51.Mysterious Deal

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Neils POV

After a week of Avni's job at the first branch of Dannies Company...

Tapping my foot for the umpteenth time, I waited for the clock to strike 6. It had been an hour since I'd arrived, hoping to meet the person I was here for.

Now it was half past 6, and she still hadn't shown up.

Come on... I'm running out of patience...

"Neil?" Finally, I heard the voice I'd been waiting for. Thank God.

Bidding her colleagues goodbye, Neela aunty approached me. "What are you doing here, Neil? You should've gone straight home. Is there a problem?"

I guided her to the passenger seat and took my place in the driver's seat. "Aunty, I wanted to ask you something."

She fell silent for a moment, thinking, then nodded. "This is about Bachaa, right?"

"I'm not sure about the reason, but I know one thing for sure: She's hurt."

"What? Hurt? Does she have injuries? A fever?"

"No, Aunty. When I say she's hurt, I mean emotionally. She's very gloomy and zoned out. Though she still appears bubbly and happy on the surface, she's deeply disturbed and sad but doesn't want us to know. There has to be a reason for it."

I pulled out my mobile, opening the voicemail I had.

"Aunty, I'm sorry, but I didn't have any other choice but to do this." I clicked on the recent voice recording, and within seconds, a voice filled with sniffles and sobs filled the air.

"Ma!!!" A strangled whimper escaped the person crying, interrupted by frequent hiccups.

"Maa, I don't know what to do!! I—I'm helpless, Maa!!" Her voice was full of pain and a touch of defeat.


'Knock' 'knock'

"Avni, are you alright? Can I come in?" A manly, hoarse voice called out.

"Wait, I'll come in a few minutes. I was searching for some files... don't worry, Nick!!"

There was a series of 'ping ping ping ping ping' sounds.

No, no, no... Not now. Clutching the steering wheel tightly, I closed my eyes, trying to regain my composure.

This stupid audio chip had to deactivate at such a critical moment.

"Damn it."

"Neil, why did it turn off suddenly?" Neela aunty asked, her voice quivering as she turned to me. Her figure was tense and fragile.

Pacing my hand on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze, I said, "Aunty, the device must have deactivated if she removed her ring or changed its position. The switch automatically turns off. I'm sorry."

"Neil, my Bachaa—she was calling me, crying. She needs me."

"I know, Ma. I know she's in pain. We need to do something."

"What can we do, Neil? She shares whatever bothers her with us, but if it's something big, she keeps it to herself!" Neela aunty shook her head, exasperated.

"Calm down, Aunty. I have a plan, but you need to act normally around her. Don't let her know that we're aware of her sadness."

I won't let you grieve any longer, Avu...

"What are you saying, Neil? I don't understand."

"Listen carefully, Aunty. We just need to..."


Neela Ma's POV

'Knock' 'Knock'

"Ma!! There's no need to knock!" I entered to find Avni sitting with some files spread out in front of her.

"Why?" I asked, sitting at the edge of her bed with the papers scattered between us.

Looking up, Avni stared at me, puzzled. "Why, what, Ma?"

"Why would you let me in your room without permission?" I asked, seeing her expression morph into one of obliviousness.

"Ma, you're my Maa... My superwoman. You have every right to go through my room, my clothes, my books, and even myself!" she said, as she gathered the papers that had fallen from the files and placed everything neatly on her study desk.

"Bachaa, sometimes, we don't have the right to keep our children happy, even if we're superwomen. Some kids keep a lot to themselves, thinking it's difficult for us to understand."

Her expression softened slightly, but she quickly brightened with a smile.

"Don't you think that's wrong?" I asked, smiling, hoping to see some genuine emotion behind her smile, but she kept it firmly in place.

"Yes, Maa, absolutely. That's wrong. Those kids don't know how to talk like me!" Avni said, hugging me tightly, hiding her emotions from me.

Bachaa, why aren't you telling us anything? We can solve your problems!

