Chapter 17

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"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!"

Elise couldn't stop the smile tugging at her lips as she continued to walk along her side of the broken fence. She had been content to hug Owen to her chest, and it seemed he had grown incredibly mushy or very bored because he had taken to singing loudly.

"You make me happy when skies are grey!"

Granted it didn't sound all that great; she had heard the 'singers' on Barry's radio, and they sounded a little more…smooth than this, but the sincerity of the words warmed her.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you! Please don't take my sunshine away!"

Elise gave a long croon when Owen relaxed back into the large palm. She liked that song, and Owen began to gently bat his hands at the clawed fingers around him. He shifted to peek over the tall hand, and he asked, "So, Claire said you gave her your permission to sell tickets to see you?"

Elise didn't want to shift her hands around to sign, and she remembered what the tall man on the platform had said. She nodded her head once, and Owen blinked at her before asking, "Where'd you learn that?"

Elise thrust her nose in the direction of Rexy's paddock, and Owen chuckled as he said, "So you met Tim? He's Rexy's caretaker; he seems like a pretty smart guy."

Elise liked Tim; he had been polite to her. At first she thought he had been afraid of her, but she liked him for being concerned about Owen. He was quick to realize she was smart enough to answer questions. Rexy had talked a little bit about a tall man she liked; Elise assumed she was talking about Tim. Elise glanced down when Owen said, "I'm sorry you got attacked by that Triceratops, Baby. That wasn't supposed to happen."

Elise figured that much, and Owen added, "Claire ordered Lowery to turn off the fence, that's why Rexy was able to bite through the cables."

Then Elise was very grateful to the both of them for their quick thinking. She was glad Claire was a good Alpha who looked after her own. Claire respected the other Alphas of this island, and she even knew she could depend on Rexy to help if she wasn't able to do anything.

They remained quiet until Elise began to weave through the trees, and Owen finally said, "Are you feeling okay, Baby? How's that leg doing?"

It stung horribly, and yet it wasn't the worst pain she had ever dealt with. Elise found physical pain much easier to endure than dull aches in her chest. She always knew physical pains would scar, and heal over, but something about the constant rawness in her chest that had eroded hope for her before meeting Owen.

But now she had hope, she had something to live for besides a promise made to a creature who had breathed her last long ago. Now, Elise had a family, she had someone to talk to, people and animals who cared about her.

Elise felt like she had a new purpose in life; she would get to scare people.

The simply innocent, yet sadistic, delight of scaring people made Elise's tail curl in on itself, and her lip pulled higher. Elise looked down when Owen said, "I know that look. You're having an evil thought, aren't you?"

Elise snorted at Owen when she caught his playful grin, and she crooned at him. Elise suddenly paused, and did a double take when she saw the massive, fallen log. It didn't look right to her, and she tilted her head at it. Owen craned his neck to follow her gaze, and he said, "That's where the people will be if they want to see you. Rexy has the same thing in her pen, but they feed her goats to get her over there."

Elise blinked at it before walking over. She peered through the dusty window, and saw that it looked very similar to the Observatory Room. It was plainer though, and looked like a dark box. Elise turned her gaze to the side more before realizing the log was a tunnel in disguise. She followed the length of the false bark, and saw that it went through the solid wall decorated in vines. She assumed that's where the people would enter this false log.

Elise still didn't understand why people wanted to come see her. She didn't comprehend why humans found her so interesting. She knew why they would be fearful of her, and just about all of them had, at first, reacted out of fear.

The nosey 'reporter' had been terrified of her, Elise still didn't understand why humans were so grabby with their hands. Was it how they greeted one another? She didn't like touching humans, and very few were permitted to touch her.

Elise was pulled from her thoughts, and looked down, when Owen gently said, "Hey, you're thinking too hard, Baby."

Elise rumbled at the human lying comfortably in her palm. He had crossed his arms behind his head, and gave a crooked smile at her when he added, "Don't worry about it, I'll be right here on opening day, okay?"

Owen pointed to the corner in the room, and Elise would have rather he be in the paddock with her.

"And if you get tired of the people, then you can leave. You don't have to sit here all day; Rexy doesn't do that. She only comes at certain times of the day, and we can do something like that for you."

