Chapter 3

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I can honestly say I did not expect the reaction to this story that you guys have given, and it absolutely makes my day. Thank you so much for the comments, and reviews because I am getting wonderful ideas to add to this to show you all what a tragic villain the Indominus truly is. I will try to balance the funnies with the seriousness in the course of this story, but be prepared for random bits of heart wrenching because that is simply how I am. :) I will probably change the rating from 'K' to 'T' just because it seems to be the polite thing to do on here as I simply struggle with refraining myself from using the colorful vocabulary of curse words. I personally never cared what a story's rating is, but I am sure some of you do, and that is perfectly fine. So without further ado, please enjoy chapter three with your snacks of Oreos and Cheetos!


Owen was astonished as he gaped at the left hand of the Indominus. She held the pose for a few seconds before slowly curling her hand back to her chest protectively as she waited for his reaction. It wasn't until Gray had poked his back that Owen finally gave himself a mental shake, and replied, "Oh...okay then..."

He was going to get himself killed with stupid responses like that. He had to always remember that this creature had very little to no social skills. She probably didn't know what to do with a baffled human, and when she became confused, she became violent. He didn't want to unintentionally offend her either.

Owen finally cleared his throat, and began to stall with another question as his mind struggled to comprehend that he was about to try and hold a conversation with a dinosaur. This wasn't understanding the various growls of his Velociraptors, the Indominus would be learning his language.

This was terrifying, and he was going to kick every single ass in that laboratory. He would personally see to it that every scientist in there would be whipped into shape for creating something that had absolutely no business being an attraction at a theme park.

His raptors sensed his apprehension, and they only pressed closer to him. Blue had finally finished her Oreo, and decided to surprise Owen by remaining right beside him; he could feel the heat radiating off her body.

The Indominus seemed to tilt her head slightly when Owen brought his hands together as he asked, "So, do you understand a lot?"

He put his hands together, like he was holding an invisible ball, before pulling them apart, and she carefully watched.

"Or a little bit?"

He took his index finger and thumb before rubbing them against one another twice. He wasn't sure if her thumb was long enough for that. He really didn't want to frustrate her by giving useless tools to her. He waited patiently, and quietly sucked in air when the left hand became a fist. The index finger flicked up before her right hand joined in the conversation to cup the invisible ball, and they pulled it apart.

'I understand a lot.'

She understood a lot indeed; she had just communicated to him a complete sentence. She wasn't even lazy with her answers. He had no idea what to do from here. He was even more terrified of this dinosaur than before, and he really wanted someone to yell at. He wanted Claire to point him to the head geneticist right away.

But he just couldn't leave the Indominus to do as she pleased. Just because she was smart enough to communicate, and learn language, didn't mean she was willing to exercise discipline with bloody rampage.

All she had demonstrated was a small hint to the extent of her intelligence. She had done nothing to show her morals, nor willingness to learn human moral.

Owen finally nodded as he began to chew the inside of his cheek. His eyes wandered over the several wounds on her as he tried to ponder his next move. At the very least, he needed to get her away from the some twenty-thousand guests.

But he also had to get his raptors back into their paddock, and he certainly couldn't do that while expecting the Indominus to follow.

He let out a small sigh before holding his hand up, with index finger pointing up, as he asked her to wait, and he turned to a stunned Claire. She refused to take her eyes off the white scaled creature, and Owen didn't blame her for that. He quickly snapped his fingers before saying, "Claire. Hey. Earth to Claire."

The blue eyes snapped back to him, and he was relieved to see the irritation in them as she retorted, "I am not one of your damn animals."

He slowly nodded, and gave a quick glance over his shoulder to see the Indominus carefully watching them. He turned back as he quietly said, "I want you to get the boys to safety while I take care of..."

Owen trailed off, and he frowned before asking, "What's her name?"

Claire looked at him like he was crazy, and she hissed, "It does not have a name!"

