He's real, I Know!

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I woke up feeling refreshed from the sleep yesterday, I slept like a baby. How? It's just like what Jiminie said, but wait I actually met him right! I'm sure! We talked so much.

But I never got a chance to ask about him. No problem I'll ask him today. But why does he appear only at 9:18 pm? What's with the time? Maybe he gets free from work by that time. What work he does though? I'm so curious to know more about him, why?

Jimin's POV:

Finally I met you. But am I doing right by keeping you in dark. I won't make a mistake by taking things fast like the last time, I'll take things slowly.
I lost you then but I won't repeat the same mistake. You are mine and were always mine, kookie *smirks*.
I'll make you mine. And believe it or not I am real and not a mere imagination!

Night time, 9pm

JK arrived at the alley curious to know more about this mysterious guy, but he has to wait for a while...

Thoughts started clouding his mind, is it safe to meet such a person who looks suspicious. Should he talk about it with him, or wait and know more about him? Should he tell his friends about him? Should he ask him out on a date? Wait it's to early for this...

Jungkook sees someone standing at a distance, he then walks towards the figure, curious to know who's that!
(A/N: Curiosity kills, but does anyone listen)

As he reaches near that figure, he raises his hand and taps on his shoulder. The figure turns around. After seeing him he's not surprised,

"JIMIN!" he shouts.

"Don't shout, I'm standing a few centimeters away from you, my ears will bleed!" he said covering his ears.

Jungkook laughs and smacks Jimin's arm. They both laugh.

"So you came to meet me haa? I thought you dreamed everything about me and were gonna forget about it when you wake up! I'm glad you came." Jimin says raising an eyebrow, crossing his arms

How did he know about that, he ignores it.

"So did you sleep well yesterday?" Jimin asks looking into JK's eyes

"Surprisingly I slept like a baby" he said with a smile

"Good, you should take care of yourself. You are so precious-"

"For whom?"

"For me" he whispers

"Sorry? I couldn't hear"

"I said you are precious for your friends and family"

"What about you then?"

Jimin was surprised, he wanted to take things slow. But if he says things like this he can't control his feelings.

"What about me? I also care for you Kookie"

He smiles, "You know I missed you even though we met yesterday. Did you miss me?" he asked with a curious look

Ofcourse I missed you he thought.

"That's why I'm here kookie" he says with a smile

"So what if I want to meet you somewhere else, how should I contact you? You never gave me any info about you" he asked looking towards him.

Now his face turned serious, what should he do now. He knew this time would come. He has to make an excuse

"Actually I don't have a phone!" he said biting his lips, face palming mentally

He chuckles, "You are joking right, who doesn't have a phone now a days! Did you by chance lost your phone?"

"Y-ya I lost it, haha, silly me. It's just I didn't get time to buy a new one" he said with a nervous laugh. Phew

"Okay, so how do I contact you then?"

"Just think about me and I'll be there" he said with a smile

He continued, "Anyways I roam this place at night. So I'm always here at night after 9:18 pm" he says with his eye smile

What's with roaming and all, what's that timing thing, I'm still confused.

"What are you, a ghost?" he asked with a nervous laughter

"What do you think?" Jimin smirks

"I don't believe in ghosts, and I can touch you so I believe you are not a ghost!" he said with confidence, though he was a bit unsure.

"You are right, ghosts are such lowly creatures. I'm not one of them"

"So what are you, a vampire?" But you are too cute to be one, JK thought

"Do I look like one? Do I look evil?"

"No you look like an angel!" Oops what did he blabber. He's blushing badly now

Jimin giggles, "I'm an angel for you haa. Let it be like that then. Whenever you miss me think about me. I'll be there. I promise."

He has some super powers or what? JK thought

"Maybe or maybe not!"


"You know, you think so loud, I can hear it", he winks

Oh no! So he heard everything I said about him earlier! I'm doomed

"You are not, stop talking in your thoughts and talk to me. I'm here in front of you"
He said crossing his arms and tapping his foot continuously

Jk giggles, then both of them broke into laughter. It was contagious. Both couldn't stop laughing.

"O...okay let's stop. Actually I wanted to ask you out on a date, seriously. You may think I'm crazy to ask it after just two meets. But I want to know more about you. I kinda like you" he is so nervous right now, heart beating so fast. Will he get a heart attack at this rate. Omg!

"Okay" he smiles

"It's okay if- wait WHAT? YOU SAID YES?" he says shouting out loud, jumping a bit

"Don't shout Kookie, I'm right in front of you. You'll make me go deaf at this rate. I am saying I'll go on a date with you. But on one condition" saying so he lowered his gaze.

"What condition?" JK was curious to know

"I don't like to go to places with many people. I have a phobia of being in public place. So a secluded place, where only both of us are there would be comfortable for me." he says nervously

"What about my home?" Oops, there goes my mouth again, what will he think of me?

"I won't think anything Kookie, it's fine with me", he says with a chuckle

"Then what about tomorrow, 7pm?"

"Done, I'm okay with it."

"But do you know my address. How will you come?"

"What did I say earlier, think about me, I'll be there" says with a poker face

"You sound too suspicious you know"

"But it's the truth"

"Okay, fine, I believe you. I'll do as you say. Then am I summoning you?"

"Kind of like that"

JK's eyes widened

"I'm just kidding silly, look at your face" he laughed.

"Hyung, don't be like that, are you trying to scare me?"

"You can say that, I want to be the dominant one"

JK's jaw dropped.

"Hyung!" he whined

Jimin loves to see JK getting flustered. He giggles

"So what now?"

"Nothing, I'll leave then. Let's meet tomorrow!" JK says waving his hand

"Okay! Bye JK, see you soon. Take care"

JK left

Jimin smirked thinking, you will be mine soon.

Someone tapped his shoulder
He turns around to find a familiar face. He smiles and hugs him tight.

"You helped me so much, I owe you big!"

To be continued...

Jimin is being more and more suspicious. What are his intentions? Who did he meet just now? So many questions without answers!
Let's find out in next chapter


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