5.Blabbering Queen

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Neil's POV

As I drove along the empty city streets, the streetlights cast eerie shadows on the dark alleys. Glancing beside me, I saw the girl—who, for some reason, was still engrossed in conversation with her ring.

Well, "engrossed" might be an overstatement. She had a frown on her face.

"Panda, I saw Chamko after so many years, but he was more interested in talking to his friend than his childhood friend!" she lamented aloud. I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

She really acted like a child!

Here I am, a grown man driving her home, and she's chatting with a lifeless ring as if it's a real person. It was almost amusing.

I shifted my gaze from the road and noticed she was pouting again, but this time it was tinged with sadness.

"Excuse me? Do you have a problem?" I started to ask, but she interrupted me with her usual fervor. I had to stifle the urge to shout; I was the one used to giving orders, not receiving them.

"Why would I share my problems with you? Just drive silently! I'm warning you!" She glared at me fiercely. I feigned a look of fear and chuckled at my own performance, which didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Hey, why are you laughing? Are you mocking me?" she demanded.

"No, why would I?" I replied quickly. After a few more minutes of silent driving, she suddenly asked me to stop. I raised an eyebrow in question, but she sweetly said, "Please come out!"

I stepped out, still puzzled as she pointed at a mental hospital with a wide grin. I looked at her, curious about her intentions.

"Look, Mr. Rude, I think this is the perfect place for you. Leave the car to me; I'll manage on my own. Most importantly, you should thank me for taking care of you. Tell your family I helped you with your mental health!" she said, her words leaving me dumbfounded.

"What?!" I stammered, my jaw dropping.

"Yes, it must be tough dealing with a rejection. My advice is to forget your past and move on. Don't strain your mind; it will affect your health. But first, get a check-up here. They'll take you in without delay, and—" she continued babbling. To stop her from making me more agitated, I placed my hand over her mouth.

"Oh gosh, how much do you talk? And no, I haven't received any proposal yet. Why do you think I'm mentally unstable?" I asked, annoyed by her endless chatter.

"Why are you silent now?" I pressed, waiting for her response. Her wide eyes were locked onto mine, her behavior both astonishing and amusing.

"Mmm... mmm... mmm..." she mumbled into my hand. Realizing I hadn't removed my hand, I pulled it away.

"Hey, don't touch me! And yes, I think you're mental because a normal person doesn't giggle or laugh alone for no reason. You must either be an alien or mentally unstable. Since you don't have long ears, my second guess is right. You're mental. I was just trying to help!" she declared.

"Why do you need the car keys?" I asked, perplexed by her demand.

"No, you can't drive. It's my car, so I'll drive!" I said firmly, taking her hand and guiding her back into the car. I settled into the driver's seat, focusing on the road.

"Because of you, I'm getting late. Drive faster!" she said, and my mind went into overdrive.

I couldn't figure out what to say to her.

The rest of the drive was silent. I glanced over and saw a beautiful sight—there she was, sleeping peacefully, as if she had never spoken a word before.

I was genuinely confused about who this girl really was. Her personality was a puzzling mix of fierceness and innocence. Could someone be both?

I looked at her, feeling a strange calm. She was clutching my coat, resting her head on the window, breathing softly.

When we arrived at her home, "Neela Nivas" read the nameplate. So, she was Neela Parikh's daughter. Neela had helped me in a crisis before.

I glanced at her and tried to wake her, but she remained deeply asleep. I sighed, shaking my head. Waking her up without causing a scene was going to be a challenge.

She looked much better asleep; otherwise, this chatterbox never missed a chance to speak.

After ten minutes of trying to wake her, I was growing tired and needed to drive back.

"Miss Cutie, just wake up!" I said, before realizing what I had said. Thankfully, her eyes remained closed.

After a few more attempts, she finally stirred. "Maa, you never listen. If you wake up, you owe me ice cream," she said sleepily while rubbing her eyes.

I stared at her, and she finally recognized me. "Oh, it's you," she said, getting out of the car without a word of thanks or goodbye.

"This girl... she's really going to drive me insane!" I muttered, smiling at the recent events.

"Blabbering queen," I added, shaking my head as I started the car.


Hola, Lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Apologies for any mistakes, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the story.

Bye for now!

Amor Seem

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