64. Slippery Mess

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Neil's POV

Frustration gnawed at my insides as I paced around the empty office. The leads had dried up, and Avni seemed to have vanished into thin air. I reached for my phone, a last-ditch effort to find any clue.

"Neela Ma, do you have any idea where she could be?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice.

There was a pause on the other end before Neela Ma's voice came through, a note of apprehension evident. "Neil, I have a suspicion. Have you heard of Khaled?"

"Khaled? Who is he?" My mind raced, trying to place the name.

"He's a powerful figure... someone from Avni's past. If he's involved, it's possible he has her for reasons beyond our understanding."

The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. "Khaled? Are you sure?"

"Yes, Neil. Be careful. This man is dangerous."

The revelation about Khaled sent me reeling, but it also gave me a direction. I had to find Avni, and now I knew who had her. Contacting my sources, I began to plan a way to infiltrate Khaled's stronghold.

Neela Ma's words echoed in my mind. "Be careful, Neil. This man is dangerous."

But danger was the last thing on my mind. I had to get Avni back, no matter the cost.

"I'm coming, Avi! Please be safe." Though I've never believed in God, I found myself whispering a silent prayer to the one she believed in, hoping against hope that my plea would be heard.

Holding onto the gun I nodded at DD as he gestured the armed men to be ready.

We are coming Khaled!

Be ready, your death is on its way...

 Avni's POV

Di and I tiptoed through the opulent hallways, the golden and white decor adding to the surreal feeling of our captivity. We had to find a way out, but first, we needed information.

Turning a corner, we stumbled upon a small boy, no older than six or seven, sitting on the floor with a toy car. He looked up at us with wide eyes and a curious smile.


"Hello," he said innocently. "Grandma!!"

Di and I exchanged shocked glances. "Grandma?" Di asked gently, kneeling down to his level.

The boy nodded. "You both look like her." His huge eyes gazing at them intently quite happy to see such pretty faces.

A sinking feeling settled in my stomach. "What's your name, sweetie?" I asked.

"I'm Amir," he replied, playing with his car again.

"Amir, who is your papa?" Di pressed, her voice soft but urgent.

"Papa!" he said simply, as he gazed at a frame against the wall, a delightful picture of him with Khaled.

Di and I exchanged another glance, confused as to what the hell is even happening here!

Di's protective aura intensified. We had to get out of here, but now we understood there was more at play than we initially thought.


The dining room was a lavish spectacle, with a long mahogany table stretching across the room, adorned with golden candelabras and an array of sumptuous dishes. Crystal chandeliers cast a soft, warm light over everything, creating an almost surreal atmosphere.

Di and I were escorted to the table, flanked by guards who stepped back once we were seated. Khaled sat at the head of the table, his presence commanding but his eyes warm. To his right and left sat two young men from earlier, their expressions a mix of curiosity and something deeper—longing, perhaps.

Khaled gestured for us to sit. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," he said, his voice rich and smooth.

Di and I exchanged a wary glance before taking our seats. As soon as we did, the young men, Khaled's sons, began serving us with an eagerness that was almost disconcerting. One placed a delicate piece of lamb on my plate, his eyes never leaving mine, while the other filled Di's glass with a rich red wine, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I'm Khaled," the man at the head of the table began, "and these are my sons, Rafiq and Tariq." He gestured to the young men, who nodded in acknowledgment.

Rafiq, the elder, had a gentle yet intense gaze, his eyes filled with an inexplicable warmth as he looked at me. Tariq, slightly younger, mirrored his brother's expression as he attended to Di, his movements careful and reverent.

"We wanted to share this meal with you," Khaled continued, "to show you that you are not prisoners here, but guests."

Di's eyes narrowed slightly, her protective aura ever-present. "Guests don't usually need guards to escort them," she said coolly.

Khaled sighed, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I understand your suspicion, Arohi. But please believe me when I say, this is for your safety."

I glanced at Di, then at the food before me. It was a feast, a spread that would make any royal banquet look modest. But the opulence did nothing to ease the tension in my chest. Why were they treating us like this? What was their true intention?

As if reading my thoughts, Rafiq leaned in slightly, his voice soft. "We've waited a long time to meet you both."

"Why?" I found myself asking, my voice barely a whisper.

Tariq answered, his gaze shifting to me. "Because you're family. Our family."

The words hung in the air, heavy and confusing. Di's grip on her fork tightened. "Family? What are you talking about?"

Khaled took a deep breath. "There is much you don't know. Much that I must explain. But for now, please eat. You need your strength."

