Chapter 28

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Hey guys!

I'm really glad yesterday's chapter touched you, I thought it was time for Small One to be given some closure.

As always, thank you for your reviews! And criticism! Please enjoy because the action picks up!


"The Shot Heard Around the Park."

"Elise! I give you a kissie to make you feel better!"

Owen chuckled, and leaned against the wall as the millionth child decided to kiss Elise better. The stitches did look like they hurt, but Elise seemed perfectly happy. There was a sparkle in those clear eyes Owen had never seen before. She seemed much happier, and lighter after she had let Lowery go. The tech-geek had scrambled back to the safety of his Control room at the first chance he got, but Elise didn't seem put off by it.

Owen still wasn't sure why the jar of dirt was so important to her, but he would ask her later. The only thing that mattered was how happy she was.

And she gave him the cheeseburger; she didn't care for the sharp smell of ketchup.

It was endearing to see the large dinosaur being loved on by so many, little children, and Judge Knight seemed to be warmed by the sight. He didn't see Mr. Hart, but Mr. Graves had briefly stopped by. Owen didn't think he was a bad guy, he was a lawyer, but he wasn't bad.

This show had gone very smooth, the raptors were content to sleep the day away, and children were eager to kiss Elise better. The wall was filling up with vast amounts of different artwork, and people enjoyed sharing colorful tattoos for Elise to mimic.

Debra was still stuck in the bathroom as far as Owen knew, and he felt great.

Barry had dropped by, looking ashamed of himself, but Owen didn't give him too much grief over it. He knew there was probably nothing Barry could have done to stop the raptors from panicking after Rexy let out a loud roar. Tim had said it was getting close to her next dental appointment, so her teeth were starting to hurt her.

After the last child had given his kiss on Elise's nose, Owen glanced at the clock on the wall before saying, "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time. It's been a pleasure, and I hoped you all enjoyed yourselves."

Elise gave a soft croon as the children waved goodbye, and Owen smiled warmly. He watched the last of the group leave before Marie walked over, and she said, "Mr. Grady, I am very pleased with how you and Elise work with one another. It is good to know you have a hold on your raptors."

Owen wasn't going to tell the judge that his raptors were just too tired to cause more trouble at the moment. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, and he nodded. Marie smiled as she turned to the white dinosaur, and added, "I am happy you have adjusted to this life, Elise. You truly are a one of a kind in personality."

Elise made a soft sound to her, and the judge said to Owen, "I'm sure Miss Dearing will tell you, but the case has been momentarily put on hold for a few days."

Owen blinked before raising an eyebrow as he asked, "Why?"

Marie shrugged as she gave a gentle pat on Elise's snowy cheek, and answered, "Miss Dearing wants a DNA test performed on Elise. InGen actually has no concrete proof that the Indominus they own is actually Elise. They only have a DNA signature; it'll take a few days before we see if it's a match."

Owen glanced at Elise, and she didn't seem to really care. He let out a quiet sigh before asking, "Can InGen really take Elise off this island?"

"Not without her consent. I'm not sure if she's human enough to make it wrong to own her, but she is human enough to say where she wishes to live, if that makes sense."

Owen let out a sigh of relief as he smiled at his tough baby. She caught his gaze, and he swore those crimson eyes had lightened enough to allow some warmer shades to color it. If Owen was a man who cared about the fancier names of colors, he would have thought almost cinnamon colors had appeared to give the intelligent eyes more depth. But he wasn't that type of man, he just knew Elise looked happy.

They both knew she would stay here.

"I will be keeping in touch with the both of you. Dr. Grant is currently in the Triceratops field; he intends to compare Elise's teeth with some of his fossils. InGen will give me their records, but I want to be sure they aren't trying to pull a fast one on me."

Owen raised his eyebrows; impressed with Marie, and she slyly said, "This is not my first custody case, Mr. Grady. First one with a dinosaur, but it's not the first custody. This one has actually been quite civil considering."

Owen was sure that would change pretty soon, but it was nice to have the judge on their side. Marie gave another pat on the snowy cheek before saying, "I shall be off then. Mr. Graves intends to come by later to collect some teeth from Elise, but it's time for me to leave the island."

"So soon, Your Honor?"

Marie snorted in amusement, but said, "My job does not involve making merry in the bar, or placing bets in the Pachy Arena. As magical as this place is, I am here on business."

She gave a fond look at Elise before adding, "But I think I will bring my grandson here on my next vacation. I am glad the wonder of this place did not die with Mr. Hammond or Mr. Masrani. I think Miss Dearing will be good for this place."

Owen nodded in agreement, and Marie waved a farewell as she walked out of the tunnel. Owen gave a small sigh when they were alone, and he asked, "You're not going anywhere, right?"

Elise immediately crooned as she gave him a loving look that melted Owen. He chuckled at her before asking, "Why did the jar of dirt make you so happy? Just happy to get a present?"

