Trick Or...Love?

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You guys have been hanging out with each other lately. You guys had been to the mall, in restaurants, carnivals, and visiting your parents. They were still alive and there awake, so that's good news.

But after all these hangouts, you had a BIG crush on Michael since the day you met him when you had that day when you got captured by perverts. You hope he likes you the same.


It was Halloween and you and Michael went to go 'Trick Or Treating'. So what if you guys are old to go 'Trick Or Treating'? You get to get a lot of candy!

Michael was dressed up as a male steampunk costume like you, cause you forced him to. He didn't like it but you did of course. He looked very cute, and...handsome, on that costume and you look cute also.

Michael whined

"Oh my god! How long are we gonna keep up?!"

You frowned

"What the hell Michael, we just started like 40 minutes ago, how the f**k are you tired already?"

Michael sighed

"Gah, maybe I'm just getting old.."

You smiled a little

"Of course not! I don't think your THAT old, your barley 28"

Michael smiled

"Well...yeah, I guess"

You giggled

"And I'm barley 21! So I shouldn't be that old also!"

You both laughed your asses off and sighed.

"Hey, I had fun hanging out with you lately this month" Michael said blushing a little

"Aw! And I did too!" You responded blushing also

"So, um...after all these hangouts...I-I had a--"

Then Michaels walkie talkie turned on

"Mr Schmidt! The three troublemakers are out and they are heading in your way!" The walkie talkie said

The suddenly the three men who had been touching you, came back and took you away from Michael.

"We got you once again! Haha!" One of the men who's carrying you said

"Michael help me!" You screamed

Michael ran after you and the perverts.

"I'm coming!"

Michael ran as fast as he could to catch you and perverts. The others were behind Michael, and some were in police cars. But then suddenly, the perverts got to their car and there you in there which they injured you left arm. A tear strolled in your cheeks. You were scared and didn't know what to do.

Two of the men went inside where you were, so they can watch out for you. The other one was in the drivers seat and stepped on the gas and went out on the road.

"Ha! We got you now, again! Isn't it right Jacob?"

"Ha! Sure is Robert! Right too Harold?"

"Of course you idiots! We all know that! Now she's ours!"

Now you knew their names, Jacob, Robert, and Harold. Their the ones who touched you and almost captured you the first time. Then you heard a crash, it was the police car who is behind you guys.

"Jacob! Take the gun!" Harold said handing the gun the Harold.

Jacob aimed the car and tried to shoot the driver. Robert, was watching you and holding you in the arm. You saw Michael that had a gun in his hands. He tried to shoot Jacob and Robert first.

Jacob got shot first in the lungs, he tried to shoot Michael while his hand was covering the blood from his lungs. But then when he shot his last shot before dying, he shot Michael in the lungs also. Michael fell down on the sidewalk.

You burst into tears and yelled


Suddenly, you got really mad and you bite Roberts arm hard. Robert yelled out 'ow' and let go of you. Then you jumped out , leaving Robert and Harold in the van. Now Robert and Harold are now surrounded by the L.A.P.D cars.You landed on the ground and quickly ran to Michael.

"M-Michael..?" You sobbed

"(Y-Y/n)...y-your okey.." Michael said smiling with his half lidded eyes

"B-but your not..!"

You grabbed your phone from your pocket and called 911. They hurried to the street you were guys on and took Michael to the van, And you went with him inside.

"Oh Michael.." You said still sobbing

"Don't worry (Y/n), at least y-your alive.."

~Time skip to the hospital~
The people in the hospital van got Michael out of the car and burst in the building, having people watching what was going on.

"Don't worry Sir, we're going to take you to the operation room" one of the nurses said

You were following them, until they took inside Michael to the operation room. One of the nurses stop you.

"Sorry miss but you have to take it from here.."

You nodded


Then she went in the room.

You sat down having blood stains in your hands and your costume all bloody and ripped and dirty. You hat is messed up including your (h/c) locks all tangled. You put your dry bloody hands in your face, covering your tears.

"Oh Michael, I hope your going to be okey.." You sobbed

It was the same hospital that your parents are in right now. So you decide to visit them and tell them what happen. You knew were there room is, it's almost close to the operation room. You knocked on the door

"Come in" the voice said

You opened the door slowly seeing your parents that are okey. Their eyes widen.

"Sweetie! What happen to your costume! And why are you bloody?!" Your mom gasp

"Something happened...really bad happened.." You sniffed

"Well? What is it?" Your dad asked

You sat down the nearest chair and sighed.

"It was the perverts again.."

Your parents gasp and looked at each other and back at you.

"Oh! That's awful! What happened to Michael!"

You started to cry all over again.

"He got shot by them.." You sobbed

"Oh sweetie! That's sad to hear! Is he here in the operation room?" Your mom asked

"Yes.." You responded

"C'mere sweetie" your dad said

You hugged both of your parents.

"I just hoped he's okey.."

"Me too sweetheart.." Said your mom

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