Battle at the USJ and the beginning of the next generation of power rangers.

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(As you can tell by the title, this takes place during the USJ incident)

3rd POV: it's been 10 months since the reveal that tommy was the black dino thunder ranger, since then, tommy has taught izuku and Y/N all that he knows about being a ranger and trained them in hand to combat, using their weapons and as well bringing out their ultimate weapon, the megazords. Their reactions to summoning them was that of amazement, shock and awed. Hela would be in the control room monitoring any disturbances on the morphin grid and checking if there was any villains on the rise. Right now Y/N and izuku are at a local cafe chatting to eachother about what has happened in the 10 months.

Izuku: are you sure your dad's not a slave driver? Cause I can't count how many times he kicked our butts.

Y/N: hey you know what they say, no pain, no gain, right?

Izuku: if by gain you mean getting bruises then sure.

Y/N rolls his eyes and was about to speak before he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, he picks it up and sees a message from hela baisicly telling him and izuku to return back to base. Y/N shows the message to izuku and they both nod. They split the pay and run to base.

(Mini timeskip)

Once the 2 made it, they went downstairs and saw hela on a datapad typing something when she saw the 2 new rangers appear before her.

Izuku: what's going on, and where's mr Oliver?

Tommy: right behind you.

Y/N and izuku turn around and see tommy Oliver standing at the top of the stairs with his arms crossed, he then turns around and calls out.

Tommy: you can come out now.

2 figures walk out of the shadows and passed Oliver, down the stairs and stand in front of Y/N and izuku.

Y/N: (shocked) no way....

Izuku: is it really you guys.....?

Y/N/izuku: shoto/kaachan?

A/N: yep, I decided to have the Male counterpart of bakugo and shoto. Todoroki will have a sister who has the fire and ice quirks, bakugo and todoroki are quirkless.

Bakugo: (smirks) what's up nerds?

Shoto: (monotone) hey.

Y/N: (smiles and then chuckles) I'll be dammed!!

Izuku, Y/N, bakugo and shoto get in a group hug and eventually break away from each other.

Izuku: it's great to see you all again, but why were you here with mr Oliver?

Bakugo and shoto smirk before, bakugo lifts his right arm up showing a device with buttons on it and shoto holds up something similar to a cellular device with "S.P.D" written on it. Y/N and izuku eyes widen while hela and oliver exchange smirks.

Y/N: you guys-

Izuku: are power rangers too?! (Eyes sparkle) cool!!

Bakugo: yeah, yeah, you fucking nerd, we're rangers too.

Shoto: and apparently so are you.

Shoto says as he motion to the morphers that izuku and Y/N are carrying on their person.

Izuku: (smiles) yep!

Y/N: so dad, not that it's great seeing bakugo and shoto, but is there anything else?

Oliver: you could say that, I brought these 2 here so that we can move into the next step, which is creating a new ranger team.

Izuku: t-thats great mr Oliver, but who would lead it?

Bakugo: (cocky smirk) isn't it obvious? It's me since I'm the best.

Shoto: suuure you are.

Bakugo turns to shoto angrily.

Bakugo: you wanna fight bastard?!?!

Hela: actually it's Y/N (smirks).

Bakugo:............................. WHAT?!?!!...................... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

Y/N: (shocked) wait seriously?

Hela: yep, I ran a couple simulations based on what I know about each of you and from what Tommy told me and each one, you stood out the most, so what do you say, ready to lead the next generation?

Y/N became uncertain, being a leader was a big risk, he turned to see izuku and shoto give a thumbs up while bakugo rolled his eyes and scoffed. He then turned around.

Y/N: I'll do my best.

Oliver smiles and before more could be said, alarms start blaring causing everyone to go on high alert, hela runs to a terminal and types on it to see what's going on.

Hela: theres an attack at the USJ, (looks at the rangers) slate is there.

Tommy gets serious and faces the teens.

Tommy: I think it's you morphed outta here.

Y/N: you got it dad, (looks at his friends) guys?

Izuku nods, shoto rolls his neck and bakugo cracks his knuckles with a bloddy smirk.

Shoto: let's show them who they're messing with.

Y/N nods and the team get into position.


Shoto/izuku/bakugo: READY!!!!


Izuku: TIGERZORD!!!!

Shoto: S.P.D!!! EMERGENCY!!!!


(Stop at 10)

(Stop at 20)

Y/N: let's move!

Ranger team: right!

