Chapter IV

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After the long train ride from Crocus, Team Shadow Gear finally sets their feet on the Magnolia train station.

"Levy-chan!!", Lucy shouts as she sees her best friend.

"Lu-chan !", Levy shouts as she dash forward and hugs Lucy tightly.

"What are you doing here ? Got a new job?", she asks as she continue to hug her best friend.

"No, I am actually waiting for your arrival.", Lucy says as she fix her hair and dress.

"Oh, why ? Is there something wrong?", she asks as she quirks her eyebrow at Lucy.

"Oh no no ! Nothing's wrong ! I just miss you Levy-chan !! You've been gone like what ? 9 days !!", she says as they starts to walk towards the exit of the station.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be gone so long. I just, I just want to think about some things."

"Hey Levy we're gonna head first ok?", Jet butt in as he and Droy walks past them.

"Oh, ok. See you at the guild then.", she says as she waves goodbye to her friends.

Jet and Droy turn left while the girls turn right at the crossroad at the town.

"So, about this things you're thinking, is it about what I heard about?", Lucy asks as she stops at her tracks and stares directly at Levy.

"I figured you will already heard about that.", she chuckles as she stares at her best friend.

"Well, Mirajane told me, I mean accidentally told me after we came back from our mission."

"Mhmm. Well, that's that. You heard the story. He doesn't like me.", she smiles sadly as she continue to walk along the pathway to the guild.

"I don't think so about that Levs. I mean, he can be an idiot sometimes but I am definitely sure It's not like that."

"What do you mean It's not like that ?"

"I mean--"

" Levy !!!!", Lucy has been cut off as Mira runs over them and drags Levy inside the guild.

"I've been waiting for you !! I just found a lot of dresses that I know will suits you !"

"W-what's with dresses ? What's... what's the occasion ?"

"Oh nothing, I just clean my wardrobe and found some old clothes.", she says as she smirks secretly.

As they got to the guild, Mira drags Levy to the second floor followed by Lucy.

"Come here quick. Ooh I'm so excited !", she says as she stops over the bed filled with dresses with different colors.

"Now let's see. Hmmm. No. Nah. Too skin-revealing. Too short. Too tight. Nuh uh.", she continues to dress up Levy with all the different dresses in the bed until she stops at a black strapless dress.

"Here ! Try this!"

"Are you sure?"


"Go Levy-chan!", Lucy cheers as she watch Levy being dress up like a doll.

Levy puts on the black strapless dress. It is a simple dress with white lining on the hem and a v curve at the back that slightly reveal her back. It gives a perfect shape in her hips and a little boost on her chest.

"Yay ! It's perfect !", Mira squirms as she looks at Levy.

"It looks great on you Levy!-chan!"

"Yeah well, but i doubt I'll have a perfect occasion for this outfit."

"Of course you have !"

"What do you mean ?"

Lucy looks at Mira as she grins.

"You're gonna meet me tonight !"

"Why?", she asks as she quirks her eyebrow at Lucy.

"I'm gonna need your help ! I'm finish with my latest chapter and there's this guy who asked me on a date."

"What?! Really ?! Oh Lu that is sooo wonderful !!! Who is this guy ? Is he handsome? How old is he? Is he a mage too? What's his name ? Do he also love books? And Lu, what about Natsu ????!!!!", she bursts as the news of Lucy's date process in her mind.

"Hey, easy Levy !! Breath.", Mira giggles at Levy's excitement and because of Lucy's red face when Levy mention his name.

Lucy clears her throat as she continues to speak.

"So you're gonna help me right?"

"Of course ! Tell me what time and I'll be at your apartment !"

"Oh no no, we are not gonna meet at my apartment We are gonna meet at Magnolia Park at 7 pm."

"Huh? Oh ok. Then I'm gonna be at Magnolia Park at 7 !"

"Yay. Make sure that you'll wear that dress ok?", Mira says as she heads to the door.

"Ok I promise ! I don't want to look informal at the front of your date.", she says as she elbows Lucy slightly.

"Yeeeaaah. That's right ahehehehe", she laughs nervously as she follows Mira towards the door.

"Oh wait, umm Lu, where is uhm."

"Gajeel?", Lucy finish for her.


"He took a job yesterday. He'll be back maybe the day after tomorrow. Why, miss him?",she grins as Levy's cheeks turned dark red.

"N-no! Absolutely not! I-I just need to tell him something."

"Oh.", is all Lucy's reply as she left the room.

'Well I can wait for him. And then, I'm going to tell him.' Levy thought as she change her clothes and walks toward the door. 'But for now, I need to help Lu-chan with her date. Poor Natsu, he must be heart broken. But it can't be help. You can't teach your heart what's need and don't need to feel.'


After several hours of waiting, Levy looks at the time and fix her things before heading out to Fairy Hills to take a bath and change her clothes.

After putting the last touch of her make-up, she heads to the doors and walks towards the Magnolia Park.

"Lu-chan must be late again.", she says as she got to the park without any sign of Lucy.

"Shrimp.", says a gruff voice that she knows well and belongs only to one person.



Yaaaaay !! Cliffhanger !!!!!! *giggles*

I'm sorry about that guys but don't worry. I'll post the next chapter. ASAP. Gihi.


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