Finding Doll

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(Thank you guys for giving me those ideas. I really appreciate it. There was three ideas, so I decide to put them together. A out of state in a abandoned house in the woods and doll will kill the baby if Michael goes back with her. Sounds good? If not, too bad ;-; )

(Thank you AshantiFNaF , 19_Sr118855_87 and BambiJackson34 for these wonderful ideas :33 ~Galaxy)

It was night. Everybody went searching for the baby.

Vendetta, Scott, Felix and Jerry helped. You guys thank them for coming. They were happy to help. Faith went with you guys also. Captain stayed home.

You guys look through valleys and abandoned houses, something like that. Doll could be hiding somewhere where no one could ever find her. You guys went to dark places where she could be hiding.

No luck though. It's been a few hours and almost midnight. You guys went back to Michael and your house. You sat down and sobbed "my baby!" Michael sighed and hugged you tightly

"Shh y/n. Don't worry..." You shot up "HOW CAN I DONT WORRY IF ARE BABY CANT BE FOUND NOW?!" Jerry rubbed your back "it's ok Mrs. Schmidt. We have problems like this. We promise we'll find her soon"

You tried to calm down from crying "a-are you sure..?" Jerry nodded "we're sure.." You smiled and hugged Jerry. He hugs you back and you let go.

"Well guys. Another try tomorrow..?' Vendetta said about to go out the door. Felix frowned at him "stop being an asshole and get your ass in here" vendetta grunted and sat back down.

You guys were thinking how to find doll. Suddenly, the door was quickly knocking. Scott went to open it and see boss. He was panting heavily "g-guys *pant* I *gasp* know were *pant* doll is *pant*"

He enters the house and sits back down and tries to catch his breath. He gives you guys a paper "h-here's the evidence.." Michael took it and all of you guys looked at it.

" of state? In Florida?" Vendettas eyes widen "Florida?! That's a nice place!" Everybody looked at vendetta unamused. He shrugged "what? It's true!"

You rolled your eyes and looked back at the paper "we need to get there now!" Michaels eyes widen "but, right now?! It's midnight and I don't think we will make there right now!"

You groaned "but I don't want doll to hurt my baby! We need to get there, NOW." Michael sighed and stood up "fine. Let's go" Michael looked at vendetta "ven, take care of faith and captain. We might come back tomorrow or soon.."

Vendetta nod "ok sir" Michael walked up to faith and kissed her in the forehead "be a good girl Faith, your mom and I will come back. Promise" Faith nodded and hugged Michael. He hugged her back and follows the others outside.

"Let's go guys. To the airport!"

-LE time skip 2 da airport w/ LAPD car-

Michael burst in the huge building as a lot of people walk with there luggages past buy. People talking or any other else. Michael went to counter and just cut all the people in front of line.

Michael looked at the lady and takes out his wallet and shows it to her "LAPD miss. We're in a really big hurry right now so can you book us in the a plane that's going to Florida?"

The miss nodded "Call me Mandy sir.." Michael smiled "Thanks Mandy" Mandy has a pink hair and has a white patch on one of her eyes. And her lips are pink and has a airport uniform.

She sets you guys up and you guys went to your guys flight. You guys sat anywhere. Jerry sat with Scott and Felix behind them. You and Michael sat together.

Everybody sat on their seats as a speaker came on.

'Helllooooooo everybody! My name is pilot and I will be your robot pilot for today. My best bud, E.N.D.O will serve foods and drinks to all of you guys! Have a nice flight!'

-Another LE skip 2 Florida-

You guys got out the plane stretching your arms. You guys have been sleeping along the way to Florida. Felix looks around "vendetta was right, Florida IS a nice place!"

You yawned "c'mon guys! Focus! We need to find Allison!" They all nodded. You guys looked around the place for doll.

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