59.Against all the Pain!!

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Note- Violence and self harm ahead!!

Soft hearted readers take care!!


Nivin a.k.a Mr.X

I stood unable to do anything but only watch everyone tensed and rigid at the thought of Neil sir coming back,

I looked onto Avni who was still lying on me for support unable to stand, Her face was morphed in clear fear and worry which made me confused at her such reaction!

I leaned a bit coming in level with her head and whispered softly in her ear taking her by surprise as she jumped on her place making me chuckle a bit even in such situation.

"What happened?"

Turning a head a bit she looked at me..with those eyes making me shudder mentally.

Her deep black eyes were too dark in fear more than she felt when she was whipped before. I carefully placed my palm on her cheek and tilted her head upwards upon to which I witnessed few tears brimming at the edge of her lids, ready to fall any second.

Slowly caressing her cheek I whispered again close to her ear "Everything is fine..! Relax!!"

I saw her eyes closing at my gesture and she smiled softly drifting slowly into sleep but jerked suddenly opening her eyes wide "Oh No!!" She shouted gaining attention of everyone on the floor who were busy shouting at each other in exasperation.

She held my shoulder and looked at me with wide astonished eyes and whisper-yelled " Mr.X I need to change soon as possible or..or-else..Nei..Neil will-"

Everyone including Vipul sir gasped when they understood what Avni said and they instantly started yelling for Maria Aunty and others few calling Doctor.

"I..I need to change...I" I pulled her towards me pressing her head on my shoulder and patted her head slightly to calm her down. "Shhh!"

Vipul sir threw the phone away and screamed "Where the hell are Maria and Sumit?!!"

Avni slightly tensed under me but soon relaxed when I caressed her head making me sigh contendly.

"Nivin Joshia James!! What the heck do you think you're doing?!" Vipul sir screamed once again burdened with all the tension and pressure and now releasing it onto yours only...Lucky me.

Well I won't be calm if I was in his shoes but gladly I am not!

Looking at me holding Avni close to me...almost hugging her to me Vipul sir walked towards me and glared at me and at the hand covering Avni's head and the other holding her right arm.

"Ma'am?!" Vipul Sir voiced softly and I tried hard not to smile or chuckle at this...

Well the one and only Macho man who just knows how to shout and scream was now talking so softly in fear?!

I bet this would be one memorable moment for everyone!!

"Ma'am?" Vipul sir once again called but Avni was still in my arms snuggling close to me..warming my heart more than it already was.

Nivin you can also 'Awwww' like others do!!

Yeah you are correc- wait Why the hell would I 'aww', I retorted back to my inner mind who was speaking blabber-dish.

I looked at Vipul Sir's glaring eyes darted onto me and I nodded my head at him and started moving my lips towards her ear. "Nivin!" Vipul Sir's warning tone was heard from behind but I ignored it and whispered softly against her ear once again. "Bunny?"

"Hmm?" She mumbled against my chest and I smiled softly caressing her head and once again "Bunny!" I nudged her shoulder gently to which she held her head up and looked at me with her sleep laden eyes.

My heart tightened a bit at her such vulnerable state... and I- I suddenly felt guilty!

Tugging her hair behind her ear I held her both cheeks and smiled broadly at her, Hoping she would cheer up now and I was very lucky I guess because she did grinned back more brighter and happily at me.

"You look so cute when you smile!!" She gushed and my smile faltered a bit and instead my cheeks inflamed making me conscious of it's color.

She tilted her head sideways and looked deep into my eyes making me curious of her gaze... "And now you are blushing!!" Argggg..I groaned slightly and heard her melodious laugh warming my heart.

I gazed onto her and saw her white teeth peeping out of her soft lips, her cheeks puffed up a bit with slight pinkishness and her beautiful eyes-

Her black orbs were shining back with the usual glint it had..... I so wish to see her with this glint in her eyes.

I wish and pray that Happiness may always come back to you after your every sad moments. Avni!!

For I am no God to make your life filled with happiness..But I wish you to get the best for you!

Such Innocence should never be tainted.


I walked with holding Avni by side making sure she is fine as others tried to help but she denied politely making Vipul Sir more agitated at that.

What's his actual problem..I am just helping her, If he is caring about my wounds too then I really am happy to know but his expressions does not mellows towards me instead it hardens more.

