made of porcelain, his skin was hard and smooth when you rub it. But when you push on his skin it showed you it had a slight soft give to it. You chalked it up to "Magical bullshit" how that worked. Soon you were sucked into sleep.

-The Next Morning-

 You got up and Spamton was still sleeping in your arms. Finally with a relaxed grip almost resting his hands on your shirt. Easily you pulled him off and stuck him back in with a little peck on his forehead. 'I will let him sleep in for a bit...' Getting to the kitchen you prepare breakfast for you and your Spammy boy.

 Soon you saw the man of the hour coming out of your room still groggy. He had the blanket held around him. Spamton walks over and sits at the table and does a yawn and a stretch. The blanket slips off him and drapes behind him onto the chair.

You "Good morning sleepy head!"

*Spamton rubs his eyes

Spamton "Good morning (Y/n)..."

*You tense up at his cuteness as you bring him breakfast and a coffee.

Spamton "Thanks for the [Grub] [Angel]!"

*You went and got yourself a plate and sat across from him.

You "Hey Spamton I have some very good news!"

*Spamton takes a slow sip of coffee. He looks more awake now!

Spamton "GOOD NEWS?! DID YOU [Send your job application here]?"

*You took out (Job Ad flyer)

Spamton "WAIT A [!%$#] MINUITE! IS THAT THE [Queens] COLOR CAFE?!"

You "Yep, and they are hiring! I think you could agree with this. They could give me a great paycheck, so that we can keep this place and save up for other things!"

Spamton "WELL I [Agree to Terms and Conditions] ON THAT 0NE (Y/N). IT IS QUITE THE [Big Shot] MOVE,  BUT YOU W ILL N0T BE ABLE TO SEE ME [On the Clock]."

You "That is fine if you can't..."

*Spamton looks surprised


You "Do you want me to?"

*Spamton looks a little nervous and you could see his eyes under his glasses


You "Spammy my boy, You do not need to worry a hair on your head about that! I am pretty sure they would fell glad your on a leash."

*Spamton's face turns pink and he pulls on his shirt letting out a small puff of steam

Spamton "W-WELL IF YOU SAY S0.. ."

You "I know so, Spamton. Even if I do not get hired I also saw some help wanted signs last night."

*You rest a hands on Spamton's shoulders

You "I just know you and I can get through this together, allright?"

*Spamton's face is now red and you herd a fizzle and a pop.

You "Spamton?"

*Spamton's glasses shut off into black.

You "Spamton??"

*You shook Spamton a bit and you herd a cute little stuttering sigh

You "Did I... Did I just short circuit him just by sweet talking to him?"

 You giggle and then sighed as you took your puppet salesman to the couch and sat him onto the couch. Then you grabbed his limbs and arranged him into a nice sitting position. Hearing his joints click and even clicking his jaw back into place. You wrote him a note of things to do and a few encouraging words so he would not static out again. Now is the time for a job interview. Before you went out you put the note in his hand and curled his fingerers around them. And with another kiss to the head you walked out the door praying he will be fine this time.

 It was not a long walk to the Color Café. When you enter the door a little bell jingles. Soon you were greeted by two swatchlings.

Swatchings "Welcome to the Color Café let us brighten your day!"

*The swatchlings lead you to a table

Swatchling "Would you like to see out menu, master?"

You "Actually I am here for the job."

*You show the swatchling the (Job Ad flyer)

Swatchling "I see, I will go get head butler Swatch please stay here and enjoy some tea."

*The other swatchling sets a plate with two teacups and a pot of tea.

Swatchling "Here is the Café's most popular tea. Color Aroma. It is a custom blend."

*Another swatchling rushes by and place the sugar and cream

Swatchling "Would you like a swatchling to give you some company wile you wait for the head butler?"

You "No thank you, but thanks for the offer!"

 After sitting there for a while you soon saw Swatch walk towards you. Once he was standing in front of you he gave you a bow.

Swatch "Hello I hear you were considering joining my staff, am I right?"

You "Yes."

Swatch "Well then I shall be the one conducting your interview... May I please join you at the table?"

You "Sure I am absolutely fine with that."

*Swatch sits next to you and pours you them him a cup of tea

Swatch "here is the first question: What is your name and species?"

You "My name is (Y/n) and I am a human."

Swatch "I see... Are you by chance related to the lightner named Kris now would you?"

You "No. I have no family relationship with them, just we are the same species..."

Spamton "Second question: Do you know what the job intales?"

'Shit I forgot to read the flyer all the way!'

 With a quick motion you put your hand into your pocket to look into your inventory. You looked at the more info button on the flyer.

You "Yes. It is to "Be a waiter/waitress and serve the guest diligently as well as minor janitorial work"."

Swatch "I see you have been reciting it. Well I give you a fine good job on that. Most people fail this one because we do not accept people who do not know what they are doing. Only because they see this job as a great way to make cash."

You "Really, but working at a café would seem to be a good time. Especially since this is more like one of those theme cafes I have seen in the lightner world."

*Swatch gave you a curious look

Swatch "What is a "theme café"?"

You "It is a café based off of a theme. Like yours there are ones where your served by maids and butlers and they call you "Master" just like this one. There are also animal ones where you can pet animals and enjoy a cup of coffee and/or a desert"

Swatch "Well your right. This place does require you to wear a dress or a suit regardless of gender. And to note we do call all our customers masters as well. But the key difference is that we have different colors each day. Starting with red and end with blue."

You "No purple?"

Swatch "Well costs wont allow all of the staff to have 6 different pairs of clothing. The maximum is 5."

You "I see."

Swatch "Third question: What do I have always on me?"

'Damn quick question... But if I were him.'

You "A pen and paper to take note of everything."

*Swatch starts clapping softly

Swatch "Bravo, bravo! You have a natural talent of reading people. Miss (Y/n) your hired! Welcome to the flock."

You "T-thank you as well."

*You got up and gave him a bow

Swatch "If it is too much I would like you to start your shift immediately... We are quite low on staff as of this moment."

You "Sure thing Swatch."

Swatch "You can call me head butler, or head butler Swatch. Only around other customers"

You "Ok I understand head butler."

*You bow again as a swatchling takes you to a changing room

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