(Meanwhile at the USJ)

Things have gone horribly wrong for the class that is 1-A, they expected to practice rescue training and believed that they would practice against fake villains, only for reality to crash on them as their teacher aizawa sensei and pro hero 13 tell them they were very real. From there it was a battle fo survival for the rookies, it got even worse when a being called nomu arrived and caused havoc, it even managed to knockout aizawa, 13 couldn't do anything because he was unconscious from taking too much damage. Fortunately all might came and was putting work against the nomu but it took a turn for the worst when slate appeared and started causing havoc with the villians bay morphing into a nomu and beating all might, all in all, it was bad.

AM: dammit!!

Shigaraki: you cannot beat my amazing toy all might! It was created to kill you! (Maniacal laughter) nomu end him!!

Slate: bye bye all might!!!

Izumi: no!!!!

As izumi was about to charge in and attempt to save all might, 4 figures dashed past her at incredible speeds and managed to move all might out of the way. Everyone was confused.

Katsumi: where the fuck did all might go?!

Heroes and villains look around for the weakned symbol of peace only to hear a whistle and all turn to a mountain and see four figures in front of all might.

Shigaraki: new players? Who are you?

The 4 figures jump down and reveal themselves to be the new generation power rangers in all their glory.

Slate: rangers?!?!

Shigaraki: you know them?

Slate: yes! They are dangerous! Hurry and defeat them!

(With class 1-A)

Mina: did that weird guy say rangers?

Kirishima: you mean they're just like the black dino ranger?! Manly!!!

Jiro: (twirls earjacks) it's a good thing they managed to save all might in the nick of time.

Mineta: we're saved!! Our troubles are over!!! (Cries hysterically).

Tsuyu: I wouldn't be sure about that kero.

Kaminari: why do you say that?

Katsumi: isn't it obvious you fucking extra?! We've never heard of these guys before.

Shota: indeed, we cannot determine if their friend or foe, for all we know they could be luring us into a false sense of security and will end all might the second we let our guard down.

Izumi frowned and slightly shifted herself into a running position just in case the rangers do actually attack all might, she'll be ready to move in and defend her mentor.

(With the rangers)

Y/N: even though you probably won't do it I'll still say it, give up.

Slate/shigaraki: never!

Slate then pulled a sphere from nowhere and threw up in the air. The orb then broke apart into a slime and began creating multiple robotic beings known as crybots.

Y/N: oh great, small fry.

Bakugo: let's not fuck around boys, let's smoke these bastards.

Slate: crybots attack them!!!

Shigaraki: (looks at the low tier villians) get in there and attack!!! (Looks at the nomu) nonu finish all might immediately!

With that, the villians and crybots carry out their orders, the nomu goes to attack all might, only to have ice block its path, the nomu turns and sees shota todoroki looking at it with indifference, with izumi and katsumi next to her.

Shota: you will not harm the symbol of piece monster.

(With the rangers)

Izuku: here they come!!!

Once the villians and crybots are close enough, the rangers split themselves away from eachother and begin dodging and blocking attacks from the enemy.

Y/N got into a fighting pose, and allowed 2 crybots to attack him only for Y/N to dodge pass them and kick one in the ass, the other crybot turned and tried to strike him only for Y/N to grab the attacking arm and flipped himself and by extension the crybot over with Y/N landing on his feet and the crybot landing on its back. Y/N then turned and kicked an approaching crybot before punching one behind in the stomach then grabbing it by the arm, twisting it so that it was behind his back and moved him in front of him just as a crybot opened fire on him, destroying the crybot instead. He then ran and jumped high in the air to dodge a fire and wind attack from villains and did a few flips to avoid being shot at from crybots before landing on the ground and doing a round house kick to 3 villains. He then ducks under a right hook from a crybot and grabs its gun arm and has it fire at the villains and enemies, once they were down, he turned the gun armed crybot to him and punched it repeatedly in the chest, kneed it in the stomach and sent it to the ground with a powerful uppercut.

Y/N: (chuckles) too easy.

(With izuku)

Izuku roundhouse kicks a villain in the face and ducks down to avoid a blast from a crybot before bicycle kicking a villain, while avoiding being shot by multiple crybots and then spinning around and kicking a villain in the face, making it spin before falling to the ground. Another villain ran and jumped in the air hoping to land an attack on izuku but he was quick to see it coming and jumped in the air to intercept and faking a punch and kicking him in the back, making the villain fall to the ground and onto other villains. Once izuku lands he blocks 2 kicks from crybots, making him skid back and into a crybot that managed to grab him from behind, izuku sees more crybots rush him and kicks them away and uses the crybot that has him in a hold to brake the fall before smashing his fist through its face, he then runs to a crybot and slides through its legs, jumps in the and does a mid air round house kick to another crybot, making it flip before falling to the ground, he then turns to the crybot that he went through and saw it fire a blast, making izuku narrowly dodge it before rolling out of another, he then rushes it and and pushes its arm up just as it fired, he then punched it twice, one in the stomach and the other in the face, he then uppercuts it, making it fly in the air before falling down, just before it touched the ground izuku sent a powerful punch into it's chest, making it fly and speak before exploding.