I patted her head gently and tightened my arms around her. I wish I could take away all your sorrows, Bachaa.

"Bachaa, you can tell me if you have any problems—" My sentence was cut off by a knock on the door and the sound of "Avii!!"

I looked up to see Neil entering, shaking his head with a finger raised to his lips.

Avni detached herself from me, staring at Neil with a bright smile. Her eyes were shining.

Is this what I think it is, or is it just my imagination?

Looking at Neil, I saw his face glowing, his eyes full of admiration for Avni. Wait... This wasn't normal. I must be influenced by Avni's affection for ice cream. Shaking my head, I left the room, leaving the two of them to their silent moment.

My Bachaa has found the perfect man for her.

And Arohi... I sighed.

Bappa, please grant my children their happiness. I closed my eyes and clasped my hands, praying for their well-being.


After Ma left, Neil sat in her place, his hands behind his head, smiling brightly. Today he wasn't in his suit but dressed casually in a white tee and grey sweatpants. His hair was styled sideways, adding charm to his already good looks. His auburn eyes shone, but...

Why did he seem both bright and a little gloomy?

"Neil, what are you doing here at this hour?" I glanced at my bedside watch, which read 9:07.

"I wanted to give you something!" He revealed a tub of ice cream labeled 'Matcha Ice Cream.'

"Ice cream!!!" I snatched the tub from him. It was a flavor I had never tasted before. If I had known about it, I would've tried it sooner.

Taking the spoon from him, I lifted a bite of the green ice cream to my mouth, noticing Neil watching me carefully.

I deliberately moved slowly, observing his expressions. He looked like a kid eager to win a game.

Amused, I finally let the ice cream melt in my mouth. It was cold and heavenly at first, but then I realized...

"Why is this so bitter, Neil? Yuck..." I put the tub on the bed.

He frowned in confusion and took a spoonful of the ice cream himself. To my surprise, he smiled broadly.

"It's too sweet, Avii!" He looked at me with a grin, making me wonder why the ice cream tasted bitter to me. At first, it was sweet, but then it turned bitter.

Freaking chameleon ice cream!

Neil continued, "Do you know what makes this ice cream special, Avu?"

I looked at him, my eyes glistening with hidden tears. I resisted letting them fall. I'd been strong for too long. I couldn't let them show now.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a low voice, trying to keep my emotions in check.

"If someone is sad, it tastes bitter. If they're happy, it's sweet."

How could an ice cream reflect someone's emotions?

"That's not possible! Even if it did, I'm very happy. Why would I be sad?" I met his gaze, determined to stay composed.

"I have everything I could wish for: Ma, Di, amazing friends, you, ice creams, chocolates, school and college memories, and now my fantastic job!" My voice wavered on the last word, and tears began to form in my eyes.

I picked up the ice cream tub, took another bite, expecting the sweetness to return, but it was even more bitter. I couldn't let Neil know about my sadness, even if I was truly unhappy. I didn't want to burden him.

I continued to eat, memories flashing in my mind.

"Welcome Bella, I hope you enjoy working here. I'll make sure you won't get bored!" That deep voice echoed in my head, making my hands tremble.

I remembered the day I joined Robert Enterprises under Mr. Aiden Nicholas Roberts, the man I had met. His deep, authoritative voice wishing me luck despite being the cause of my problems.

The first day in Robert Enterprises...

"Good morning, Bella. I hope you had a wonderful welcome!" The president greeted me with a sly smile.

"Good morning, sir!" I greeted him. We discussed my job, which was similar to what I did at Mr. Daniel's company.

"Avni, report to my office on Wednesday. We'll have special guests, and you're responsible for collecting the reports related to the project. I'll send you the details."

I nodded, receiving a message from the same number as before, but the profile picture had changed. It now showed the president with a charming smile and twinkling ocean-blue eyes.

I asked, "How did you get my number, sir?"