Elise liked that idea, and a dull throb in her leg made her turn back towards the large, paddock doors. She pushed through the thick brush, and was momentarily startled to see them already open.

Elise gave a delighted croon when she saw Barry, and all but dropped Owen in her haste to meet the loving, kind hands on her nose. Barry gave a rich laugh as he stumbled slightly under the exuberant greeting, but he only cooed, "Ah, there is my beautiful girl! I missed seeing your sweet face!"

Owen huffed as he dusted himself off, and Barry narrowed his eyes at him before saying, "I cannot believe Owen made you carry him all the way around. You should have made his lazy ass carry you."

Elise only tilted her head to the side when Barry's long fingers found a sweet spot under her strong jaw. Owen had to smile when the pink tongue lolled out as she gave a low, delighted rumble. He glanced to the open doors, and saw the Vet Tech ready to collect the blood sample. Owen had almost forgotten about that after Rexy had scared ten years of his life away.

He glanced at the mushy dinosaur before walking over to the younger Vet Tech respectfully waiting by the entrance. Her hair was dyed the deepest shade of blue Owen had ever seen, and it was pulled up in a bouncy ponytail. He could see a few lines of a neck tattoo poking from underneath a clean, long-sleeved shirt, and she gave a sincere, warm smile as she extended her hand to him. Owen had to admit he liked the firm shake, and she said, "It's nice to finally meet the world famous dinosaur tamer. Sounds like Rexy wasn't swayed though."

Owen let out a chuckle as he nodded, and replied, "Old ladies never really liked me. I'm Owen, by the way. You the bravest Vet Tech out of the bunch?"

She crinkled her nose as she gave a short laugh before saying, "No, actually. I'm job shadowing Dr. Gerry; he's training me to take over his position when he finally decides he wants to take a day off."

Owen gave a crooked smile as he gestured to Elise, and said, "Hope she's not too scary for you."

"Nope. Dr. Gerry already said she's a sweet kid, I just wanted her permission before walking into her home. I try to do that with all my patients."

Owen instantly liked this vet in training, and he gave a quiet whistle. Elise cracked open a crimson eye as Owen waved her over. She grumbled at leaving Barry's sweet hands, but she limped over before glaring at the blue haired woman.

Elise had to admit she was impressed with how the human didn't flinch under her gaze. She only gave a warm smile, and suddenly said, "Hey, Elise. My name is Jackie, I work for Dr. Gerry, and he asked me to stitch up your leg. Is it alright with you if I come in?"

Elise blinked before staring at Jackie's feet, and she was surprised to see the vet hadn't taken a step into her new home. Jackie was being respectful of her space, and she wanted her permission before coming in.

Elise was instantly suspicious, and she lowered her head before moving her sensitive nostrils close to the woman. Jackie didn't even flinch under the warm gusts of wind ruffling her clothes. Elise was confused when Jackie had even moved her arms from her side to allow Elise to give an more thorough inspection.

Jackie did indeed smell like Dr. Gerry, and several other dinosaurs. Elise gave a sideways glance at Owen to see his reaction, and he seemed perfectly fine around Jackie. Maybe this was another good human. Dr. Gerry liked to help sick animals, and he was very kind; he wouldn't allow bad people in his pack, nor would he have sent Jackie if she wasn't good.

Elise also knew what liars smelled like; they smell like bad food. Jackie didn't smell bad, and she didn't act like she was going to do anything wrong. Her hair did have a funny smell to it; Elise didn't know humans could have such a bright color. She thought Claire was the only one who had a unique hair color. Elise finally backed up before knocking on the invisible door.


Jackie beamed as she said, "Awesome-sauce. I'm just gonna go get my stuff ready. Sit tight, Cutie-Pie."

Owen loudly snorted when Elise turned her head almost completely sideways in confusion. She looked like an owl with the angle of her head as she tried make sense of the new words. Jackie was completely relaxed around Elise, but respectful.

Jackie was humming a cheery tune as she slipped on blue gloves while walking over. Owen was impressed she somehow knew where Elise's bubble began, and she said, "Alright, Cutie. Can you kind of lay down so I can get a look at that gash?"

