Chapter 14

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"A Lesson in Fighting."

Elise's roar had only temporarily stopped the Triceratops. The massive dinosaur had stumbled slightly in her step, but she gave a defiant bellow before charging even faster. Elise didn't know what to do, and she had charged with gaping jaws to attempt to sink her teeth into the scaled flesh.

She hadn't realized that's what the Triceratops had wanted, and Elise gave a furious shriek when the sharp horn had made a deep cut in her leg when it clipped it. She didn't like seeing her white scales turn crimson, and she stumbled to the side when her opponent had given a fierce toss of her head.

Rexy suddenly gave a deafening roar that distracted the Triceratops, and Elise took her opportunity to ram her head into the muscled side; it had worked with the hard-shelled one.

But it didn't work this time.

The Triceratops only darted back before giving another dangerous swing of her strong horns. Elise roared furiously when she lost her footing as the horns struck her, and the air whooshed from her lungs when she landed hard on her side. Elise quickly pushed herself onto all fours, and snarled angrily as her scales shivered before turning their insidious crimson.

Elise gave another loud, shrill roar, and the Triceratops shook her head to clear her ringing ears. It didn't stop her from making another charge; she knew Elise was inexperienced in fighting large adults like her, but Elise was a quick learner. She made sure to be wary of the large spears, and angled herself in a way that her soft underbelly would avoid damage. She bit the crest as hard as she could while clawing around the Triceratops' face.

Her opponent gave a pained bellow before suddenly pulling back. Elise hadn't expected that, and she slipped forward before the hard skull collided with her own. Elise saw a flash of white as her head snapped back, and she stumbled onto her side.

A panic began to creep in her stomach when she couldn't get her back legs to push her up with her forelimbs. A scared whine slipped from her throat, and Elise gave a startled yelp when one horn suddenly thrust under her arm while her other was pinned to her side as the Triceratops wedged her in between her horns.

Elise didn't like the sharp nose digging inter her belly, and she struggled to get her footing when the Triceratops began to push forward. She was ignoring the furious Rexy, and Elise began to panic when she glanced behind her to see the buzzing cables creeping closer.


Lowery was pulling his hair out as he helplessly watched Elise desperately fight against the massive Alpha. The electric fence wouldn't kill her if she gave it a quick touch, but being pushed into it would be fatal.

Rexy was furiously pacing the fence as she gave thunderous roars that would overwhelm the audio on the cameras. The old Tyrannosaurus already had burns on her mouth from biting the cables; she knew how to get through the fence, but she couldn't bite through them.

Lowery jumped when Vivian suddenly yelled, "ACU! Get moving right now! Paddock Eleven Asset is being attacked by the Alpha! Mile Marker Three! Get there before Asset Nine breaks through the fence!"

They all stared at the bottom corner screen when the Commander desperately exclaimed, "The new Alpha took out Vehicle Two! It's down! Primary Vehicle isn't functioning properly! I don't understand this, we had this thing inspected this morning! ACU is on foot!"

Lowery licked his lips nervously when Elise gave a terrified shriek as she slipped closer to the fence. A flash of silver on the screen caught his attention, and Lowery saw Owen tearing along the fence on his bike. There was no way Owen would get there in time to do anything, and Lowery jumped again when Claire snarled on the mic, "Someone do something! Lowery, help Rexy take care of it!"

Vivian paled as the two shared a look. Lowery knew Claire was crazy, but she was also the crazy boss. He didn't want to watch Elise die either. Lowery immediately dove onto his computer as the screens popped up and down while he zoomed through the security.

Why were there so many protocols he had to go through before shutting down a section of fence?

Lowery could actually feel the sweat building on his forehead before giving a half crazed sigh of relief when he pressed the Shut Down button. He could hear Claire yelling at Vivian, but he turned his attention to the screen when he heard the first cable give a clean snap.


Owen gritted his teeth when his tires landed hard in the dirt, and could hear the furious roars echoing over the hill. He hadn't realized how far Elise had managed to travel in such a short time. He hadn't realized this was Paddock Eleven. He would have gone with Elise if he had known.

Owen knew the Triceratops could be aggressive, but there was absolutely no need for this. It took a lot to break through the fence. There was no way that animal had simply 'run' through it without a good reason. This wasn't the first time the Triceratops herd fought for dominance, and Owen had never heard of one of them going on a lone stampede.

