Chapter 16

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 (Spamton is dressed up as an elf for Christmas :D)

 After you cleaned up you plates and a nice shower. You head back to bed to where you see Spamton already snoring with the blanket loosely over him. You decided not to disturb him much, and carefully pull the blanket over and tuck yourself in as well as Spamton. With a soft smile you fell asleep just by being with your lil boy...


 In your dream everything was pitch black. Soon you hear a light shutter turn on. With a single beam on light was shown. Looking in the middle there was a phone, Spamton's telephone. You decided to walk forward and the only sound you could hear was the sound of your shoes hitting the ground with a deafening Echo. Watching the phone ringing when you stepped into the light. When you picked up the phone and brought it to your ear all your heard was. Garbage Noise...

You "Ah W.D Gaster, I have been waiting for you to tell me why am I here. I can recognized those sounds within a heartbeat you know!"

*There was still garbage noise but you can hear something very faint

You "I know you brought me here. I am smarter than you think. Let me guess do you want me to get you out of your backrooms hell-scape? I could have done that just by asking a few friends. I do not see the point of bringing me here..."


*The garbage noise started to clear as though it is starting to trust you

You "Can you speak more clearly?"

*The garbage noise shifts into a soft static

Gaster "💧□- *Clears thought*... So I guess your self-aware of your situation?"

You "Of course, I am from the 4th wall for fucks sake! What did you think would happen?"

Gaster "Well whatever the means. I do want to get this out of the way first. Stop ruining my experiments!"

You "Awe is Gaster waster angy that I fixed up Spamton?"

Gaster "What the- Jus-just keep your nose out of that."

You "I am so glad you double confirmed that you were the one who gave Spamton shapeshifting magic."

*Gaster is silent

Gaster "He is a failed experiment, but one no less. To be honest I could not even test the limits of an Addison's adaptive coding without killing the subject."

You "Glad you did not! Spamton is my favorite character!"

Gaster "I can clearly see that... But as you can see I very much still have the strings here!"

You heard tapping from below and there was Gaster standing in your shadow. His fingers had green strings tied to them like rings. He looked at you and waved hi as his smile creeps bigger.

You "Well I know for sure Spamton is free now. The Spamton NEO boss fight was competed as pacifist. After that he is free, and you know this. Mr. Spread across time and space!"

Gaster "Yes, but that is because in those instances. I cut ties with that failure. Cannot even grab that special soul without getting into a resettable fight!"

*He looks away at his fingers examining the strings

Gaster "But I managed to kick up enough magic and DT to bring you here. Lucky me! You shall be my magnum opus of an experiment. Since you do not run off of code entirely."

You "Well then let go of Spamton then I am more than happy to accept your experimentation."

Gaster "I can not! He is one of very few eyes I can see from. And I want to keep tabs on you. Before you mess something up royally."

You "Wow you almost. Almost made me seemed like the bad guy here!"

Gaster "You and your people made me, witch I am grateful for. But hiding me into the files like a reject, stings."

You "Do you know how Spamton even feels?"

Gaster "No, I can only watch and listen. Although I do not do that 24/7."

You "So you saw when I fixed Spamton's voice box?"

Gaster "Yes, and your into quite the interesting things."

*This made you do a mental spit take

You "F-fuck you I was flirting with him!"

Gaster "I am not going to even question that... Just stop trying to "Fix" him. He is good enough as is now!"

You "I won't stop until I get you to take of those string! Or do I have to cut them off!? The man demands freedom!"

Gaster "I know... He does not stop rambling prayers every night! Glad he stopped when he met you."

*This made you blush

Gaster "I see you do have feelings for a puppet."

You "Spamton is NO puppet he is an addison!"

Gaster "With the powers I grant him. He might as well be whatever the hell he wants. Speaking of witch we have another visitor."

 Something fell from the ceiling it was Spamton. He was dangling almost swaying side to side, covered with strings and he looked more like a wooden carving instead of porcelain. The only difference was that it's face was normal. Immediately you dropped the phone and ran over to him. Once you touched it. You knew this was not Spamton, but a fake. Walking back and picking up the phone.

You "What kind of sick joke was that!?"

Gaster "That is Spamton. More like his mental image of himself. I can not bring him here entirely. He must not know this conversation."

You "Well then what do you want to do exactly?! You have not told me."

Gaster "I will tell you, but at another time. Because I can not hold this connection any longer. Also I set Spamton's variables to "insomnia", good luck~"

*You woke up

You *Quiet* "God fucking dammit..."

 The next thing you know Spamton was gone. You got up and walked into the living room and see Spamton watching TV quietly.

You "You good Spam?"

*Spamton looks back at you startled

Spamton "D-did I wake you?"

You "Nope. It was a nightmare. Why are you up?"

Spamton "I don't know myself. I kind of just woke up and I cannot fall back to sleep. I took some sleep aid and that did not help at all. I feel so tired..."

You "Well I do not know how to make the situation better, but do you want to cuddle?"

Spamton "C-cuddle sure!"

*His face was pink

 You went over to the coat closet and pulled out a blanket. Setting the blanket to your side as you sat down on the couch. Scooping up Spamton with one arm and draping the blanket over you with the other. Spamton just tuck himself in fetal position on top of you. You reached out one arm to hold him there, giving him a nice gentle massage on his side. He then leans into you and purrs. Nuzzling into you as you could feel him shiver.

You "Spamton were you cold?"

Spamton "Eh, when ever I am not cold?"

You "When your with me?"

*Spamton grips at your clothes

Spamton "Well that's because your always circulating warmth. And I like that..."

You "Is that all?"

Spamton "No! There is also the fact your soul gives off such a warm light is a godsend for me!"

You "My soul is giving you warmth?"

*Spamton nods and traces a hart on your chest with a finger over and over

Spamton "H-haven't you seen its beautiful color? It is a stunning (Soul/Color). I have never thought I would ending up liking (s/c) so much..."

You "T-t-thanks Spams..."

*Spamton now lays his head over where your soul is

Spamton "I know this sounds greedy but. Can you do it again?"

You "I don't know how to do that kind of stuff..."

Spamton "B-but your light saved me. It held me, it caressed me like an old friend. Like a gradian angel. If you can do that... Maybe I can sleep?"

*Spamton looks at you with pleading eyes

You "Ok fine I will try... Even though I think it is a emotional situation type thing, but I will try my best."

*You pulled Spamton in for a kiss on the cheek

You "There there. Its going to be alright."

 Leaning up a bit to hug Spamton completely, you started to feel something. Like a gentle hum in the air. At first you thought it was Spamton's static. But the point was proven wrong as it tries to recede a bit. Combing your fingers through Spamton's fluffy thick hair, that hum reminded you of when you comfort Spamton before. When he did went static. You could feel it the hum was radiating from your soul. This surprised you and then your soul stops. Spamton looks up groggily at you.

Spamton "Is there something wrong angel?"

You "Now that you said it. I am trying to get the feel of it. Heh heh."

*You shake your head as you try comfort Spamton to sleep


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