Helluva Work Day

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You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your uniform was smoothed out, the ribbon around your collar tied, and the top tightened around your chest. You didn't mind as it made you appear in a way that helped you feel euphoric after all. Your work pants, standard for any wait staff at the club, were nice and clean, fresh out of the wash. Once more, you checked your hair to ensure perfection. Though you knew that by the end of the night, you'd look like a half-dead mess as per usual since clients at the club can be drunken morons. Still, you looked as presentable as you could be, exactly what you considered to be "perfect." You smiled at yourself though it did not reach your eyes. Still, you were happy with your appearance so you turned away from the mirror and walked out of the staff changing room.

Using your phone, you clocked in and grabbed your apron from your locker. The final part of your uniform. You quickly tied it round your waist then grabbed the notepad and pen that you quickly shoved in the apron's pockets. Now you left the backroom where the staff quarters were and slipped through behind the bar to the rest of the club. The bartender, a coworker you barely knew, greeted you and you responded.

"Part of the club's been rented out tonight. Real important guest apparently. Boss says to be on your best behaviour." The bartender commented as he gave you a look up and down.

"I'm not a trouble maker. I'll be fine." Your tail swished slightly, something you couldn't prevent especially since it had become a stim ever since you had been sent down here and had your new demon form. Your eyes glowed softly in the darker lighting of the club. Your hands had become somewhat claw-like and that seemed to be the extent of your demon form. Aside from the oddly colored skin and some fluff over your body that was definitely hairier than what humans had. Still, you appreciated that you hadn't been given any extra limbs as you've seen some sinner clients have had. Maybe it would be useful, but you personally believed it would be overwhelming to need to learn how to control any extra set of arms.

"Boss told me to tell anyone working tonight. Just important to know." The bartender shrugged as he ran a cleaning cloth over the bar.

You walked off and looked around the club. The VIP section of the club was currently empty and a few spare tables had been cornered off behind a rope. Aside from that everything appeared normal. With the club not quite being open yet, the lights were brighter than normal although they still appeared dim. A few dancers sat on the edge of the stage on their phones while others did warm ups and a few chatted. No colored lights were lit up currently and everything appeared empty. You were aware most VIPs would come earlier to get in before the crowds show up and have some time where it's just them, but it was a good 15 minutes before opening and there was no one even trying to enter. A few of the hell hound body guards leaned against a wall and chatted with drinks in hand. Other wait staff were just chatting at one of the tables although a couple paced anxiously.

You could easily recognize plenty of the staff though you hadn't really talked to any of them. Having decided the other wait staff were your safest bet, you joined the few that sat at a table. You joined their conversation, but didn't speak too much and kept to the phone.

Closer to opening time, the club owner strutted in. Their tailored coat had a slight trail behind them as they walked in. Their back was perfectly straight and every single part of them appeared perfect. Their long, fluffy hair flowed down their back and they wore a head band to keep most of it out of their face.

"Everyone can hear me, correct?" They inquired, standing in the center of the club. Everyone replied positively. "Good. Now then, as Daze has let you known, we have part of the club rented out for an especially important clientele. Everyone is to be on their best behaviour as well as be sure to tend to the needs of our guests." The owner went off on a typical spiel about how to handle important people. The guards had to be extra sure to protect the dancers as well as making sure to nip any kind of problems that may arise right in the bud as fast as possible. Wait staff were reminded not to make a scene at unusual requests and if they need help to simply use the signal that alerts the guards. It was all stuff you had heard plenty of times before. By the end of the boss' speech, a hand of one of the dancers was raised.

"Yes Esmerella?"

"Who exactly are the people that rented the club? We have no idea who it is." The dancer asked. Other staff members mumbled an agreement and asked similar questions.