Elise still wasn't sure what to make of this human, but she gingerly relaxed onto her side as she kept her crimson eyes on the blue haired vet. Jackie began to roll up the sleeves of her shirt, and Elise raised her head at the colorful markings.

The Indominus couldn't help bringing her head closer to look at the markings covering Jackie's arm, and she was confused. She had never seen humans with actual patterns on their skin. She dimly recalled one or two with light speckles along their cheeks, but nothing this vivid.

Owen laughed when Jackie blinked at the white dinosaur, and he said, "Baby, those are called tattoos. People aren't born with those; they basically…I guess draw them on. They make those markings."

Now Elise knew humans were weird. There was no purpose to this pattern on Jackie's arm; not when she covered them. Elise could make out what looked like red flowers on the arm; maybe Jackie liked to hide in thick brush before scaring people too.

Still, the pattern was appealing to Elise in a way. She liked all the vivid greens and reds; even the deep blue hair was calming to her.

Owen raised an eyebrow when the white scales almost seemed to shiver before a deep blue began to bleed through them. Owen had never seen blue on dinosaurs except for a few male raptors on Isla Sorna, and even then they hadn't been this vivid. Elise's tail flicked in thought as her crimson eyes narrowed before a pattern similar to Jackie's tattoo wove along her scales.

The Indominus grew very still when she had colored herself, and Owen stared at the amazing attention to detail. He had been impressed with how well Elise had camouflaged before ambushing the ACU, but this was entirely different.

Elise had made her own pattern by simply looking at Jackie, and mirroring it in her own way.

The vet let her mouth hang open in shock before she let out a short laugh, and said, "Holy shit! That is completely badass! You're like my twin!"

Jackie suddenly tossed her phone to Owen before bouncing over to the unmoving dinosaur as she said, "You totally need to take a picture of this!"

Jackie gave an energetic smile by Elise's face as she made a peace sign. Owen only snorted as he aimed the phone, and saw the confusion in Elise's eyes when the phone made the clicking sound. She raised her head, and the blue pattern melted into a snow white once more. Jackie grinned widely as she admired the picture before saying, "You're a total badass, Cutie. Thank you for making my day."

Elise tilted her head at the vet, but gave a warm croon. Even if she didn't understand some of the words, Elise did know the happy, sincere tones. Barry only chuckled, and shook his head as he walked back over to the jeep. Jackie cracked her knuckles, and Elise startled at the sound, but the vet only said, "Back to business. Let me get a look at that so I know what kind of thread to use."

Elise kept her gaze on Jackie the entire time, but the vet had kept a light hand on the white scales as she moved around the dinosaur. Elise liked that; Jackie was letting her know exactly where she was.

Jackie became serious as she focused on the slash along the thick muscle. It was deep, but not life threatening. Elise would have survived this wound in the wild, and Jackie nodded as she said, "It's going to make a hell of a scar, but you'll be fine when we get that closed. I just need to wash it out before we get started. Rexy did a good job of getting the dirt and whatnot out, but I just want to be sure."

Owen remained close to Elise's face as the vet backed up her own pickup into the paddock. Elise had almost moved out of the way when it drew to close, but Owen assured her everything was fine, and Jackie turned her truck off. The vet slid out, and trotted over to the white cab before pulling a hose out.

Elise recognized the nozzle Gerry had used to make all the good smelling bubbles for her bath, and she rested her head onto the soft ground. Jackie remained gentle and quick as she cleaned the wound. Elise would curl her lip at times when the slash would give a painful throb, and she hoped the Triceratops was hurting just as badly.

When Jackie was satisfied with her work, she softly patted the wound fry with a clean towel, and she said, "I think you are my favorite patient, Elise."

The Indominus made a soft sound that made Owen smile, and Jackie pulled out a steel toolbox before opening it. Elise dully watched her as Jackie said, "I'll just take a little sample before I give you the morphine."

Owen raised an eyebrow when Elise stiffened, and the crimson gaze snapped to the vet's back. Jackie turned around as she fitted a sharp needle to the tube, and Owen jumped when Elise suddenly raised her head with a shrill roar.

Jackie only froze as she carefully watched Elise bare her teeth lividly while slowly backing away. The white scales shivered before that insidious crimson bled over, and a chilling hiss fell from the parted jaws.