The radio on his hip crackled, and Owen only slowed down when he heard Claire yelling on it. Owen held the radio to his ear as he yelled, "What?!"

He hated the reception out here, and Owen had no idea why Jurassic World didn't improve it, but Claire suddenly yelled, "Don't go over there! Rexy will take care of it!"

"Rexy can't break through that fence, Cla-"

Owen yelped, and skidded to a halt when a cable gave a loud whip. He watched with wide eyes as, one by one, the cables shuddered before whipping backwards with echoing, springing sounds. The fence slowly went limp, and Owen nearly leapt out of his skin when the deafening thunder roared furiously.


Elise shrieked in pain when the Triceratops crushed her against the sturdy pole, but she didn't understand why she hadn't exploded. She could feel the hot cables pressing against her back. Maybe they knew she didn't want to touch the cables, and chose not to explode her.

The Triceratops paid no mind to the snapping cables, but she did flinch back when Rexy gave a livid roar. Elise took her opportunity, and snagged her foot against the face of the Triceratops before giving a hard push. Her arm gave a painful twinge when the horn slid past it, and Elise landed harder than she meant to on the ground.

There was too much going on. Her head was spinning, and she couldn't get her bearings about her. Her crimson eyes slid to the side of her when she heard Rexy give a furious roar, and the earth shuddered under a powerful step. The Triceratops bellowed defiantly before they charged at each other.

Rexy was experienced; she knew how to fight Triceratops. She had fought enough to know how to beat one with a simple trick.

The old Tyrannosaurus snapped her jaws onto the ivory horn before she began to whip her head back and forth. She knew if the horns broke, the animal would go away or become defenseless. Either way she would be the victor.

The Triceratops suddenly flung her head up, and Rexy let go of the horn before bashing her hard skull into the well-muscled, sturdy shoulder. She remembered crippling a smaller Triceratops by doing the same thing.

The Triceratops didn't cripple this time, but she did bellow in pain. Rexy knew the trick was to be relentless, and she took the opportunity to charge at the startled animal once more. Sharp teeth sank into the horn before Rexy gave a sharp twist of her head.

She heard the satisfying crunch before pulling back as she spat out the horn. The Triceratops screeched in pain as the blood squirted from the remains of her broken spear in a small, crimson fountain. She continued to back up as she shook her head, and Rexy gave a final warning roar.

The Triceratops, once again, took the opportunity to run from a lost fight. She held her head at an odd angle while it continued to bleed. She would go back the way she came, and find safety in the herd.

Rexy gave a satisfied snort at seeing the dinosaur run, and she turned her large head when the white one let out a shaky breath. The smell of trauma, and blood was strong, but Rexy knew what to do.


Owen slid to a stop before diving onto his stomach at the sight of the massive Tyrannosaurus. He had left his bike at the base of the hill for fear of it being too loud. She hadn't seen him, and he slowly buried himself into thick brush as he watched the Triceratops stampede back from where she came.

He turned his gaze back to his fallen baby, and his heart hurt at the sight of her bleeding leg. It wasn't gushing, but it would need stitches as soon as possible.

Rexy suddenly turned her attention back to Elise, and Owen held his breath. He didn't like how close those powerful jaws were to the white neck, and he contemplated grabbing Rexy's attention. He didn't know this dinosaur, and he didn't know if she was an opportunistic killer; maybe she wanted to expand her territory.

Owen almost jumped when a hushed voice on his radio asked, "Owen? Owen, you there?"

Rexy hadn't heard anything, and the wind was blowing towards him. Owen watched her dangerous jaws moved towards Elise's head, and he quietly asked, "Who is this?"

Owen didn't recognize the voice, but he answered, "Tim Murphy. I'm Rexy's caretaker. Listen, I can see you right there, don't try to grab her attention. She's not going to hurt your girl, okay?"

"How do you know?"

Owen thought he heard Tim give a smile as he said, "She would have already done it, and Elise has enough Tyrannosaurus in her. They're social animals; families hunt together."

Owen grimaced when Elise gave a small shiver before he said, "But Elise isn't family."

Rexy suddenly opened her jaws, and a large pink tongue gently ran up Elise's forehead. Owen blinked as he watched the old dinosaur run her tongue along Elise's face in a gentle, soothing manner, and Tim proudly said, "It's not the first time Rexy has adopted. Elise is now the fourth kid."