"The Grand Duke Agares. He apparently is meeting up with other members of the Goetia Family and has requested that things go perfectly. I'm sure we are all aware of what could happen if Agares is not happy with our service. However, I have faith in all of us. Some of our best staff is here tonight!" The owner glanced around at all of you and smiled, their sharp teeth somewhat showing as their eyes turned upward similar to what a jack-o-lantern may look like. "I'm not that worried, but I had to make you all aware. Now then, up and at 'em! We've got a club to open!" They clapped their hands and the lights dimmed as the colored lights came on. Some guards went to the door while others positioned themselves throughout the club.

The dancers moved backstage while a couple stayed near a few poles, ready to be the first performers. You and the other wait staff lined up near the bar, prepared to go take orders once it fills in. The club opened and in came guests. Typical crowd. There were imps, some sinners, some demons, all filling up the space. Some sat the bar, others went to go dance while others watched the dancers, and some took their seats. Yet as the club filled with the opening guests, nobody occupied the roped off VIP section yet.

Still, you focused on the current customers and filled their orders. The music was booming, but having worked plenty already, you became accustomed to hearing over all the noise. The night continued on as any other. Guests came and left, a few problems as people became drunk, but no notable issues.

It had been a few hours now and you glanced over to the VIP section. Bare, still. You noted it yet you continued to focus on simply doing your job. While serving some orders, your ears perked up at some fascinating info.

"Is that Prince Stolas?"

"What's he doing here? I knew Goetia members had reserved it, but he's not even going to the VIP section."

"I heard some shit has been going down in the Goetia family. One of my friends works for them and they said..."

After you finished serving the table, you glanced around the club. You had never seen Prince Stolas in person before, but you had seen plenty of videos and pictures. Demon royalty that wasn't part of the special VIP crowd. That pretty much never happened at the club. Any royalty or powerful demons that came by ALWAYS had their little VIP section. Then you noticed him. Over at the bar, talking to the bartender Daze, stood the owl demon. A prince of the Goetia family. Now that you thought about it, you never saw demon royalty in the wild at all. They were ALWAYS amongst other royalty and were typically hosting events. A few had some common place affairs and showed up at performances, but not at a bar and club unless they were VIPs. Yet here was Prince Stolas, entirely alone and at the bar like any other regular sinner and demon. You returned over to the bar with another order and you couldn't stop yourself from stealing glances at the demon prince. He didn't really look at anything in particular, he just stared off. Slowly, Prince Stolas sipped from a drink and leaned his head on his hand.

"Excuse me."

Prince Stolas looked up and at you. Immediately, you began questioning yourself on what made you think you could just speak to him.

"Are you alright?"

More doubt filled your mind and you could feel your body tense up.

 "Oh um, I'm fine." He attempted to give a smile which looked far more apologetic. "Just a hard day. We all have them, hah..."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Silence between you two. You glanced at Daze and found him to be busy working on another drink. "Are you not part of the VIP party tonight?"

"Huh? VIP party? Did someone rent out the club?"

You nodded. "Grand Duke Agares did. For himself and some Goetia family members. That's why I asked."

"Shit...I mean, um...I better head out. Before they arrive." Despite his words, Stolas didn't bother moving. "I should."

"It's none of my business, but you look like you need someone to talk to." You clutched your notepad to your chest and stared directly at him, forgetting to look away. "I don't mind listening."

"(Y/N)!!!" Daze shouted. You jumped and turned towards him.

"Leave him alone and get back to work! What if the Grand Duke and his party showed up?! There are customers that need you now. Do I need to let the boss know you've been slacking to talk to Prince Stolas? Right now, he is like any other guest. Leave him be!" Daze chastised you and you quickly apologized then hurried off.

As you worked, you kept stealing glances over at Prince Stolas. Most people ignored him, including all your coworkers aside from Daze when he was checking on him. A few other common demons tried to talk to him, but most stayed away. You could overhear the gossip.

