My love

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Double update...

What did you do to me Park Jimin? I can't take you out of my mind. It's like an addiction. Am I going insane? Please don't leave me...

Everyone says that you are not real and just a fiction of my imagination. Then why did you come into my life, only to break me. I was lonely and got used to it. But now I can't imagine my life without you. I need you, your touch, your love.....

After Jimin was done tying the blindfold, he snapped his finger. Now they arrived to the place where he planned their date. Slowly he removed his blindfold.

The view was mesmerizing.

Is this even real?, he thought

"Of course it's real kookie!" said a sweet voice behind him

"It's so unreal hyung! Where are we? It's beautiful" he looked around, without blinking for a second.

"This place is somewhere deep in the Stay Gold forest" Jimin said looking towards JK

"Stay Gold forest? Where is it?"

"JK let's enjoy our time together, no one will disturb us here. This place is secured"

And I ain't breaking my promise of not going to human world. This is our world Kookie. Soon you will come here and stay with me. Just wait a bit, I'll make everything right, you'll be mine, forever...
He thought, eyes still gazing the younger.

JK's doe eyes we're sparkling, under the bright moonlight as they sat down on the red velvety mat. Jimin had arranged a small picnic for them out here.

The elder was mesmerized by his looks, admiring the younger, he felt the elder's gaze, making him blush.

"Hyung, why do you keep staring me?"

"I'm admiring your beauty, you look so handsome, under this moonlight"

All the compliments made the younger blush even more. Jimin chuckled, holding his hand, leaning towards him. JK also leaned in, as their faces were inches apart. Jimin caressed his cheek then his bottom lip, leaning closer, till their lips touched. Both kissed, lips moving in sync. It was such a beautiful moment with moonlight shining above. Was something magical about to happen?

Both lost in their own world, longing for each other's love. Jimin looked in his eyes, full of love

"I love you Kookie" he said caressing his face

"I love you too hyung. But-" he said looking down

"But?" Jimin got a bit confused

"Hyung, you have to meet my friends too. I want them to meet the beautiful person, whom I fell in love with" JK said holding his hands, which Jimin withdrew after listening to his words

"I would love to Kookie, but I have some restrictions"

"But hyung, they are my only family. I want their blessings too for us" he grabbed Jimin's hands again, which were ice cold now

"If it's for us, I'll meet them. I haven't committed any crime, I fell in love with you" he said as he lost himself in his eyes

"I'm so happy hyung. They'll be so happy to meet you too. I love you so much"

"I love you more" he said coming closer, as he kissed the boy he fell in love.

They were star gazing, unaware that someone was watching them.

Who's that now?

"Hyung, why is the color of the sky purple?" he asked out of curiosity

"Cause I purple you" Jimin said making a heart over his head, with his arms


"It's just due to the location Kookie. Let's click some pictures together" Jimin tried to change the topic

"Okay" JK got excited now

"Hana Dul Set" both screamed while clicking pictures

Jimin felt so happy with him, he wanted him by his side, always. Was he asking a lot? He loves him so much, he can't bear the distance now. But will he accept him, once he comes to know about his true identity? These thoughts crossed his mind several times, in the past few days. He'll convince him, he won't let him go, not this time.

Later Jimin dropped JK home, not before tying the blindfold. Which JK didn't mind then, he was too happy to be bothered by it. Finally he would be telling his friends about his love, his Jiminie.

Jimin snapped, they were standing at the entrance of JK's home. He removed the blindfold and kept it in his pocket.

"I'll take a leave JK. See you soon" he smiled, waving

"Bye hyung. I'll tell you when to meet them"

"Okay", he turned around to leave, but JK pulled his arm, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around.

"Wait. How will I call you? Don't tell me to close my eyes and summon you, please" he was fed up of that trick

Jimin laughed,

"Sorry. Just decide the date and time. I'll meet you directly on Saturday. I'm a bit busy, helping out my hyung. I'll come by that alley, at 8:13pm, on Saturday. Bye my love" he said kissing him goodbye

"Okay hyung. Take care. Love you"

"Love you too, and you too take care. See you soon. One more thing love" saying so he smirked

"Let's take things a level up, on our next date" he winked, disappearing into the darkness, as JK stood there blushing.

He rushed inside and jumped on his bed face down, blushing and giggling.

"What does he mean by taking things a level up? JK you are going insane. Just keep it together. He was teasing me, not hinting on anything, right?" he squealed, rolling on the bed, only to fall down later

"Ouch!" he laughed sitting on the floor, caressing his bum

"I guess I fell for you hard Hyung!" he giggled thinking about Jimin




"Me too JK!" Jimin replied as he sat on the bed, watching his love, eyes closed, smiling at his cuteness.

"Don't worry, no one will come in between us this time. We'll be together for life, my soulmate. I can't live without you now"

Someone knocked on his door. He opened his eyes, blue light emitting from them. He got up walking towards the door, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hyung? What happened? Is everything alright?" he said glancing on the person who stood in front of him, showing his gummy smile.

"Jimin, I found a clue. Now we can gather some evidence against those witches" Yoongi smirked

Both smiled, they were now a step closer to their goal.....


"We won't be able to believe you, until we meet him JK" said Namjoon, now worried for him

"He's right, we want to meet him. Don't take any decision till then. Wait for our approval" Hobi said with a stern look on his face


To be continued...

So I'm going for a double update this time. My brain cells are dead.....

So how did you like this date? The location, what do you think about it?

Will JK's friends approve of their relationship?

JK is whipped for Jimin, so he doesn't think much about his weird lil acts, but I would like to listen to your opinions

What do you think about Jimin? Is he evil? He's hiding things from JK, so what are his intentions?

Sorry about the filler chap, some interesting things gonna happen soon

Stay tuned.....

Thank you for reading💜

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Some cute jikook moments...

JK you dare give any spoiler

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