Izuku: piece of cake.

(With shoto)

Shoto: come on!

Villians and crybots surround themselves around the shadow ranger who stands completely calm, looking left and right at the villains and crybots, each sneering (well not the crybots) at him before they all rush in to attack. Before any could land a hit he suddenly disappears making them hit eachother and knocked themselves out. Most of them looked around and saw shoto calmly standing with his arms crossed.

Shoto: I'm not impressed.

Villian: how the fuck did you get there?

Shoto: I disappeared like a shadow, I'd think it was obvious.

They ignored him and recklessly charged, shoto sighed and used his super speed to charge in the midst of the stampede and punched a villain in the jaw before elbowing another one in the stomach, he then blocks a strike from a crybot and rolls out of the way from multiple crybots opening fire, hitting villains and crybots instead of him. He then runs and drop kicks a crybot before leaning back to avoid a kick but grabs the leg and spins the crybot around, making it hit other crybots before letting go and watch it hit a wall, it then tries to get up but never got a chance as shoto uses his speed to get up close and pierces the crybot in the chest with his fist before taking it out and watches the crybot fall to the ground lifeless.

Shoto: I barely put any effort in.

(With bakugo)

Bakugo smashes his fist into a crybots head before ducking under a swing from a villain and putting him into a headlock and repeatedly smashing his fist into the villains stomach 3 times and then tripping him over, he then gets into a scuffle with 2 crybots, blocking and dodging their attacks before moving past them and low kicking them and then spin kicking one of the downed crybots, making it skid into a bunch of villains and crybots, making them fall over.

Bakugo: ssssstrrrriiiiikkkkeeeee motherfuckers!!!!!

Bakugo then rolled out of the way of crybots firing at him before punching a crybot in the face and then kicking it in the stomach, then grabs a crybots approaching fist before breaking and ripping its arm and smashing it in the face with it, he then spins the arm around, hitting several villains and crybots, he then grabs a villain by the head and brings it down to his knee before back flipping and kicking it in the face sending it flying before ending it by raising his hands together and slamming it down on the crybots back.

Bakugo: done and done.

(Back to normal)

The rangers group together and are currently in front of slate.

Slate: (growls) I knew I should have invested more than just simple crybots, alright come and get me rangers I'll take you all on!!

Y/N: hmph, we'll see about that! Dragon dagger!!!

Izuku: saba!!!

Shoto: (pulls out his blade and holds it in front of him) shadow saber!!!

Bakugo: quantum defender, sword mode!!!

The 4 rangers and slate charge at eachother.

(With shota, katsumi and izumi)

Shota crashes into a wall grunting in pain before sliding down it and crashing into the ground, katsumi bounces on the ground like a pebble bouncing on water before finally skidding to a halt and izumi is currently being held by her face by the nomu that was about to crush her skull before a powerful punch from all might makes it let go of the new holder of OFA and skids back before growling. AM turns to izumi.

AM: are you alright young midoriya?

Izumi: (grunts) y-yeah, I'm fine, but what about you? Aren't you about to-

AM: do not worry, I still have time, and I'll be sure to finally put an end to this monster!! So stay back ok?

Izumi hesitates before conceding with a nod and steps back. All might turns and gets into a fighting stance.

AM: come now villain!!! Let's see if you really can kill me!!!

Shigaraki: (scratches neck) arrogant aren't you?! Nomu! Destroy the symbol of peace!! NOW!!!

The nomu roars and charges at AM who does the same, their fists collide, creating a shockwave before they send a barrage of punches at eachother.

(Back with the rangers)

Izuku and Y/N go in first and begin attacking slate who dodges the strikes and starts punching and kicking them. Y/N punches slate in the face and follows with a roundhouse kick which allows izuku to slash at slate a couple times in the chest, creating sparks. Y/N then slashes at his knees before upper cutting slate making fly in the air, the green and white rangers then go into a crouching position which allows bakugo and shoto to jump off their backs and into the air and strike slate with powerful swings creating a mini explosion. Slate then falls to the ground wounded before huffing in annoyance and melting into the ground as a shadow and went to the class of 1-A and sneaked behind momo and held her from behind, class 1-A turned and saw what was going on and were about to intervene.

Slate: I wouldn't if I were you, get any closer and she dies.

The 4 rangers run to where slate is and see he has a hostage.

Y/N: let her go slate!

Slate: not going to happen!

Y/N: well prepare for a world of hurt, shadow ranger now!!!

