2.mother daughters bond

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In the morning, at the dining table, the mother-daughter duo were chit-chatting while having breakfast.

"Baccha, I forgot about the invitation card!" Neela said, sipping the last of her coffee.

"Which invitation card, Ma?" Avni asked, oblivious to her mother's mention, continuing to stuff her mouth with spoonfuls of poha.

"Baccha, Mr. Khanna has invited us to their party. They've been awarded as the number one businessman." Neela spoke while hiding behind the newspaper, avoiding Avni's gaze.

"That's great, but why are you telling me this?" Avni asked, puzzled. Usually, Neela scolded her about business-related topics. This was something new.

"Baccha, you love me, right?" Neela chirped in a sugary tone, looking at Avni expectantly.

Realizing her 'lovely' Ma's ulterior motive, Avni shook her head vehemently. "No, no, no, Ma. I can't. How can you think I will go to a party? What happened to you? You go; it's for you, not me!" She got up from her seat, hurriedly picking up her bag, ready to escape to college.

"How did you know? I didn't even say anything yet..." Neela started, but before she could continue, Avni kissed her cheek and waved. "Okay, bye, Ma. Love you!" She was about to leave but stopped when Neela grabbed her wrist.

"Baccha, please understand, it's important. Your panda also wants to see new places. Plus, I have an important meeting in London, so..." Neela trailed off, waiting for her agitated daughter to respond.

"London? And when are you going?" Avni asked, baffled.

"It's... after... It's aft-" Neela stammered, bracing for Avni's reaction.

Avni folded her arms and asked in a cold tone, "Neela, when are you going? Tell me honestly."

"It's in 5 hours, and I'll be back after a week!" Neela blurted out in one breath, closing her eyes.

Avni said calmly, "Oh, in 5 hours, and you'll be gone for a week?" Her voice had lost its earlier edge, and her face showed no reaction.

Neela nodded, sure that trouble was brewing.

Avni sat down on the couch, then stood up again, struggling to find words. Every time she opened her mouth, the words died in her throat.

Neela started, "Avni, listen-" but was interrupted by Avni's shout. "What?! You're leaving in 5 hours and won't be back for a week?! Oh my God! And you're telling me now?! You're so careless. You know how I feel about being alone, but still! Fine, you go, but you're telling me just 5 hours before your flight?!" Avni ranted on.

Neela went to the kitchen, brought a chocolate bar, and placed it in front of Avni. "Panda, you know Neela is very bad, she is-" Neela handed the chocolate to Avni, saying, "You need this."

Avni, as usual, snatched the chocolate and devoured it quickly. After finishing, she calmed down a bit and asked, "Neela, how do you know I feel better after eating chocolate?"

Neela smiled heartily at her daughter, who still acted like a kid. "Baccha, I'm your mom before your friend. So, it means you're going to the party, which starts at 8!"

"Okay, at 8. And when is the party?" Avni asked.

Neela nervously mumbled, "Today."

Avni smiled at her and asked, "Ma, why are you behaving like this?"

"Like what?" Neela asked, confused.

"Why are you throwing bombs on me one by one?" Avni said, irritated. Neela just smiled sheepishly.

"First, you said you're leaving for London in 5 hours. Okay, I agreed. Then, you said you'll be gone for a week. Fine, I agreed to that too. And now, you're saying the party is today?! You know how bad I am at these things! What will I do? I don't like parties, especially business ones!" Avni vented her frustrations.

"Bacha, don't worry. You are Avni Parikh. These parties will become more beautiful if you attend. Your presence will light up the party." Neela said, imitating a famous actor, making Avni smile despite herself.

"Maa, if you keep buttering me up, I'll become fat. Then how will I fit into the dress for tonight?" Avni joked, and they both laughed, filling the room with their giggles.

"Okay, Baccha, I'll go to the hospital now," Neela said, checking her wristwatch and picking up her white coat.

"Maa, you're going away for a week. Please stay with me for a few hours. We'll have fun!" Avni exclaimed, taking the coat from her and throwing it on the sofa.

"Okay, Baccha," Neela agreed, fondly looking at her daughter, excited to spend some time together.

They spent the day watching movies, trying new recipes, and eating lots of chocolate and ice cream. The day passed quickly.

Neela left after bidding Avni goodbye. Later, Avni rummaged through her closet, finding the perfect dress for the evening. She began getting ready as the party time approached.


Hope you all like it, lovelies.

See you soon.


Amor, Seem.

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