He answered, "I collected it during the hiring process. Don't worry; I'll take care of everything."


What did he have planned for me?

The ice cream was tasteless now, and I felt I'd lost something important—my happiness. Why was it so difficult to get the better of this feeling?

The more I tried to fight it, the more I felt lost and out of control. My world was spinning, and my own emotions seemed to be conspiring against me.

Neil's cheerful voice, his smile, and even his presence didn't comfort me. His attempts to make me smile seemed like a way of keeping his own fears away. It only made me feel more alone and hopeless.

". I will make sure that you won't get bored!!" That deep voice rang in my head, making my senses falter a bit.My hands shivered with the recognition of those words and info I caught my hand on. 

 The first Branch. 

 Robert Enterprises. 

 "Avii?!!" I heard Neil's concerned voice near me, his hand taking back that bitter sweet ice cream and his both palms on my cheek making me face him and stare into those warm orbs. 

 "What happened Avu!!! You are saying nothing to us, How will we solve it if we won't know about it??" I looked at him piercing my teary orbs into his.

 I sighed and decided to "Neil I...I am very much sad... too hurt, too broken, I lost my friend Neil, She- she lost her life in an accident, leaving me behind, leaving our friendship behind!!" 

 I am so sorry Neil, but I can't involve you into this, I know you could easily solve this, but I don't want you in this mess. I can't afford losing you as well.I am Sorry!!!

 One by one my tears escaped from my lids falling freely down my cheek, I sniffed and sobbed letting my all the problems flow with it.I felt two strong muscular arms encircle around me in a firm yet gentle grip, I extended my arms and caught him in my embrace, my hands were unable to reach each other because of his broad back and let myself express all the feelings which I was and am suffocated with, letting out all the worries, pain, misery and sorrows.

 All these are different words but with same meaning, yet still hold a miserable emotion for us humans to feel.An emotion holding all the pain one could suffer, more than the physical pain. 

 I sobbed, clutched him tighter and screamed.Screamed at the misery I feel within.Screamed at the torture I always feel standing at that door.Screamed for all the agony I am in.Screamed at myself for being so helpless and mourning for nothing.A person never knows how weak he is, if he is not standing amidst all the problems and disastrous situations.The arms caging me in were tighter than I could imagine, as if afraid to let me go. Afraid of letting me fall. These arms are the one giving me the strength which I need now to let all the things out. which had captured me in, not physically but mentally.

 I still can't forget that day. 

 The day I entered in Roberts Enterprises under the employ of non other than the blue eyes man Mr. Aiden Nicholas Roberts, the man I stumbled upon. 

 That deep secretive voice saying me Sorry in the parking lot.That deep authoritative voice calling me in my misery, wishing me luck for new problems.The Problem maker wishes me luck to survive in his employ.

 In his Employ. 

 The day I entered in getting a warm welcome from the staff, clients and all the heads themselves because I was HD in Dannies Company.Getting wishes and various gifts, I thought it to be the best Company but at final it became my hell.A hell to torture me.Not with literal weapons or words but just silence from Mr.Aiden Nicholas Roberts.


 The First Day in Robert's Enterprises. 

 "Good morning Bella, I hope you had a wonderful welcome down there!!"

 The one and only president of the company spoke with a sly smile on his beauteous face. 

 "Good morning sir!!" greeting him we discussed about my work over there, which was the same I did in Mr.Daniel's company. 

 "Avni I want you to report at my office on Wednesday, that is after 2 days. We will have special guests and you are supposed to collect the respective reports related to the project. I will send you the details on your number!!"I nodded at him and heard a ping from my mobile notifying me about a message, ignoring it, I was heading to my desk which was below this floor but halted my pace when I heard President calling me. 

 "Yess??" turning around I asked, waiting impatiently for him to say and let me free from here.

