6. Envelope

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Roaming in my room thinking what I said to aunty is right or wrong. Did I take decision in a hurry.

After this what happened in my life, I don't even know.


"Then marry my son and I know after hearing you thought that what a selfish woman I am? Then I am a selfish who never want to see her son like this. Me not, even in this whole world any mother never ever see her son like this, and please don't say no to me , my only hope is only you, you give your promise to me., please this time not say no to me." She said to me while crying.

First I was numb hearing about marriage and then shocked , married to him (a playboy). How can I ?? Oh god where you had stuck me. I never dream a husband like him.

Should I say yes , or no??, what should I do??

'Your one yes , bring happiness in Aunty's life, think that how will happy she look after hearing your one yes' my inner voice said.

I think I should give a chance and say yes, but what if he never change after married ,what will I do that time.?

"Please say something, and I know you will definately changed him." I come back from my thought hearing her and said" Okay , I am ready , but will he do that? I mean, will he do marry me??

Hearing my replied she smile at me and said

"You don't worry about him , I know how to ready him for marrying to you , and thank you very much ." She said and give me an envelope

"There is his picture, I know he was arriving in the evening but I want that before he came , you should see his photo." Saying that she hugged me and went out from my room.

    Flashback End

The envelope is in my hand. I was beyond confused and I don't have any idea, what I should do with this envelope, whether to open it or not.

After thinking some time and fighting  with myself I finally gave in and decide to open the envelope and to have a look my would be husband who is a playboy. (Sarcasm is filled in my thinking).

I slowly open the envelope and took the photograph out. The photo back side is upper their is written his name Rohan Singh'.

I say yes without knowing his name 'what a person you are Anjali' I said to myself then I turn the photo and their is 

Seeing the person in the photo , my whole world is stop and I quickly left the photo from my hand.

It can't be true, ho..w can be he is. No he can't be Rohan.

Yes the person in the photo none other than hospital guy Mr. Arrogant.

Saying yes . what have I done to myself. He even without knowing anyone in the hospital yelled at all the staff like next moment he will kill anyone, then what about others he know and top of that what about me.

If he came to know after marriage that the doctor is me in the hospital that day, who give him a unbearable pain in his hand, what he will do to me that time, I think, I should change my decision and say no to aunty.

'Don't be mad at yourself, you promise aunty that you will marry him and changed him and don't forget he was not like this before, the girl is the reason for his behavior , that's why he became like this and may be living with you he'll fell for you even love you, don't do silly thing and think about aunty, who tell everything to you about his son, tell me who's mother tell bad thing about his son. She believe in you that one day you will changed him, and she'll always with you after marriage , just trust yourself. ' My inner voice said.

After reaches on conclusion I decide to observe him with his photo. I pic the photo from floor and suddenly my eyes laid on his brown eyes , their is something which I didn't figure out until now and not that time when he was front of me. My whole world is stopping right their as I was momentarily mesmerized by his eyes.

I begin to notice the details and my eyes fell on his lips. His lips oh my god.. His lips were looking so soft. How would those lips wonder on me..' Shut up Anjali what a pervert you are. ' I said to my self.

I had to give it to him, he looked handsome. his eyes were the most amazing part of his face.

Thinking about my life . what happened after marriage. 

Suddenly my mom enter my room and set beside me and seeing me some time she asked

"Did you like Rohan" 

Did she know about all this  " Mom you know everything and didn't try to tell me, why ???" I said to her in disbelief .

" I also get to know about all this ,when my friend arrived." She said while defending herself.

"And I am happy that you say yes to this marriage, you will always stay happy in this marriage , I know about Anita she will always give you happiness and love.. And about his son . if his mom is very kind then also her son is like her. now only Rohan is remain who should say yes to this marriage." She added while smiling.

Seems like Anita aunty didn't tell them about her son. 

"Come to downstairs for having dinner and Rohan will be reaches here in anytime." Saying that she begin to start walking towards door.

Hearing his name I blush little bit. Did I say I blush and said to mom "Mom send my dinner  here , I don't want to come downstairs."

"Oh my princess became a shy girl, okay I will send your dinner here."saying that she went out from my room.

I again drifted in my own thought.

Surprise double update...
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Love Naaz❤❤❤

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