I sighed and walked Avni into her room and she sat on her bed carefully not laying her back behind on headboard but sitting straight.

"Can...Can you please send any lady for help?!" She asked and I looked onto her apologetically. I nodded my head in denial unable to say it as there's not a single lady present at the moment and I don't think anyone else can help her.

"I..Okay, Thank you Mr.X!" She tried being cheerful but her furrowed lines on forehead gave her act away.

Avni's Pov

As soon as Mr.X left, I tried standing up with the support of headboard and exhaled deeply when my muscles felt numb and resistive to move.

Just 15 steps more Avu!! You can walk that much!!

Struggling and dragging my numb musculatory towards the door I slammed it open heaving deep breathes.

I stood under the shower removing all the clothes i.e tearing some of it as it stuck to my skin as a second layer due to soaking in red, and steadied myself by leaning onyo the cold wall shivering slightly at its coldness.

A loud whimper escaped my mouth upon feeling the cool water sliding off my body and I bit my lip enduring the immense pain surging through the cracked pores at my back.

Opening my eyes I blinked repeatedly hoping to dissolve my blurry vision but instead felt hot trails escaping my eyes and mixing with the water.

From my blurry vision I was unable to decipher my surrounding but the slight redness in water informed me about my loss.

The once white bright tiles were now surfaced with light red water draining into the sewage.

My head pounded and a loud whistle rang within my head, pressuring onto my head...

Feeling my body tremble and unable to move I let it slide down and rest my throbbing head on the wall exhaling uneven breathes.

I eyed the closet door beside the room's door and sighed loudly..

Now get up Avu! Change!

Change into fresh clothes and embrace your pain!

Change to a better you!

A strong you!!

Change your crying habits and be strong!!

Indeed a change could help me more!!


I changed myself into comfy clothes after a whole 10 minutes and carefully stepped into my temporary room and my breath stuck in my throat when I saw the only person I feared to confront today!

A small gasp escaped my lips when I saw his orbs, his usual warm gaze was too cold but what caught me off guard was a glint in it. I am sure I could see it but unable to point out what it was?!

I left out a shivering breath and stood straight leaving the door frame stepping slowly without support.

Clenching my muscles and clutching tight onto my- I mean Neil's pants..Well today too I was wearing his clothes as I didn't have mine with me and his clothes were more comfy than mine's.

Concentrating on the main topic now- Neil is not at all like he usually is!!

I stepped forward slowly still gazing into his orbs wanting it to soften as it usually does but it didn't instead it hardened looking onto my form.


I voiced softly and now I stood infront of him afraid for his upcoming reaction or lack of it!

I raised my hand to touch his cheek but before I could he grasped my wrist halting my hand in mid-action.

I shook my head slowly from left to right unable to utter another word and my eyes widened when I noticed the thing I failed to do before....

His brown orbs were now hollow..dull and the glint I saw before was..was of Vul..Vulnerability.....

A sob escaped me and I raised my free left hand to grasp on his neck and embraced him tightly towards me.

I shivered and took heavy breathes clutching tightly onto his collar as his hand grasping my wrist loosened a bit letting it hang in the same position-mid air.

"N- Neil Pl..Please!!" My pleading voice whispered lowly as it broke and I let my tears fall freely unable to stop them and saw his whole entity shake under me.

I eyed with my wide eyes and saw his fists clenched by his side while his eyes closed tightly as if...as if afraid to show his..his feelings?!!

I once again clasped onto his neck but now with my both arms and hugged him pressing myself hardly on him..

I-I can't let..Neil hurt this- this way!!

I remember last time we talked- or fought!!

One thought crossed my mind and it caused a sob to release from my mouth...I bit my lips in order to control it but hiccupped loudly " Nei...Neil are you..are you still angry with me?! I am so..sorry, I shoul..dn't had said that!!" I hiccuped once more and tightened my hands around him.

The day he confronted me about my..my lies!!

"Avu I need to know, what problem you are in?...I can't help you..if you won't allow me to!! I know you can do it but-" His soft voice resonated in my ears and I regretted ever saying him such words back that day.

"No Neil!! I don't need any help I just want you to stay out of it, Okay?!!" That day I was too rude to him just because he was acting too sweet with me.