 "That's my message!!" his mischievous 29 years voice came... well I know his age because of my research on this company."huh?" I asked baffled with his statement, I took out my mobile from my pants pocket, opening up the app, I saw a message from the same number I got few days back yet this time it's profile pick was changed from before. 

 Before it had a grown up man and a little girl by his side which was not clear due to network issue while now I could see a front posture of My president with his charming smile and ocean blue orbs twinkling with happiness... 

 He stared at me with some emotions in his eyes which I can't fathom.This Guy is dangerous I could say, by the way his mysterious eyes speak more than his false mouth,Turning around I exited his office to prepare for the upcoming project. 

 The rest of the day went more than good with Nicholas Evans as my new friend and colleague. The vice president of Robert Enterprises. I was shocked when he told me that he was vice president, because he seemed too normal and friendly without any ego or mysterious aura around me unlike the president. 

 Two days later.After getting the files done as per the instruction of President, I knocked on his office door, waiting for him to let me in, but getting no response I knocked again and called out "Sir?"

 Again getting no response, I decided to enter in and keep the file on his desk then exit without any worry to confront him.

 Reaching the desk I carefully kept the file beside a brown leather file and turned to move when I caught a glimpse of some papers falling out of its place from the file kept at the center of the desk before President's chair.

 As if he was studying it before leaving.Turning towards the other side I took the papers falling out and kept them in while closing it one word caught my attention. 

 My name. 

 What is my name doing in this file, is this my documents regarding qualification.Reading the paper from line to line, I felt my legs getting weak and shake, my heart's rate as if running in a marathon, while my mind...it was numb. 

 Falling back into his majesty's seat, I reread the papers in front of me concerning about a deal regarding my employment.My Job was not gone because of my Wrong work and reports,It was all a Deal.Regarding me.But Why??Why did Daniel did this??I will not leave them to play with me like this!! 

 No I won't!!There should be a motive behind all this...a dangerous motive.


 I kept crying, remembering the day I overheard Mr. Robert and Mr. D'Souza discussing my transfer from Daniel's company to my current position. I couldn't believe they had hurt me this way. While I could tolerate anything Aiden did, I couldn't understand why Daniel, would betray me like this.

"Baby, shhh... calm down, everything will be fine!" Neil held me tightly and stroked my hair. His gentle embrace and the steady beat of his heart provided some comfort, soothing my troubled soul. His heartbeat was so peaceful that I could easily drift off to sleep in his arms.

"Nielu, can I please sleep in your arms tonight?" I snuggled closer to him, tightening my hold. I felt him stiffen slightly before relaxing again.

"I can, Avu, but I need to ask Neela Aunty first. She might not agree," he said, continuing to stroke my hair, his touch making me drowsy.

"You can, Neil. You can stay here tonight, but be careful," I heard Neela Aunty's voice.

"Thank you, Ma. Good night... love you!" I murmured sleepily, hearing her reply with a similar sentiment.

I felt myself being lifted and gently placed on a hard yet warm surface. Neil's arms encircled me as I rested my head on his chest, with a blanket draped over us. I placed a small kiss on his chest, feeling him stiffen momentarily before relaxing again. I smiled as I let myself drift off to sleep. I wondered about the odd mix of stiffness and relaxation from Neil and planned to ask him about it tomorrow.

A new day awaits, Avu... A new battle will begin soon. I sighed and let the darkness envelop me, listening to the soothing rhythm of Neil's heartbeat.

"Good night, Avu..." I felt a soft touch on my forehead and smiled softly at the endearing gesture.


Hello, everyone! That's it for now. I hope you enjoyed it. What do you think about the mysterious deal between Daniel and Mr. Roberts? And what about the voice clip? What do you make of the lie Avni told Neil? How did you feel about their sweet moment together? Are you happy or sad? If you want to know more, try Neil's special ice cream, affectionately named "Chameleon" by our lovely Avni!

Adios, lovelies... Looking forward to your thoughts and lots of love!

Amor, Seem ❤❤

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