42.Crying House

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The house, once filled with elderly gossip and playful teasing among the youth, was now filled with snores.

A home that always remained empty was now bustling with people.

The house, having only five rooms to rest in, made everyone compromise on staying together.

Shweta and Neela Ma, long-lost best friends, stayed in Neela's room, while Bebe left these two college friends and stayed alone in Arohi's room.

Sunheri, Avni, and Riya shared the guest room, leaving Avni grumpy and red-faced with anger at none other than Neil Khanna.

You might be wondering why Avni is sleeping in the guest room instead of her own room. Let's go back to when everyone was ready to snuggle into their beds, chatting and jumping on the bed.

"Okay, so it's decided that Bebe will stay in Arohi's room, Prakashji in the guest room beside the storeroom downstairs, Neil, Ali, and Daniel in another guest room beside Prakash Ji's room, and our lovely princesses will stay in my Bacha's room," Neela Ma announced, giving stern glances at the boys, especially Neil.

Initially, Prakash and Ali were going to share a room, and Neil and Daniel another. Neil was happy enough to kill Danny with his bare hands in the room alone without anyone to disturb him. However, Danny was afraid, so he dragged Ali into his room, leaving Prakash Uncle to stay alone.

But the problem was not solved. Everyone was going to their assigned rooms when Neil stopped everyone with his declaration.

"I will stay in Avni's room!" This declaration earned him confused looks from everyone except Avni, who giggled, confusing everyone around her.

"He's kidding... don't get so serious. Heri, Ri, let's go!" Everyone was relieved and began to step toward their rooms again.

"I am not kidding, Avni... And Neela Aunty, you always used to say 'Atithi Devo Bhava,' so I wish to stay in her room. Please let me go!" (The guest is equivalent to God, meaning of Atithi Devo Bhava.)

Neela Ma, believing it thoroughly, allowed him.

"Excuse me, Ma, how can you give him permission to stay in MY room? I have the right to decide who stays in MY room," Avni said, glaring at Neil while everyone around her stifled their giggles.

"Avni, don't be childish. He wishes to be in your room. It's fine. Just for one day, you will have your room back later. He won't snatch it from you, right, Neil?" Neela Ma scolded Avni, who still had a fiery glare directed at Neil, who was giving her a sheepish smile.

"Fine, he can stay in my room, but on one condition. I don't want any of them to touch my bed or any other things. If they agree, then I am fine with it!" Avni said, folding her arms near her chest with glaring eyes.

"And one more thing: if I find out that any of you dared to touch my bed, I will rip your head off your abs-built body. Got that?!" Avni glared at the trio.

"Avni..." Neela Ma began but was interrupted by Avni.

"Maa, not this time!" Avni said and left for her room, with Sunheri and Riya following behind silently, well aware of her wrath.

The boys gulped audibly, knowing well about Avni's anger and her threat, which could become true.


The next morning, the elders rose quite early. Bebe being in the house made everyone wake up early except the stupid fellows sleeping in Avni's room, fueling Avni's anger.

Avni was sitting down, destroying the already spoiled omelet, which now looked like it had been shot with a thousand bullets and pierced by a sword—in short, a world war on a small plate where an omelet lay dead. The same was going to happen to Neil!

She shot glances at Riya and Sunheri across the table, waiting for the most awaited scene to unfold.

A loud scream startled everyone except the young girls. Bebe, Neela, Shweta, and Prakash rushed to Avni's room to find Neil sitting on the bed in confusion. Ali was still snoring on the floor, unaware of his surroundings, while Danny stood there in his special Pikachu shorts with a horrified face.

That's when everyone noticed the three boys had their faces scribbled with markers. Neil's face looked like Batman, Ali's face was an undecipherable mess, and Daniel's face was equally hilarious.

"Arre, tum logon ne apne chehre ka kya haal bana rakha hai? Aur itne zor se kaun chhikaa?" Neela Ma asked, concerned, while the three queens stifled their laughs.

Neil was the one who saw the girls trying hard not to laugh, and that's when he understood everything.

"Avni, you naughty girl!" Before he could complete, Avni stuck out her tongue and ran downstairs, followed by Neil.

Avni ran down and was about to jump when Neil threw his arms to catch her, but...


Neil's POV

I embraced Avni in my arms, and we both fell to the ground, with her beneath me. When I stared into those eyes, I realized it wasn't my Avni but Arohi!