It had been about three hours since opening and it was now that Grand Duke Agares' party arrived. A hoard of Goetia demons, their partners and family as well as a few servants wandered in. You quickly took a look at where Prince Stolas had been only to find he was gone. The Grand Duke and his party went over and took their seats in the VIP section as a few of your coworkers began to serve them. You looked around, pretending to scan for work yet instead you were searching for Prince Stolas. That's when you noticed his glowing red eyes peaking out from behind the bathroom door. You quickly rushed over, hoping to not be noticed by Daze or anyone else that might snitch on you.

"Prince Stolas!" You said at a softer volume though still loud enough to be heard by him.

"O-Oh um, this isn't what it looks like. I just..." He let out a sigh. "I can't be seen by them, not here, not like this. It's bad enough, I can't have the Goetia family gossiping more about me...Can you...maybe help me get out of here?"

"I'm on it, wait here!" You rushed to the bar. "Daze, I gotta help a sick guest." Before he could reply, you zoomed past him and into the backroom and went into your staff locker. There was your black jacket which you grabbed as well as the mask you kept on yourself out of habit from being alive. You rushed back to Prince Stolas with the items and handed them to him.

"Take these. You can use the hood and mask to hide your identity. They'll probably too busy to notice and it should be dark enough if you stick to the wall with the bar on it."

"Thank you. You are far too kind." He gave a gentle smile, sensitivity in his eyes as he donned your items and then made his way out. You watched as he kept his gaze low and stuck to the darker corners. He made it out without being noticed.

Despite how the royal families were always made to be, you found that single interaction to paint some of them in a better light. You resumed your shift normally though you still wondered about Prince Stolas especially since he still had your stuff. It was worth it to help him out, you were certain of that. He was a complete stranger, but you just felt something different.

As the evening continued on, most of your coworkers continued to handle the VIP party. You'd be called over occasionally when one of your coworkers went on break, but you ultimately were left to tend to the regular guests. Eventually the night would come to an end and after a bit of clean up, you were free to go.

. . .

Leaving the club, you stepped out onto the sidewalk of the street where your work was located. You reached in your pocket and pulled out a bottle of pills and leaned back against the club's wall. A few drunken guests were around and still talking and the body guards stood nearby chatting while watching some of your other workers leave. You screwed the cap off and threw back a couple pills then closed the container again and stuffed it back into your bag. You looked around a bit at some of the people walking by. You did this every night, taking a few moments to take something to help you relax especially after harder nights. This one was an easier one, but it still wore you out just like when you were alive.

You took out your headphones and slipped then on and started up some music before pushing yourself off the wall and walking off. You didn't live far from the club, that was one thing you enjoyed about your work yet it still felt far enough. A few blocks and you were away from everyone else. As you walked, a car pulled up alongside you. It drove slowly for a few moments, window still up before finally being rolled down. You looked in and saw Grand Duke Agares' face.

"Waiter." Agares barely looked at you. "Let your boss know what I have to say."

"Uh, sure."

"I am extremely pleased at everything and will be recommending his club to the others. I'd also like to discuss renting some staff out."

"I mean, we don't do that, but sure."

"That is why it is between me and him. We will be discussing it. Relay that." Agares rolled up the window then the fancy car drove off.

"It's fucking them, bitch." You mumbled. Once you thought the car was far enough gone, you raised up your middle finger high to the sky. "Fucking rich asshole, don't disrespect them." You sighed and lowered your hand and continued on your way. You took your phone out and quickly texted the message to Daze to tell your boss. You didn't really have contact with the boss, typically the guards and bartenders only had that. You always thought it was odd, but it really didn't matter.

Your mind wanders back to Prince Stolas as you reach your apartment building. It just seemed so odd to you and especially after seeing how Grand Duke Agares would barely even look at you, it only made it stranger. Yet you satisfied yourself with the answer of "it was probably just the bad day like he said" and made peace with the fact that you may never see him again. Or your jacket.


Chapter Art Credit: sheiv on deviantart, also their credit is in the picture.

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