The vet slowly turned her gaze to Owen, and he was just as baffled as she was. Elise was completely focused on Jackie, and Owen quietly said, "Baby, it's okay. Jackie isn't going to hurt you. See?"

Owen took a few steps towards the vet, and full blown panic filled the crimson eyes. Elise let out a shrill shriek that hurt Owen's ears, but she refused to come any closer. Jackie wasn't sure what to do, but Owen recognized that sound.

It was Velociraptor. It was the cry to let pack members know danger was nearby.

Owen had only heard those cries from his girls once. He had accidentally startled Delta when he was squirting water into their trough. He didn't feel like going inside, so he had used the hose to squirt it in. Delta had been sleeping nearby, and he hadn't thought anything about it.

Delta did not appreciate the loud sound the splashing water made, and he had never seen her jump so high in his life. It didn't help when she had leapt right into the stream, and Owen almost had a heart attack at the shrill scream his girl had made.

Owen had briefly thought, for a millisecond, that he actually killed Delta with water.

Blue had been the first to come to her sister's rescue with teeth bared dangerously, and claws splayed. Delta continued to make the shrieks until the other two had made a defensive circle while they searched for the threat. Owen was glad they never figured out it was him, but Delta had refused to sleep outside for weeks after that.

Elise was in that same defensive position as her eyes nervously flickered from Owen to Jackie. She wanted him away from the danger, but she was too afraid to come any closer.

Owen blinked at Jackie, and the needled tube in her hand before he looked at Elise again. He quietly pointed at the object as he asked, "Elise, are you afraid of needles?"

That didn't make sense to Owen. Barry had used a needle when he stitched her shoulder up. There was no way Elise was afraid of the little needles.

The crimson Indominus made no indication of even hearing the question, and Owen quietly said to Jackie, "Toss the needle out of the paddock."

Elise stiffened, and deepened her red color, when Jackie slowly capped the needle before pulling it off the tube. She didn't break eye contact with Elise as she tossed the needle over her shoulder, and they heard the plastic cap bounce on the cement.

Elise didn't relax at all. She only continued to breathe heavily as the saliva dripped dangerously from the ivory daggers. Owen flickered his gaze at the vet before quietly saying, "Give me the tube."

Jackie wasn't so sure about that move, but she slowly extended the tube towards Owen. He watched Elise's gaze attentively follow the tube before he took it. Elise looked confused and terrified when she realized Owen was holding the tube now. He took a step towards her, and she backed up with rising panic in her eyes. Owen was not understanding this, and he softly said, "Elise, Baby, it's fine. It's just a plastic tube. It's not going to hurt you. See?"

Owen extended it towards her, and Elise immediately craned her neck to the side. He had thought she was trying to get a better look at it, but Owen blinked when he realized the crimson gaze was intently focused on the soft soil. He took a step towards her, and Elise immediately flattened herself to the ground as she continued to avoid eye contact.

All the signs of a submissive raptor waiting for the threat or punishment to go away.

Echo had done this after Blue had finally established that she was the Beta of the pack.

Owen was baffled by this; the massive Indominus rex was terrified of blood sample tubes.

Owen felt his voice go soft as he gently said, "Elise, the tube isn't going to hurt you. I would never let something like that hurt you."

Elise slowly shifted her crimson eyes towards him, and Owen took another step. She immediately averted her gaze before giving out a low, pained moan and her powerful muscles trembled.

Elise looked like an abused animal cowering in the corner as she braced for another kick.

"Elise, I need you to look at me."

The Indominus didn't do that. She instead turned her head closer to herself before her scales shivered to match the brush around her. Owen would have easily missed her if he hadn't seen her camouflage, and he pressed his lips together. He walked over to her, and he stared at the fake leaves shivering from fear.

Owen gently placed a warm hand on the trembling dinosaur, and he softly said, "Elise, we aren't going to make you do anything you don't want to do, okay? Look at me, Baby."

A leafy eyelid cracked open, and Elise seemed to hold her breath at seeing the tube so close to her. Owen felt like he was torturing her by doing this, and he tossed the tube back over to Jackie. She immediately put the tube back into her car, and Elise let out a shaky breath.