Oh God, how can my day be so bad in just 15 minutes?

First, that horrible scream from Bunny or Dummy, whoever he is! Then my face scribbled with a Batman design, and lastly, Arohi in my arms...

I surely need to run to the bathroom for a quick shower.

The next thing I saw was both Arohi and Avni staring at each other.

No, not now. I need to shower first before any fight breaks out. Well, not a fight, but still...

What I heard and saw next was unbelievable. Seriously, I never imagined this.

A catfight was on my list for both of them, but what was happening in front of me was unbelievable! They were freaking laughing, holding their stomachs with tears oozing out of their eyes.

"Am I still dreaming? Why are they laughing instead of pulling each other's hair or glaring at each other?" someone spoke behind us. Everyone was now downstairs, looking at both sisters laughing loudly while Ali was still sleeping.

Wait, he was sleeping...

That voice belonged to none other than the great Ali!

Now both had sobered up but were still trying to control themselves.

"What the crap did you guys do to your pretty faces?" Arohi asked, giving a high-five to Avi.

Aren't they kind of enemies?

Just when that question crossed my mind, Ali voiced my thoughts.

"You both are enemies, right?" Ali asked dumbfounded, a question that he soon regretted.

The realization dawned on both their faces, thickening the atmosphere.

Ali, I will surely kill you!

Everyone except Avni and Arohi glared at Ali, digging holes in his body.

Ali surely has a death wish, I guess. Don't worry; it will be granted soon.

"Avni, Bacha, I need to confess something to you!" Arohi said in a whisper, holding regret and pain.

And I don't feel a bit sad for her. She deserves it a lot.

Avni didn't say anything; she just stared into Arohi's eyes, waiting for her to continue.

"Avi, I never meant to hurt you, Bacha. I always backed off due to my stupid and dangerous work. I am a bloody murderer, Avi. I kill people!" She screamed, letting out her frustration. Everyone in the room flinched, except Avi and me.

She continued, this time in a softer voice, "Avi, do you remember when you advised me not to punish innocent people when you were small?" Arohi asked, but Avi gave no answer, just a blank stare.

She continued, nonetheless.

"Avi, I never killed an innocent... No, wait... I... I... Yes, I killed an innocent, but it was a misunderstanding. That's why I am ashamed to face you. I broke your promise, Avi! I broke it. I am a devil! I should rot in jail!" She seemed broken and shattered, beyond repair, scarred within.

Her heart, we all could see, was shattered into pieces without making a sound. That's the real power of a heart, making one helpless without a blink of an eye.

Well, the heart doesn't need any power. It's powerless yet strong to fight with, but when shattered, it's difficult to fix.

"I am sorry, Avni! I am really sorry. Please forgive me!" Arohi said, sobbing on her knees.

I looked at Avi, seeing her still with a blank expression, standing the same as before...

"On one condition!" Avi whispered. Everyone looked at her confused, including me.

What is she thinking? Before I could ponder, she spoke.

"I will forgive you on one condition!" Avi completed, her voice firm.

"Give me back the childhood I yearned for. Give back my happiness, which always lies in you... and still does."

"Give back my Di, who always loved me, who never let anyone lay a finger on me because you always stood to protect me."

Avni wiped her tears hurriedly and called Neela Ma. Neela Ma rushed to her, sitting beside her on the couch, caressing her hair with teary eyes. By now, everyone had tears in their eyes.

"Maa, do you remember Vihaan, my best friend when I was small? We used to play a lot together. Once, while playing, I fell off a swing. The next day, I learned that Di punched him, causing his tooth to fall."

Everyone let out a small chuckle hearing the incident. Avni wiped her tears while Arohi sat on her knees, crying.

"I miss those days. I want them back! I can't forgive you, Di, unless you promise to be my same old Di. Will you promise me?" Avni asked, still crying.

I saw Arohi's eyes softening with tenderness and warmth, yet filled with immense guilt.

"I promise, Bacha. I will always be with you as the same old Di, never leaving you alone," Arohi said, hugging Avi.

Everyone's eyes welled up seeing the beautiful sisters reuniting after years.

Just when they pulled apart, everyone stared at the two while they pulled Ali's ears, making him flinch in pain.

Oh, God! These sisters... 

I love you, Avi! You are my everything!


I hope you all like it, 

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