The brothers continued to serve us, their hands moving with a practiced grace. As they did, their eyes lingered on us, a mix of affection and sorrow evident in their expressions.

Rafiq placed a piece of bread on my plate, his fingers brushing against mine. The contact was brief but charged with emotion. "We've missed so much time with you," he murmured, almost to himself.

Tariq, meanwhile, was placing a delicate dessert before Di. "We want to make up for that time," he said, his voice tinged with regret.

I felt a lump form in my throat. This was too much. "Why now?" 

Khaled looked at me, his eyes sincere. "To protect you. There are those who would harm you if they knew who you truly are."

Di's eyes flashed with anger. "And who are we, exactly? You are the last people to tell us that!" Her voice sharp.

Khaled's gaze softened. "You are my daughters. The daughters of my beloved wife, who was taken from us too soon."

The room fell silent, the weight of his words settling over us. I felt my heart pound in my chest, the truth unraveling in a way I had never expected.

Before I could say anything, Khaled raised his glass. "To family, reunited at last."

Rafiq and Tariq echoed the toast, their eyes never leaving ours. 

I laughed suddenly unable to control, my hand holding onto my belly which began aching with in an intense laugh I looked up after completion of the fit wiping the tears off my cheeks. "Nice one ha!" I chuckled softly.

"This is not a joke, Loven!" The 'Man in white' spoke in a firm voice dismissing any laughter I had within me at the moment,

I gazed upon the scene as a derisive scoff left from me, "Family?" I asked again as Khaled stared on unsure about my reaction while his sons nodded softly hoping for me to understand.

"Family my arse!" I hissed leaning back onto my chair.

What do they think they are blurting about?

It's not a joke to claim such a thing.

"Avni?" Di's soft voice broke through my thoughts. I turned to her, finding her gaze fixed on mine, her eyes suddenly glistening with unshed tears.

"Don't Di!" I stood up wishing to stay away from these people...who are trying to appease us with this grandeur, keeping us caged in this golden filmed jail. 

"Its true Avni we are your f-" Khaled spoke but stopped as soon as he saw my stance his eyes widened as few gasps were heard upon my action.


They all stared at the backseat where Khaled sat, few inches beside his neck stuck a fork which slipped by mistake by me. 

"If I am soft towards you'll it doesn't mean you speak rubbish and try to coax us with your lies." I spoke calmly, fuming from within.

Rafiq and Tariq having a small smile which unsettled me.

"These people you call family?" I nodded towards their son, as they looked on with amusing glint to their orbs entertained by me. 

"Family do not sit and stare when one is in trouble!" I walked forward grabbing onto my fork and removing it as I glared at Khaled placing it near his neck ready to thrash.

"I have my family with me Khalid" I uttered pressing onto his pulse lightly earning a- a proud smile?

What is wrong with these people here???

People really never take me seriously!!

I looked at Di for some normal reaction but was shocked when I saw here seated with her mouth wide open, eyes blinking several times.

Really God, why? 

Why can't I get just one normal reaction over here?!!

Tightening my hold onto the fork I pressed more to make my statement more clear thorugh my actions if they are not taking it seriously through my words. 

A sudden hit to my head made me stumble onto the place as I fell down in a heap as few gunshots ran around as I heard Di screaming.

"Avuu!!" A few pat to my cheeks cleared my vision as I lifted my gaze to look at 4 people gazing at me, Di bieng the closest. 

"Rafiq clear up!" A tense tone from Khaled, I sat straight holding onto my head with a groan as I gazed around to find blood flowing through the shiny marbles staining it with its gore. 

"Wh-what?" My bravado from earlier stunned as I stammered slightly scared for people being hurt, but what shocked me was guards discarding the bodies of other guards making me gasp audibly.

"Loven, you were hurt again because of us! Më vjen keq" his palm grazed my forehead as I felt my sense tingling.

Everything hurts! 

Tears blurred my vision as my senses faded but few whispers reached my ears making me realize, those people were shot cause they hit me!

I was the cause?

I-I was the reason which led to their death?

"Call the Doctor! To the chamber now! Avi please open your eyes! Avi!" The voice boomed as I tried smiling to reduce her stress but nothing could hold me back now, I was tired finally unable to understand anything.

I was tired of all the chaos, blood bath, fights going around.

I want peace.

"Neil" I felt myself whispered as I breathed a deep breath trying to keep my eyes open as I felt him infront of me.

"AVNI!" His voice scared, desperation reeked off it.

I'm fine Neil, I'm really fine now that you are here. 

But I wasn't able to voice that out.



Hola Amigos!!! 

Please let me know if you liked it or not!!! 

I am waiting for your reactions!!



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