Owen stroked the scales to comfort her, and he softly said, "We weren't trying to hurt or scare you, Elise. We needed a little blood because we need to make sure you're healthy. We were afraid you might have picked something up when Rexy had cleaned the slash."

Elise did not give a damn. If she was going to die, then so be it, but she would not tolerate having anything injected or pulled out of her body. Those were the bad memories, the very, very bad ones she didn't like to think about.

Before she had been put into her paddock; when her home had been the bright, cold room, and she lived in a shiny cage.

The ones in white coats had always roughly stabbed her with the sharp, silver needles. She had watched the liquid being forced into her muscle, veins, or even right under her skin. It was worse when they tried to take blood from her. They would mess up, and miss the vein. She hated being poked several times over until the needle grew dull.

She tried to tell them it hurt, but all she would get were harsh words and rough hands to pin her. They were only meaner when she tried to fight back, and she had learned to simply sit still until it was over.

Nothing scared Elise more than the tubes with the needles on them. That meant something was going in her, or blood was being taken out. Elise hadn't cared when Barry used a needle to stitch her up. He had explained it to her, and he wasn't in a white coat. She had never had stitches before, and it had hardly hurt at all. The needles with strings attached to them were not bad needles.

Needles became very bad when the tubes were connected to them.

Elise startled when she heard a small child's voice say, "Hey, Uncle Owen."

She turned her crimson gaze towards the entrance of her home, and she saw the two hatchling humans walking over. She liked Zach and Gray. They were good and small. She had felt very bad for trying to eat them, and apologized as sincerely as she could after they had helped Dr. Gerry make her feel better.

She watched the two walk over before stopping next to Jackie, and Zach raised an eyebrow. He glanced at Owen before asking, "Why does Elise look like a giant pile of leaves?"

Owen pressed his lips as he glanced at the dinosaur, and said, "Because she's not very fond of getting her blood drawn apparently."

"Why do you need blood?"

Owen was still running his hand gently on her cheek, trying to coax her from her camouflaging, as he answered, "We need to run some tests on it to make sure she's healthy. She doesn't want the tube around her though."

Zach raised his eyebrow, but Gray shyly said, "I don't like shots either. They're scary."

Elise perked up; so humans had to endure the stabbing torture too? Why was poor Gray put through that? Elise didn't understand why they would stab a child. Did they hold him down, and use harsh words with him? She didn't like that idea, and gave a soft, sympathetic whimper.

Owen flickered his gaze at her, before asking, "So, do you want to tell Elise it won't hurt?"

Gray lit up as he trotted over to the giant pile of leaves, and he said, "I know how to make it not hurt."

What trickery was this? Elise could not believe such a small hatchling would know the secrets to conquering her greatest fear. She had grown curious enough to allow her scales to become their snow white again, and Gray said, "Just don't look at the needle. It worked for me."

Elise wouldn't believe that lie for a second. She would never take her eyes off a weapon hurting her body. There was no way something like that would work, and she was starting to grow irritated. Elise remembered the sharp bite in her scales when the uniformed men had swarmed her old paddock; she knew a needle had been in that, and something forced into her muscle. She just wanted her leg fixed so she could go back to Rexy's nest.

Gray wouldn't be deterred this time, and he insisted, "No, really, it helps. My mom distracts me while the doctor gives a shot, and I hardly feel it. Watch this."

Jackie walked over, and Elise kept a careful eye on her before Gray had pulled out a small, rectangular box as he said, "I can show you this really cool magic trick with a deck of cards."

Elise watched the child pull out the cards as Owen began to scratch at her neck more roughly than what she was used to. It didn't hurt, but it was different. Elise was curious about the 'magic trick'; she wanted to know what that was.

Gray began to shuffle the cards around as he said, "These all have different pictures on them. None of these cards are the same."

What was the purpose of 'cards'? They didn't look edible or useful for anything. She narrowed her eyes as she focused, looking for any tricks, and Owen's scratching grew a little rougher.

Gray spread the cards apart, and held them up to Zach as he said, "Pick a card, but don't show me what it is. You have to show Elise what it is too."

Zach humored his brother, and plucked a random card out. He showed it to Elise, and she blinked at the odd pattern. It had red markings on the corners, and one big red shape in the center; it looked like a square on one of its points.