Shoto then uses his speed and grabs momo before taking her to her classmates and then returning to his friends. Bakugo then transforms his quantum defender into blaster mode and fires at slate multiple times, making him fall on his ass. He groans before he pulls out a button from somewhere and presses it, the ground suddenly starts shaking, causing everyone to start tumbling, the shaking stops and a giant robot appears.

Bakugo: you kidding me?! Fucker has a robot now?!

Slate: I won't lose like last time rangers!!! He then jumps into the cockpit of the robot and attempts to stomp on the rangers who roll out of the way. The team then hear a beeping and realise they're getting a call from Hela.

Hela: [did I catch you at a bad time?]

Y/N: oh not at all sweetheart, we're just having a lovely stroll.

Hela: (smirks) sarcasm aside, I see slate has a robot.

Izuku: do you have a way to bring it down.

Hela: (smirks wider) oh I have more than one~.

Hela then messes around with her terminal and then speaks back to the team.

Hela: alright guys, I managed to give you the firepower you need! Call the megazords!!

Ranger team: right.



(6 - 12 seconds)

Shadow ranger:

(Stop at 59 seconds)

Quantum ranger:

(Stop at 48 seconds)

The 4 rangers hop into their respective zord and prepare to face slate. Slates megazord spreads its arms out and activates the thrusters on its shoulders, attempting to coastline the rangers, he only manages to hit Y/N and shoto as izuku and bakugo dodge out of the way. Shoto decides to retaliate.

Shoto: firing finger lasers!!

The DCM (Delta Command Megazord) brings it's arms up and fires at slate, missing a couple times but managing to hit it in one of its thrusters, causing it to spin out of control as the the other thruster is still on. The Q-rex and tigerzord rush slates megazord and grab its arms with their jaws and begin to pull on them while slates robot attempts to break free.

Slate: no!!! Let me up!!!

The 2 eventually manage to rip the arms off, making the robot spark, Y/N then uses the dragonzords drill and drills the robot in it's chest, making it spark more.

Shoto: guys get out of the way!

The 3 do so and watch as the DCM's chest area glows before firing directly at slates robot, causing it to spaz out of control and for sparks to appear in the cockpit, slate quickly ejects just as the rangers megazords turn away from the robot as it collapses and explodes. The team then jump out of their zords and stand in front of slate.

Y/N: shoto, you bring him in, he's one of spd's villians afterall.

Shoto: with pleasure, (walks up to slate) slate! (He looks at shoto just as he pulls out his morpher and aims it at him) your accused of attempted murder and disrupting the peace, judgement mode!

Shoto presses a button on his morpher which opens to show a blue circle and red X, everything around them darkens as slate gets nervous seeing the 2 symbols blinking on and off.

Slate: (echo) noooo!! I don't want to go back again.

The symbols continue to blink until it eventually stops on the red X which marks itself onto slate.

Slate: NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Shoto: guilty! (Raises shadow saber in the air) shadow saber!! Containment strike!!!

Shoto spins the saber in a circle, leaving after images of it as fire appears from behind him, he then slowly moves to slate and increases his speed until he finally reaches slate and slashes through him. Once shoto is on the other side, he puts the sword back into its sheath right when slate collapses and blows up. Out of the flames, a card appears and shoto catches it, on the card is slate banging on it and screaming.

Slate: let me out of here!!!

Shoto: justice prevails.

Y/N, Izuku and bakugo run up to shoto, bakugo grabs the card and laughs before he starts shaking the card about, making slate flop around within the card. Y/N then uses his communicator.

Y/N: hela, mission accomplished.

Hela: (smiles) nice work boys!

Tommy: I never had any doubts in you 4, now hurry and get out of there, the league of villains are retreating since they lost their all might killer, and I have no doubt that the pros that have arrived will hunt you down.

Y/N: you got it dad, (looks at his team) let's morph outta here boys!

(Mini timeskip)

The boys are sitting outside a local cafe (I need to think of a name for it since it will be like the hangout area for them) enjoying their beverages and snacks as they chat.

Izuku: man, our first mission as a team and we did pretty well.

Bakugo: (snorts) please, you extras were mediocre at best.

Shoto: (deadpans) the only one that's mediocre is you.

Bakugo: what was that emo bastard?!

Y/N: (laughs) come on bakugo, we all did great today, and if we keep this up, the world will be safe against the upcoming threats, that's what it means to be hero, (smirks) right?

Izuku enthusiastically smiles, shoto only shows the hint of one and bakugo gives a cocky smirk. The 4 then do a four way fistbump and enjoy the rest of the day chatting about random subjects and bakugo on a occasion saying he'll kick Y/N's ass and be the leader.

A/N: thank you guys for reading this chapter and as always....PEACE✌✌

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