"Neil y-you!! How dare you to spy on me?!!! I am none of your concern so just damn leave it!!!" I remember that day clearly..He tried helping me and as well told me about how he got to know that something happened in office..He placed a mini speaker on my Panda ring!!

I really never meant to say him those words but..But the rage over took my senses and it all happened without my consent but still I know I can't give that excuse..It was all my fault.

My tears escaped my eyes and slowly trailed down from my cheek to his shirt wetting it while I tightened my grip on him.

Why are you not reciprocating it Neil?!!

"Please..Neil I was..not..not in my senses!I didn't meant any of those words! I want you to take care of me!! I want yo..you to scold..scold me when I am wrong... Please..please talk to me!! Or..or you can even pu- punish me-" I gasped loudly when he instantly held onto my should and jerked me away from him, his hands still on me.

His eyes now held rage in it...brown orbs were now raging with pure dangerous glint.

"Punish, eh?!" He gritted and glared at me.

"Huh?" I gasped when his hand left me and he started walking towards the door slamming it close loudly and turned around his fists and jaw clenched tightly.

His hand moved slowly upwards and stopped on his- his belt?!

"Wha-t?" My voice wavered when his dark glare was focused upon me and he undid his belt fiercely making me jump on my place when he lifted it up and then dashed it down on the ground erupting a whipping sound by it.

I eyed confusingly at him, staring wide eyed at him..

What is..he..doing?

"You want punishment right?!" He growled darkly and I shivered at his dangerous aura.

"What..a..are y.ou..doing?" few words escaped from my mouth on it's own and I saw frozen on my spot when he took long fast steps towards me with hi- his belt raising up with his strides?!

Why is he raising his..belt to.wards me?

I shrieked and closed my eyes when he was just 2 steps away from me!!


The familiar whipping sound resonated in my ear and I shuddered falling onto the ground unable to stand more and breathed heavily feeling all the pain which was suppressed under my emotions resurface with double force.

Instantly I opened my eyes looking at Neil standing tall as tower.

My mouth opened on it's own and another sob escaped my lips and the words flew out of my mouth as a shiver "Ne..Nei-" I tried calling him out but my voice died in my throat unable to come out.

I saw his hand holding the belt shaking slightly..very slightly almost non-existing if not looked noticed and his another hand lifted upwards bending on it's elbow and in front of him with his fist tightly clenched and a long sharp mark on his hand,

A grey long stripped mark on his hand..a fresh one!!

Did he really...

Hit himself?

I kept my hand down and balanced myself on one knee trying to stand up from the other....but my muscles went all numb again as it were before making it difficult to stand.

As I was struggling to stand I heard many hitting sounds and I screamed and shrieked and closed my eyes wanting to stop him but all went to deaf ears..after few attempts I stood up and stumbled towards him who was in another world.

He once again lifted his belt to hit himself on his shoulder but I forwarded my hand getting hit instead "St..Stop!!" I whispered and snatched the belt from his hand throwing it away somewhere around.

I held his hand in my shivering one's... I blinked my tears away wanting the blurriness go away...

A loud gasp escaped me and I sobbed for the umteenth time today!!

I blew air softly on his wounds which were turning blue now...Oh Goodness..He applied so much force that the belt almost pierced his skin!!

"Neil!!" I sobbed helplessly and looked up at him with teary eyes and embraced him clutching him tightly and snuggling closer to him. Pressing my head closer to his chest!!

I hiccupped and my eyes fluttered close tightly as my heart started feeling heavy along with my head.

I fisted his shirt on his back tightly wanting to move more close towards him, to heal him with my hug...if possible!!

Please...Please God!! Please...

I pleaded and begged internally as my throat dried and-


His voice...

He whispered too slowly... his voice for once and for the first time held such vulnerability that it broke my heart.


His hands encircled gently yet too carefully around me. Too feared to..to break me!!

"Av..Avii I..I was so..so scared!!I..I need..to be punished!!"

I felt his hands shivering around my form but I just smiled!!

Yes you read it correct..I smiled.

I smiled in tears for he opened his soul for me, he opened his heart for me...

He let me see his vulnerable side!!

He let me feel his this side.

"Avii!!" His voice broke a bit and he tightened his hold on me almost lifting me off the ground.

"I..I am so..Sorryy, Sorry!!I always wanted to pr..protect you!!" His each word depicting how broken he is.. "You are the only one Avu!! You are the only-"


His each word showing so troubled and Alone he is!!

