A Year Later

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"...happy birthday to you!" You, Michael and faith clapped for Alison. The baby giggles and tries to blow out the candle. But she ends up on spitting and couldn't blow out the candle.

"Here Alison, let me help you..." You went up to her, where she's sitting in a baby chair that comes with a tray on front. You blow out the candle for her and Michael snaps a picture.

Alison laughs and coos. You smiled and kiss her in the forehead. After that, faith helped getting the plates and Michael gets the knife. Michael cuts the cake into four pieces.

One for you, one for Michael, one for faith, and one for Alison. You get the forks at stick it in the cakes, except for Alison. She starts to eat the cake with her hands.

She was getting cake all over her face "aw! Alison!" You giggled "smile Alison!" Michael chuckles. Then Michael snaps a picture from Alison. And it turned out really cute.

You guys ate your cakes and put the rest in the fridge "okey guys, let's get ready to go to bed" You said picking up the baby "okey" Michael and faith said. You guys all went upstairs and  to your rooms.

You sat down on the bed and rock the baby back and forth. Michael goes to the bathroom to take a shower. You grabbed the baby bottle that filled with milk, by the nightstand and give it to the baby. The baby takes it and drinks it.

You kept rocking Alison back and forth till she's asleep. Once she was asleep, you got up and walked over to her crib. You lay her there and kiss her in the forehead.

Then, Michael comes out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist. You blush a bit and did a smirk. You went over to him and put your hands on his chest "hey babe, you smell good~"

Michael chuckles "why thank you..~" you rubbed his six pack "...and you've got some husband material here~" suddenly, Michael grabs your ass "and nice wife material..~" you started to giggle

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing?" Faith was in front of the door, watching you guys touch each other. You and Michael blushed hard and let go of each other

"u-um...y-you can't learn that yet sweetie...just go back to your room and get some shut eye...mkay?" You lead her back to her room "okey mom..." You tuck her in bed and kiss her forehead "night sweetie" "night mom.."

You close the door on your way out. You sigh and went back to you and Michaels room "come on sweetie, get dressed so we can got to sleep.." Michael nodded and went to the closet.

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