Owen held his breath as he silently prayed the Indominus was hard of hearing. When he was not met with angry roars at being insulted, he let out his breath. Claire had put her hands on her hips, and he couldn't help quietly snapping, "I think you need to mind your manners around her, Claire, because she can clearly understand every word we are saying."

Owen wasn't chastising Claire because he felt the need to treat the Indominus as his equal all of a sudden; he just really didn't want to insult all those razor sharp teeth and talons.

Claire's blue eyes nervously flickered over to the white scales, and she flinched when a low, warning growl was given. Owen made a mental note of that; the Indominus would not even tolerate Claire looking at her.

Not good.

Owen bravely stepped in between the two, in hopes of calming the Indominus. Maybe if she didn't see Claire, she would be less irritated with her existence. Owen gently put his hands together as he calmly said, "Okay, new plan because obviously the lab has really screwed us over. You are going to the people, and...keep them calm, while I...see what I can do with the Indominus. Sound good?"

"You have lost your mind, Owen."

He slowly nodded in agreement at that, and Claire rolled her eyes at him. He glanced at his three raptors before quietly saying, "I don't want to see this island shut down, Claire."

The redhead allowed her mouth to drop in shock, and she was silent for a few seconds before snapping, "We just had an island evacuation, Owen! People died! What makes you think we even have a small chance of ever reopening?!"

Owen glanced behind him when he heard the Indominus shift in slight agitation. Her attention span was dwindling, and he need to act quickly. The two adults looked down when Gray quietly offered, "I read that studies proved that the dangerous rides become a lot more popular after fatal accidents..."

Owen pointed at him before saying, "See? People love danger, and all you have to do is sell it that we have the animals under control. Okay? Okay."

Owen took a step back, and pointed at Claire as he said, "You take care of people, and be that amazing saleswoman I know you are-"

Owen then gestured to his raptors when he finished, "And I get everybody to bed before the militia comes in."

Claire put her hands on her hips again before coolly saying, "I thought you said it wasn't about control."

"It's not, but you can sell that little lie to the insurance claimers. I want the lab to be held accountable, and Vic's men. Point the finger, Claire."

Owen gave her a thumbs up with a wide grin, and the redhead rolled her eyes; he could see the smile tugging at her lips, though. She knew he was hilarious. Owen nodded, and said, "Great, I'll see you when I see you. Don't get eaten."

He turned to face the Indominus, and Claire quietly retorted, "You're the one who is going to put the raptors and Indominus to bed, Owen."

He couldn't help his crooked grin as he glanced over his shoulder before saying, "Better than all the bloodsucking lawyers that are going to swarm this place. I'll take her teeth over them any day."

Claire grimaced as she seemed to think otherwise, but she put a protective hand on her nephews as she began to lead them away. Her heels clicked against the cement, and Owen turned when the Indominus gave a low growl. He frowned as he firmly, but quietly, said, "Hey. Eyes on me."

Owen swore he saw irritation flash across those crimson eyes, but she complied. Owen bravely walked a little closer, but remained far enough to get away in case she decided to snap, and he said, "I'm not sure what your next move is, but I really don't want to see you get killed, okay? I am on your side because I feel like you're just a little too smart to be a mindless killer. Do you understand that? I am expecting you to behave better than that. You're not going to go hurt those people."

She narrowed her crimson eyes at the firm tone, and Owen was pretty sure she was wondering where he was storing the massive balls on himself for actually having the idiotic bravery to tell her what to do. Owen refused to back down, though; she needed a firm leader now more than ever. She was so brand new in this world, and had no idea what her place was.

They stared at each other for a few more seconds, both refusing to even blink, and Owen finally said, "Those people have no idea you even exist, okay? They have never done anything to you, and it is wrong to go attack them. I know you're smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong. Do you understand that?"

She narrowed her eyes even more, and the pupils seemed to slit more thinly before she slowly rose taller. Owen couldn't believe how huge she was, and he wondered why labs always made their first of anything to be so large, and hard to control. Why couldn't they have made the hybrid out of the little dinosaurs in the petting zoo first? They could have added cat fur or something to make it fuzzy and soft.