I so want to snatch all his troubles..I so want to make him smile and happy!!

I slightly moved my head backwards and kissed softly on his chest shifting his shirt aside..and kissed onto his heart..on the left side of his chest, at his lovely and beautiful heart!!

His embraced around me relaxed and his voice came once again but this time with relief and content involved "Avii...I..I"

I once again placed a soft kiss on his heart and leaned in towards his chest snuggling my nose at the area of his chest and inhaling his deep heavenly musky cologne.

"Shhhhh Neil!!" I voiced softly and closed my eyes in content as well letting the calmness of his heart beats soothe me, making me fall into deep sleep.

But a knock on the door abruptly made me jump but Neil caressed my head lightly making me sigh deeply.

"Enter." His chest under my head rumbled with his vocals making me giggle softly at it's sensation and his hold on me tightened which made me confused at one thing.

I was injured right? Then why is my wounds not aching when Neil held onto me?

I felt myself lying on a soft mattress and I gasped when the pain shoot through my nerves!!

"Ungggg!!" I whimpered as I held Neil's hand which was retrieving after placing me and I pulled myself up as fast as possible.

"Avi?" His soft voice filled with concern reached my ears and I breathed loudly clutching onto his arm.

I was not at all feeling anything when he held me but when I laid on soft mattress...I..

I don't understand this?

"S-Sir we..we need to check up on her!!" The head Vipul spoke hesitantly while the muscles under my hand stiffened upon his words.

"What do you mean by it?" Neil asked coldly while he went nervous "Um..Um Sir we need to check upon Ma'am, Doctor has arrived!!"

I eyed Neil afraid of his reaction and pressed softly onto his hand to which his muscles relaxed slightly yet his jaw didn't unclenched.

"Vipul" His voice tone too calm and dark left slightly from him clenched teeth.

"Ye..yes Sir!"

"I asked you to take care of her while I am out with some work and what I get to hear back is that your Bloody-Whipping-Team by 'mistake' hit HER?!!!"

Neil roared loudly while a shiver ran down my nerves at his emotions.

"And Till Now...For almost 1 hour and 13 minutes you all still hadn't treated her..And you calmly say me that you've brought a doctor!!" His voice thundered while I bit my lip unable to do anything.

Soon Mr.Vipul left and entered a lady doctor wearing a red beautiful dress reaching till her mid thighs.

Wait- Is she a doctor? I- I don't want to be judgemental but wearing such dress during working hours for a doctor is bit umm uncomfortable I guess...No?!

She looked at me and I smiled at her softly but she averted her gaze from me and turned it towards Neil smiling beamingly at him!!


"Hello Mr.Khanna, how may I help you?" She spoke too sweetly and a bit longingly...It seems.

I looked up towards Neil who was.. he was gazing at me instead of replying to her as he bored his deep auburn eyes into mine and lifted his arm to delicately remove a strand of hair away from my face.

"My Avi is injured!" He spoke softly as he caressed my cheek softly and I leaned towards his touch closing my eyes contently. "Heal her!"

I felt a soft touch at my nose I fluttered my eyes open to seem Neil too close towards me, smiling sadly.

I looked deeply into his orbs and moved forward to place a soft kiss on his smooth nose making his sad smile to turn into happy smile!!

I grinned broadly at him and saw his orbs glinting happily making me more happy as well!!

While the doctor beside us stood awkwardly while glaring at me...How did I know?

I was peeping through the corner of my eyes and a warm feeling evolved in my heart at looking at her pissed off expression!!

Why? that I don't know!!

But I don't care, Neilu is happy and that is the only thing I care for now!!!


Hola Lovelies and yeah I know I am too late once again..not a new thing but I was really busy okay!!

There were test after tests and as well lots of Homeworks!!


Well Important and happy news...I got to know today that Our Lovely Sweet and cute Adu di is coming back on screen.



I am so so so damn Happy I can't Expresss....

'What do you think about today's update?'

Once again what do you think about them-


Our cute Avii





Sorry if I am forgetting someone...

I hope you all really like this chapter...

And today's chapter was really very touching to me...Please guys share what you think!!!!

There's no need to vote but please comment what you think!!

Bubye lovelies/ Adios

Amor Seem.

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