Elise shook her head before gesturing to her chest. She wasn't sure how to tell Owen about a pain he never knew about. She wanted to tell him how he made her feel better, and how she was happy Small One would become big like her.

Owen pressed his lips at the broad chest, but he asked, "Did the present make you feel better?"

Elise nodded; her heart was healing. She knew Owen was smart enough to get the picture if she showed him what she meant. Elise made to bring the jar and box up, but paused when she heard quiet footsteps coming down the hallway; they didn't sound right.

They walked like trespassers.

Owen raised an eyebrow, but he figured it was just some stragglers wanting a quick look. He shrugged it off, and turned around to get a drink of water. He hated talking so much; it made his throat dry.

Elise didn't turn her gaze from the tunnel, and she startled when four people suddenly darted in.

With the shiny weapons.

She couldn't see any detail under the dark masks, and the largest male raised his gun before snarling, "Take this you little prick!"

Elise reacted before anyone else. She quickly shoved her face in front of Owen, and yelped when the sharp pain stung her cheek. She gave a furious snarl when the others began to fire, trying to hit Owen, but only succeeding in striking her.

Elise saw red; she knew these weak weapons could do little to her, but Owen was in danger. She bared her fangs dangerously before suddenly lunging at them. She snapped her jaws at the closest intruder, grabbing the tip of his gun, and she yanked back. The shorter male gave a startled yell before bolting away after losing his weapon. Elise gave it a fierce crunch before freezing when Owen gave a sharp whistle.

She made the mistake of turning her head, and the largest male took his shot. Owen had made to dart in front of Elise, and gave a pained yell when his chest splattered a deep red. Owen stumbled back before another splash of red caught his cheek, and Elise felt the ice cold fear deep in her stomach. She forgot about the attackers as she yanked Owen out of the log before giving danger calls to the pack.

The Velociraptors were immediately on their feet, and Elise dropped Owen onto the soft ferns as he groaned. Blue was immediately over him when she saw the red, and Elise shoved her snout back into the Observatory Room as she let loose a furious roar.

If she wasn't so panicked; she would be proud of herself for sounding almost exactly like Rexy, but only louder.


"You know what's not right? Left."

Vivian let out a rare snort as she glanced at Lowery. He had changed into a different set of clothes after escaping Elise, but he wasn't too traumatized; he made it out alive. Granted he practically shat himself when the large, pink tongue ran over him. He really thought she had been tasting him.

Then she started crying. Lowery had no idea what to do with human women, let alone emotional dinosaur women. He had bolted after dropping his cheeseburger. It probably wasn't the best move, and he would apologize later. Through the radio.

Elise seemed pretty happy during her show, so Lowery wondered if he had done anything wrong. The Control Room had given him the oddest looks.

He was the only man who could make a dinosaur cry.

Lowery glanced up when Security Control said, "You know what's not right? Making Elise cry."

He sighed before retorting, "You know what? She was so moved to have soil from her homeland with our national tree growing in it, that she cried. That was not a dinosaur crying, okay? That was a homesick American being comforted by a piece of home."

Lowery really did feel bad for making her cry.

The employees only chuckled before going back to work. Lowery rolled his eyes, and Vivian quietly said, "I don't think she would be hugging you if you had made her sad. I think she was just really happy."

"Over some dirt? I mean, I know it's American soil, but was just a little gag gift..."

Vivian shrugged as she said, "I don't think Elise sees the world like we do. Maybe she saw something in that gift that we didn't. But I know you didn't make her sad."

Lowery glanced at her before asking, "How do you know?"

"Girls don't hug the boys who make them cry; not unless it's the neck they're hugging...with their hands."

Lowery blinked at the dark joke before a loud roar made the room jump.

"There's guns in Observatory Room Eleven!"

Lowery felt his jaw drop when the four people bolted in before opening fire on the duo. Vivian yelped before snapping her fingers to her mic, and Lowery frowned when the guns caught his eye. He put his hand over Vivian's before loudly saying, "Wait! Security, get some guards over there right now! Tell them to keep guests out!"

A few people let out some quiet screams when Owen suddenly fell over, and the deep crimson stained his shirt before Elise dragged him out of the room. Security was starting to panic, and Lowery yelled, "Stop panicking! Look at the guns, people!"

There was a brief silence in the room as they stared before Elise shook the camera with a furious roar. The masked men bolted, and Lowery snapped, "Someone get those pricks before Elise sets the Velociraptors on them."

Lowery had meant that sarcastically, but realization dawned on him the moment the words left his mouth.

"Oh, shit!"

Vivian paled when Elise turned her vibrant crimson, and Lowery practically dove onto his desk as he slid over to the phone. He was so happy he had managed to memorize the number for the speakers to Elise's room. Lowery risked a glance at the shaking screen before quickly saying, "Elise! Elise, easy! It's your fellow American! I already have guys going after those men!"