Owen had to admit it was a bizarre sight to see such a terrifying creature be so gentle and calming. Elise relaxed her head onto the ground as her eyes slid shut. She still shivered, and was breathing a little too hard for Owen's liking. Rexy only continued to swipe her tongue along the white scales, and Owen asked, "Fourth? I thought she was the only Tyrannosaurus here..."

Rexy moved a little closer as she moved along Elise's head before gently nudging a cut arm. Elise made no move, and the old dinosaur softly groomed the arm. Owen was reminded of a mother kissing her child's cut better. Tim seemed to shrug before answering, "Well, my grandpa had two Tyrannosauruses when he first started the park. He had Rexy and a younger male we called Jr. Rexy was already full grown when Jr. was hatched, and she took him in. He wasn't the brightest bulb; ended up drowning in our lake. I don't know how, they can swim, but Jr. sank apparently."

Rexy gently nudged Elise's jaw, and the white dinosaur made a small sound. Owen could only watch, but he asked, "What about the other two?"

"Oh. That's Claire and me."


Owen winced at his own, loud tone, and he pressed himself closer to the ground. He was afraid to even peek between the thick grass. He heard Rexy pause from her grooming, and he swore that burning gaze would set his hiding spot on fire. She finally gave a satisfied snort before resuming with Elise.

Tim gave a quiet chuckle through the radio, and he said, "Claire has known Rexy almost as long as I have. You know she visits her every night, right?"

Owen only shook his head as he bravely peeked through the thick grass. Rexy had moved to the injured leg, and she was gently inspecting it. Owen jumped when Rexy suddenly gave a sharp nip at Elise's hips. The white dinosaur snapped her head up as she flinched away from the teeth, and Tim quietly added, "She's a tough mama though. A really good mama, but she likes tough kids. Good news is Rexy thinks Elise is in good enough shape to walk."

Owen heard Rexy give a stern growl before giving another firm nip at Elise's hips. Elise didn't look happy about it; she would have rather rested until help came, but another growl from Rexy forced her up. Elise wobbled slightly, and was hesitant about putting weight on her leg. She warily watched Rexy inspect the wound, but relaxed when the pink tongue began to clean that.

Owen couldn't help asking, "Why did she bite her?"

Rexy suddenly raised her head when they heard the Triceratops give a furious bellow that echoed across large plain. Elise couldn't suppress her shiver, and she tucked her head underneath Rexy's small arms as she tried to bury herself in the large chest. Owen swore he saw amusement smoldering in those gold eyes, but the old mother gave gentle, light scratches along the scaled neck. Rexy kept a watchful gaze on where the Triceratops was heard while Tim answered, "Well, I remember a smart man once saying we couldn't just zap sixty-five million years of gut instinct out of them. What do you think happened to the hatchlings who wouldn't get up?"

"...I guess they died."

"Pretty much. Rexy doesn't want Elise to die, so her butt has to get up."

Owen nodded in agreement, and he relaxed at seeing Elise cuddled underneath Rexy. He had never pictured Rexy as motherly until now, and he was glad he wouldn't have to be concerned about the two not getting along. Owen glanced down at his radio when Tim suggested, "I say leave the two be until feeding time. I'll put some light sedatives in Rexy's food, and then we can get a look at Elise."


Tim quietly snorted before he said, "Mama is an old lady who is in bed by nine every night. She don't fight sleep. C'mon, it sounds like ACU is about to get their asses ripped, and so is the Triceratops Handler."

Owen silently nodded, and he quietly pushed himself backwards while Rexy was still comforting her newest daughter.


Elise relished the comforting, deep rumbles that vibrated her bones. It soothed the pain in her leg, and she felt less afraid. The protective presence was something she had never felt before.

She knew Owen was protective, but Owen was little; Owen could get overwhelmed without the pack. Rexy was not little; she had power, and could chase away anything she fought. Rexy could fight alone; she didn't need to depend on a pack.

Elise was somewhat sad when Rexy pulled back, and she watched the carnivore step back over the ruined cables. Elise wasn't sure what to do; she wanted to stay with Rexy until Owen showed up, but she didn't dare cross that line.

Rexy paused, and glanced back at Elise before giving a stern snort. Elise crooned happily; she understood the order to follow. Elise gave a final look over at her paddock; she was sure Claire wanted them separated for a reason, but Elise didn't want to run into the Triceratops again.

She winced at the sharp pain in her leg, but Rexy only slowed down a little. If Elise couldn't keep up, then she would be left behind, and Elise did not want to get left behind. Rexy was a comfort, and something Elise never knew she had been missing.