Zach made sure he didn't show the picture to his little brother as he handed the card back, and Gray shuffled the cards around randomly as he said, "Now, I will pick that card out again."

Elise knew there was a trick somewhere. She narrowed her eyes as she intently watched the child continued to shuffle. She gave a small warning growl at Owen when he had gotten too rough with his scratching. Her scales didn't appreciate the raw feeling, and Owen lightened up.

Gray suddenly picked a card from his deck, and showed it to Elise as he asked, "Is this the card Zach picked?"

Elise blinked as she came face to face with the very same card Zach had indeed picked. She wanted to know how the child had done that when he had no idea what the card had even looked like. Had he marked it? It didn't appear to be any different, and he hadn't known which card his brother would choose.

This was trickery, and Elise knew it.

Zach smiled when he said, "Yah, that's the card."

Gray beamed at Elise, and said, "See? I told you it would work."

What would work?

Elise didn't understand the process of this 'magic', and she wanted answers right now. Elise snapped her gaze to the side when Jackie had moved away from her, and she caught sight of the crimson-filled tube. Jackie gave a small smile as she said, "That wasn't too bad, was it?"

Elise blinked at the tube with the capped needle in it, and she suddenly felt the dull throbbing in her neck. It didn't feel good, and Elise's stomach was doing things she didn't like. How could she not notice the needle in her skin? She had almost died, and she was too busy being focused on stupid, colored cards.

Elise felt light-headed, and she gave a low moan while sinking lower to the ground in hopes of stopping it from spinning. Owen looked panicked, and he ran gentle hands along her nose as he exclaimed, "Elise! I-easy, Baby. What's wrong?"

Elise wished she could tell Owen how pissed she was at him for allowing her to brush fingers with Death himself, but she couldn't even see straight. The dancing spots in her vision were of no help, and Elise didn't fight the creeping darkness.

Owen wasn't sure what to do when Elise's head lolled to the side, and she went still. He carefully watched her ribcage move with her even breathing, and Zach quietly asked, "Did…did Elise just fall asleep?"

Owen glanced at Jackie for help, and he looked down when the radio on his hip crackled. Somehow, Owen wasn't surprised when Lowery's voice came on, and the tech-geek said, "So…I'm on my lunch break, and I decided to google some stuff while Gray did his magic trick. Guess what I found?"

Lowery didn't wait for anyone to answer him, and he said, "Trypanophobia."

It sounded like a new dinosaur to Owen, and he asked, "That is what?"

Gray carefully poked Elise's nose when Lowery cleared his throat before reading, "The extreme, irrational fear of needles used in a medical setting. Often caused by traumatic experiences during childhood. Symptoms include panic attacks, fainting, increased heart-rate, and frightening thoughts. We have a dinosaur with Trypanophobia…think we should put that in the Indominus Attraction Pamphlet?"

Owen rolled his eyes before snapping, "Elise isn't afraid of needles, Lowery; she does just fine with stitches. Barry stitched her shoulder up easily; she didn't even bat an eye at him."

Lowery seemed to shrug over the radio as he said, "Well, it said traumatic experiences during childhood. Some of these other sites say the fear includes injections. I wonder how gentle our scientists were with Elise in the lab. Only takes one time to ruin the experience, and Elise doesn't look like she forgets anything bad that happens to her."

Owen flickered his gaze over to Elise, and Lowery sighed as he added, "Maybe it was the vet who was supposed to take care of them. He obviously wasn't St. Francis since Elise's sister died. If that happened on his watch, I doubt he would be gentle with shots."

Owen sagged slightly as he glanced at the blood-filled tube being put away, and Lowery had a point. It wouldn't be the needles Elise was afraid of, it would be the syringes used with them. Elise had been conditioned to associate feelings of impending doom with needles on syringes or tubes; things used for testing or injections. He sighed and shook his head quietly before saying, "I suppose you better get that leg stitched up before she wakes up."

Jackie nodded quietly as she filled the clean syringe with morphine, and replied, "Hopefully we can slowly work on that fear. Poor baby, I didn't want her to faint."

Owen sat down next to Elise's head before Barry sat near her neck, and gently began to run his hand over the scales.

"Me neither, Jackie, me neither…"

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