Lowery would admit he jumped when the fiery, blooded gaze snapped right at the camera, but he added, "Just keep an eye on Owen, okay? I'll take care of the bad guys, and you keep the pack right there. You cannot allow the Velociraptors to leave the paddock. Just make sure Owen is fine."

The room watched all the color leave Elise until she looked like a gaunt, unhealthy white. It wasn't her snow white, it was a deathly pale, bone white. Lowery gave a sigh when she whipped around, and he snapped, "Someone better get those pricks! We almost had a massacre on our hands."


Owen gave a hiss of pain as he clutched his chest.

"God damn it...."

His jaw was throbbing, and Owen winced when he felt a rough snout desperately nudging his side. Owen could hear his raptors giving panicked shrieks while Elise gave a furious snarl that left his ears ringing.

Owen slowly sat up before looking at his hand. He startled at seeing the red, and Blue was giving concerned whines as she rubbed her face against his. Echo was pressed against his back as she bared her teeth threateningly, and Owen looked up in time to see Delta giving cries for bloodshed from Elise's back.

Owen blinked before Elise suddenly turned around, and her large hands were near him. She looked stunned to see him sitting up, and he put two and two together.

He was going to kill somebody later.

Owen gave a cough before saying, "Elise, I'm fine."

Elise was not believing that load of lies. She would not tolerate Owen lying to keep her from panicking. She saw the red, and she remained very gentle as she curled around him tightly. The raptors dove into the small circle she had made around Owen, and Blue was immediately appointed the doctor of the group.

Owen winced when she pressed her snout against his sore chest, but he said, "Easy, Blue, it's not blood. It's paint. See?"

Owen smeared the thick paint on his fingers before holding his hand in front of Blue's sensitive nostrils. She blinked at it for a few seconds before growing confused, and Owen sighed as he lifted his shirt.

"I'm not bleeding. Easy girls, easy."

Blue immediately shoved her snout against the pale skin as she gave a thorough inspection for any wounds. Owen could actually feel the others holding their breaths before the Beta took a step back, and gave the confirming chirp.

Stupid Alpha wasn't going to die.

Elise sank into the ground with a loud exhale, and the raptors piled onto Owen. He winced when the sharp claws dug into his skin, but he didn't have the heart to tell them off. He only made comforting sounds as gentle, calloused hands ran over the different colored scales.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm okay, we're okay..."

Owen wrapped his arm around Blue when she tucked her nose under his chin, and he glanced up at Elise. He could feel himself growing angry at seeing the splotches of paint on her. It was just his luck that he would get hit by the only red paint. Elise had yellow, blue, green, and red splattered against her white scales.

He was going to raise hell for this.


Owen hurt at seeing the fear in those crimson eyes; the sparkle wasn't there at the moment, and he hated how the color had dulled back to the crimson. He pressed his lips before gently saying, "We're okay. It was just paint. Those were paintball guns. You can't kill with those."

But Owen was sure he would find a way next time he saw those people.

He gave his girls a tight squeeze before standing up. Blue snagged her claws into his pant leg, and walked close to him, as he went over to the large face. He sighed at the yellow splatters, and gently scooped up some of the paint before showing it to her.

"See? It's paint."

Elise blinked at the vivid color, and she became confused. She didn't know shiny weapons could fire bright colors. Why would anyone do that? It hurt being hit by the color, and she didn't understand why they had attacked.

Paint was painful.

Owen sighed when Elise only curled up more tightly, and he yanked his radio off his hip. He could feel his temper rising when he growled, "Lowery."

The radio didn't even crackle this time, and Blue glared at the radio when Lowery said, "I'm on it, I'm on it! Security is headed there right now, we'll get them. Just keep the raptors calm, okay?"

"I'll send the girls after those bastards if you lose their trail, and this time I'll have Elise to help me."

Blue gave a fierce snap of her jaws to confirm this, and Owen could hear Lowery shiver before hastily saying, "Hey now, can we at least try to keep the park open for maybe more than a week before having dino wars? Let Security handle this, okay?"

Owen gave a dangerous look at the radio, and Lowery added, "Just focus on your pack, okay?"

His gaze slid over to an upset Elise, and he sighed quietly before putting the radio away.

"Come here, Baby."

Elise flicked her gaze up to him, and it broke his heart to see the hurt look. Like a child who figured out the magic of the world was mere illusions. He kneeled next to her before putting both hands on her as he softly said, "Hey, it's going to be okay. We still got the pack together, nobody got hurt, and Lowery is taking care of those guys."

Elise still didn't look convinced, and Owen added, "We'll figure it out, okay, Baby? Let's get you cleaned up, and then we can get ready to see more kids. That'll be fun, right?"