A mother.

Elise was vaguely aware she should have had someone there to look after her and Small One, but the role had fallen to her when no one had taken the job. She was bigger and stronger, so she was the caregiver.

But Rexy was bigger, and she knew how the world worked. Elise would remember to go after the horns if she ever fought one of those dinosaurs again. Elise wondered what other dinosaurs Rexy had fought.

Had Rexy fought humans before?

Elise picked up her pace as she limped after the older Tyrannosaurus. Rexy cocked a golden eye at her, but seemed pleased with her eagerness to keep up.

Rexy was less pleased with Elise's lack of experience with animals her size. It made it irritating to walk through the thick jungle. Elise wanted to lag behind for fear of accidently stepping on Rexy, but Rexy instinctually knew that the white nose should have been right on her tail.

Rexy wasn't the most patient creature, but she was willing to work with an eager youngling. The Tyrannosaurus was smart enough to realize Elise wasn't exactly like her, but there had been an abundance of food with the presence of humans. If the humans stayed, then food would be plenty. Afternoon naps were part of her set routine of consistent meals, some attentive patrolling, and then goat eating.

It was time to factor in a hatchling.

But there were no males for that.

Rexy had been content to give stern guidance to the tall, human male who would show her where the goats were. Her eyesight had never been that great. He was quick and smart; Rexy liked that. She kept him on his toes when he thought she wasn't aware of his presence in her paddock. Sometimes she would chase him; he needed to learn to be quick on his feet since he wasn't big enough to fight.

She would never bite him, but he didn't know that.

Rexy also liked the red haired human who consistently came by each night a few hours before it was time to sleep. Rexy still wasn't quite sure why she always showed up, but she seemed to want company. The white clothes reminded Rexy of another human she had been fond of; he used to come by every night, but then he stopped.

Rexy didn't like that disturbance in her routine, and the red haired one filled that void. So, Rexy liked her.

But now, Rexy had a youngling who could be shown how to survive in the world. She was a good fighter; she only lacked experience. Rexy would occasionally eye the white scales on her newest youngling. She stuck out worse than bleeding prey screaming in pain.

But she was quick in mind and snapping of teeth. She looked like she would grow even bigger than what she already was. Rexy had, at first, mistook this one for an odd looking, and full grow, Tyrannosaurus. However, the lack of experience screamed youngling to Rexy. She bounced around with the energy of a child, and Rexy could smell the alone on her.

Rexy had no idea how such a brightly colored dinosaur survived infancy when she obviously had no parent to care for her. Rexy suspected this one had tried to live with others; she smelled like a human. Perhaps he had been a caretaker for her.

Rexy glanced behind her, and was pleased to see the youngling had finally learned to walk a little closer to her. The two, massive creatures broke into a hidden clearing, and Elise tilted her head at the massive nest. The walls would be very tall to Owen, but a comfortable height to herself.

She watched Rexy step into the nest before circling around few times as she routinely checked to make sure nothing had disturbed her bed. The humans only had to be told once that she didn't appreciate their nosiness.

Rexy gracefully lowered herself before stretching onto her side. She liked how this nest was made because she could lean on the wall. She could stretch out, but she wouldn't have to put a bunch of effort into getting back up again.

Rexy glanced up to see Elise carefully observing everything around her. She held her leg gingerly, but she wanted to memorize every detail. Rexy liked that; she liked an observant youngling, and she gave a gentle rumble. Elise snapped her crimson eye at the old dinosaur, and Rexy called her over into the nest.

Elise couldn't remember the last time she had actually shared a nest with someone; it had to have been before Small One had died.

Elise limped over to the nest, and remained careful as she stepped over the sturdy walls. She was sure it wouldn't do anything if she accidently hit it, but she didn't want to risk offending Rexy. Elise slowly lowered herself, and curled her lip at the pain in her leg, but she loved how comfortable this nest actually was. She sank deeper into the nest, and curled up tightly with her nose under her tail. Elise briefly cracked open a tired eye when Rexy inspected her again, but the Tyrannosaurus only scooted a little closer before curling her tail over Elise.

The jungle was pleasantly quiet, and the strong sound of Rexy's massive heart lured Elise into a deep sleep. She hoped Owen wouldn't be mad at her for going over here, but Elise felt safe around Rexy.

Elise couldn't wait to tell Small One that she had finally found a mother.

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