But no, they just had to go right for the wonderful mixture of Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, and human.

The Indominus' left hand twisted towards herself before that finger flicked up.

'I understand.'

Owen nodded in agreement before he said, "Yah, I had a feeling you would."

He glanced at his three girls, and noticed they were getting tired of standing around. He looked back to the Indominus as he finally offered, "I want you to follow me out of here, alright? I don't want you around a lot of people, and I want to get those wounds on you looked at. I know you have got to be in a lot of pain."

The Indominus slowly lowered herself onto her forelimbs as she finally gave herself a look over. Owen had to admit, he really didn't like seeing those white scales dirty and bleeding. The crimson eyes flickered in the direction of where all the guests were currently hiding, and Owen said, "There is no way you aren't tired, and hungry...eyes on me."

The white snout crinkled in irritation before puffing air through them loudly, and Owen knew that sound. She seemed to simply do a lot of vocalizing with her raptor genes. He was sure she was still listening to him, but he wanted that eye contact; he wanted her attention. She finally humored him, and he nodded in approval as he said, "You give me eye contact when I speak, it's polite, and I promise I'll give you eye contact when you speak to me because I respect you enough to do that. I know the gist of most of the raptor sounds, and I want to teach you more sign language. We can make this work if you're willing to cooperate, okay?"

She flicked her tail at him, and Owen took another step forward as he raised his hand. She immediately focused on the hand, curious to learn more words, and expand her vocabulary. Owen closed his hand, like he was going to knock on a door, before making the knocking motions as he said, "That means 'yes', and this-"

He took his index and middle finger before making a closing motion as the two digits met his thumb; almost like a little mouth closing.

"Means 'no'. Do you understand that?"

The Indominus gazed at him for a few seconds before she took her left hand, and knocked on the invisible door. She surprised Owen by then closing her hand before flicking her index up.

'Yes, I understand.'

He couldn't help the small smile on his face before he gently shook his head. Now that the fear was dissipating, it was being filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Here was this powerful creature, capable of so much destruction, murder, chaos, and terror.

And he was teaching her sign language.

The white head tilted questioningly, and Owen finally said, "Why don't you stick with me for a while? You know I've raised these raptors since they hatched; they're my girls, my babies. You've got Velociraptor in you, you can join our dysfunctional, little family; you'll fit right in."

He could see she was really tempted by that offer; the longing had filled the crimson eyes at the word family. She wanted somewhere to belong.

She knew the difference between alone and lonely, and she seemed to be tired of being both.

Owen gestured to the direction of the thick jungle with his thumb as he said, "We're more fun than screaming people, and we got snacks. I think you'd like Cheetos."

Owen waited for the delighted chirp at the mention of the cheesy snacks before his heart felt heavy. Charlie wasn't here to steal his Cheetos anymore. He swallowed thickly, but maintained eye contact with the contemplating creature. She shifted on her feet slightly, and Owen winced at seeing shards of glass in her neck; from breaking into the Aviation Paddock.

"I promise no one is going to hurt you anymore, okay? I'll make sure you fit in here if you want. So...what do you say? Want to be part of my Raptor Squad?"

The Indominus carefully looked him over before the crimson eyes thoroughly inspected the three raptors next to him. Owen had to admit he was amazed by her wariness of others despite her lack of interaction with anyone. It was saddening, and yet it made him feel better that she wouldn't blindly follow others; he liked having smart girls in his pack.

Blue gave a small chirp as she suddenly began to nuzzle his hand for the remains of the Oreos, and Owen simply let her have the whole bag. He really didn't know why she hadn't simply tackled him for it. Her joyous clicks at the unfathomable generosity only made him smile, and he finally looked up when the Indominus gave a stern snort. He gave her the eye contact she wanted, and she knocked on the invisible door.


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