Owen patted the scales, and Elise looked up at him. He winked before saying, "We have an army of munchkins to do our bidding. If Lowery can't find those guys, then the munchkins will."

Elise finally pulled her lips into a smile as she gently nudged her snout against him. Owen smiled as his girls wrapped around each other more tightly, and they relished the quiet silence. They comforted each other, and Owen didn't want it any other way.


"You have got to be kidding me..."

Lowery sank back into his chair after making the fifth circle with the security footage. They couldn't find the guys.

"Are you kidding me?! No one saw anything?!"

Lowery was dumbfounded, and he glanced around to see the mirrored frustration on his fellow techies' faces. Security Control was furious, and everyone froze when the elevator door slid open.

"What. Happened?"

Vivian winced at Claire's quiet voice, and Lowery swallowed before saying, "Hit and run."

Claire wasn't sure if that was meant to be a joke or not, but she took a deep breath before asking, "How many?"

"Four; two guys for sure. Security found the paintball guns tossed in the bushes nearby."

"How did four paintball guns get past Security in the first place? All guests are checked for those kinds of items."

No one said anything, and Claire said, "Show me the tapes."

Lowery pressed his lips as he rewound the video, and Claire glared into the screen. He really hoped they would be able to find the creeps.

Lowery wouldn't put it past Claire to let the raptors find them.


"Well, well, well..."

Owen scooped up the cracked gun before turning it over in his hands. These idiots had just made a terrible mistake indeed. Elise tilted her head at him, and Owen brought the gun over before saying, "See if you can memorize that scent, Sunshine. I don't want to put all my faith in Security."

Elise curled her lip at the weapon, but she pressed a sensitive nostril close before inhaling deeply. There were different scents on here, but she could smell the sharp scent belonging to the shorter male. She would remember this smell for as long as needed; she would recognize it anywhere now.

The Velociraptor in her would not tolerate this attacker to go unpunished. No mercy would be shown.

Owen pondered as he watched Elise narrow her eyes in concentration. Those guys obviously knew him; they were aiming right at him, but they didn't care about hitting Elise. They sounded pissed, like they wanted revenge. Owen always kept track of the people he pissed off; he was smart like that. He liked to make enemies in increments in order to keep track of them.

He had pissed off only one group of people right now.

Owen chewed the inside of his cheek before turning when he heard footsteps; he was ready for another fight, but relaxed at the sight of Tim. Owen gave a half-hearty wave, but Tim asked, "Are you guys okay?"

Tim blinked at the sight of Elise before quietly adding, "Rexy heard Elise roar. She left the goat, and went back into the jungle; she was furious. She knocked over a tree..."

Owen did not want a furious Rexy to show up, and he said, "I need to clean the paint off Elise so she can make sure Rexy doesn't come over here. I won't put it past the old lady to break down the fence."

Tim nodded, and went over to Elise before softly saying, "Poor baby...I'm so sorry you got hurt. Paintballs hurt like a bitch."

Elise gave a soft croon, and Owen quietly said, "You wait here, Sunshine. I'm going to go get some soap and water to clean you off."

He glanced around before adding, "And something to compare that scent to."

Elise nodded, and Owen sighed as he leaned the broken gun against the wall. He walked over to the button on the wall before pushing it, and left with Tim.

Elise waited for the two to be gone before she snagged her talon into the broken weapon. She was glad the window was slow to shut, and she lowered herself before giving chittering barks at the three raptors. Blue listened intently, giving her own chirps to clarify, and Elise handed the gun over. She gave a stern snort, and the three raptors immediately bolted into the brush.

Elise glanced back into the Observatory Room. She would wait for Owen to come back, but she wouldn't depend on him alone to keep this pack safe. She was an Alpha as well; it was her responsibility to keep the entire pack safe, and informed.

Just because she had realized her rampage was wrong, didn't mean she wouldn't get violent; it meant she would find justifiable reasons for her violence. She was content with her job of being a calm, gentle giant around children, but she wouldn't hesitate to remind the world of the power she was born with.

Even though Elise was fully aware she didn't understand the world or how it worked, she did know how to survive in it.

Elise never intended to lure humans into her paddock, but she was an opportunist. She saw an opportunity to escape, and she took it. Now, she was presented with an opportunity to craft a plan to assure her family would remain safe, and she was going to take it. She would allow Owen go about his plan; his plan was the primary plan, but hers would be a backup.

It didn't matter to her if the paint hadn't hurt anyone. Elise knew how to test boundaries, and those tests started out in small, harmless increments. She now understood this attack was meant to scare, and test her pack's reaction.

A real attack would soon come.

Elise gave a small sigh as she lowered herself to Small One's box. The world was odd. There were brilliant colors, but also mean shadows. The world was a bit duller at the moment, but she would protect what she had. So long as she had her family, there was a reason to fight.

And Elise was a fighter.

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