Chapter 7

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"It Tolls For Thee."

Owen squinted when the sun had finally managed to disturb him, and he slowly sat up in his hammock. He felt a little better after showering, but he hadn't gotten much sleep in the night. He didn't have anywhere to go, and he still hadn't thought of a plan to save Elise.


Owen knew there was a nearby island of dinosaurs. It was owned by InGen, but they hardly ever did anything with the dinosaurs on that island. They were much more violent, and the raptors were ruthless. Owen remembered trying to tame a few raptors from that island, before the park had supplied Blue and her siblings, and it had been an absolute nightmare.

Four trips to the island, each time there were four raptors brought back, and only one would actually survive. It would be the winner of brutal, endless fights in the cage onboard. Then the surviving raptor would go into violent seizures before going into a coma, and dying. The vet was forced to perform an autopsy, and discovered there was a kink in the immune system; all the Velociraptors on Isla Sorna were infected with prions, the causes of several degenerative brain diseases.

Unless Owen was sure he would be able to somehow give a vaccination to Elise, he couldn't risk her catching the prions on the other island. It was spread through bites, and Owen knew those raptors would be brave enough to fight Elise.

Those raptor packs on Isla Sorna weren't even organized as a pack should be. There were no Alphas nor Betas, no one stayed behind to guard the nests, and it seemed to be every raptor for itself. There was no social order, just violent creatures, who instinctively knew they were supposed to hunt together.

If there was any way to get the vaccination, assuming there was one, it would be through the Chief Veterinarian, Gerald Harding. The man was old, in his late seventies, but he didn't let that stop him. He had been the Chief Vet for Jurassic Park, and loved working with dinosaurs. Especially the dangerous ones because, "they keep that blood pumpin' real good, and they're the most fun." Owen had a great relationship with him; Dr. Gerry was amazing around the raptors. He never became angry when they snapped at him. He would simply shrug and say, "Why get mad when they're just doing their job? You got good kids, Owen."

Dr. Gerry was a good guy. He appreciated animals of all kinds; he wouldn't be repulsed by Elise. If Owen could get to him fast enough, then maybe there was a chance to get Elise off this island. She would be able to roam free, and he would visit her as often as possible.

Maybe he could convince Claire to reconsider, and have Elise sent there instead. If Gerry would back him up, then there would be a chance.

Owen immediately rolled out of the hammock, and almost tripped over his own feet in his haste to get his boots on. He had almost forgot to put on a shirt as well.

Maybe he could distract Claire if he showed up shirtless…

Owen jumped onto his bike before remembering his radio had been turned off. He could radio Gerry first because that man travelled the island more than any other person here. Very rarely was he in his own office in the Veterinary Building. Owen fumbled with the channel dial, and forced himself to take a deep breath to calm himself. He had to act calm and collected. Gerry was the first channel; always had been.

"Hey, Doc? You there? It's Owen, I need to talk to you…"

Owen held his breath, and prayed the elder would pick up. Gerry would never pick up the radio when he was tending an animal. He always put his patient first. If a Veterinary Technician was with him, and there usually was, then he'd have them answer.

Owen could feel the sweat on his forehead when the radio crackled, and the gravelly voice of the good, old doctor replied, "Owen, 'bout time you turn on that damned thing. Your people have been tryin' to reach your for an hour or so."

Owen didn't like that, and he immediately asked, "Why?"

"Ms. Claire moved the euthanization to about an hour ago."

Owen blacked out for a second, and he was suddenly on the ground with the motorcycle pinning his leg. He blinked a few times before scrambling after the fallen radio, and stuttered, "W-What?!"

Owen couldn't breathe, and his head was pounding. He prayed to any divine above that Elise was still alive. He had never prayed so hard in his life, and Gerry gently said, "Easy, Owen. You know I never put an animal down without her caretaker right with her; that ain't the right thing to do. Ms. Claire's been sitting in her car this whole time; she's pissed, and got things to do, but you need to be here."

Owen scrambled onto his bike, and didn't bother replying to the vet as he kicked his bike into high gear. He couldn't believe this, and Owen was pretty sure someone was going to get punched the moment he showed up.

The gravel flew as the bike slid from stopping so suddenly, and Owen hardly saw the several Asset Containment Unit soldiers standing warily on guard. He only saw the white car with the oblivious redhead sitting inside. Owen thought he heard Barry call out his name, but it didn't stop him from harshly knocking on the clean window of Claire's car. She jumped high, and Owen was impressed he hadn't broken it, before he snarled, "What the hell, Claire?! You said tonight!"

Owen was glad that he finally got a flicker of fear out of Claire; it meant he finally had her attention. A deep voice from behind him sternly said, "Sir, step away from the car."

Owen gave the filthiest look he could muster as he slowly turned around to face the security guard. It only pissed him off more that Claire had brought someone to guard her, and he snapped, "You need to mind your own goddamn business, and back off. She needs to come out of her car, and talk to me like an actual CEO."

Owen turned back to the car before he felt the heavy, gloved hand on his shoulder. He whirled around to smack the hand off when the balled fist punched him in the gut.

Owen could take a punch, but this was a dirty punch that he wasn't ready for. Owen immediately doubled over as the air whooshed out of him, and he struggled to catch his breath. He heard the car door open, and Claire sternly said, "There was no need for that! He won't hurt me, he's not like that!"

Even at his most livid, Claire knew Owen was a gentleman. He wasn't sure if he should be warmed or infuriated by that. He finally took a large gasp of air before stumbling a few steps away from the car. He spat on the ground as he rose back up, and glared at the man. The beef-stick had the audacity to give a small smirk, and Owen mentally put a target on his forehead. He turned when Claire quietly said, "I'm sorry, Owen, but I couldn't come tonight; I have to be with my nephews. It would be wrong not to show up to this, so I changed the time. No one could get ahold of you though."

Owen took a deep breath to calm himself. Claire was talking like a big girl, so he would talk like a big boy. He lowered his voice as he said, "Please, hear me out, Claire. What if we sent Elise to Isla Sorna? Please, she won't bother anyone there, just let me talk to Dr. Gerry…"

Claire looked torn for his sake, but she still shook her head as she replied, "I already tried that, Owen. I know you think I'm a heartless bitch, but I did try to have her sent there. The board just doesn't want to risk her swimming to mainland; we found some paperwork on her genetic makeup, Owen. She has fish DNA in her. Who knows what she could do? Jurassic World would be responsible if she made it to mainland…"

Owen was starting to grow desperate, and he felt his face fall. Claire winced when he quietly said, "Please don't make me bury another baby, Claire; I can't handle it."

Claire looked around, making sure no one was within hearing, before she softly said, "Owen, I know Elise is something special to you. I know you can see past those teeth, but I have a responsibility to the people and assets here. I have to do everything to keep them safe, especially after what happened. If she was smaller, or had less teeth…but she's just too dangerous."

"I want you to talk with her."

Claire raised her eyebrow in disbelief before asking, "What?"

Owen nodded firmly as he gestured to the steel doors, and said, "I want you to talk with her. Away from all these people, and you tell me that she doesn't have human in her."

Claire slid her gaze over to the door before retorting, "I know she has human in her; I saw you signing with her on that camera, but you have to understand that she is an animal who is highly intelligent. She's dangerous, and she's killed people."

Owen darkened, he didn't want to defend her kills, but he quietly said, "I never saw her attack first, Claire. We barged into her only home, raptors are incredibly territorial, and then the Asset Containment Unit went after her. How was she supposed to know any better?"

"She killed those Apatosaurus for sport!"

Owen raised his own voice as he pointed at the paddock, and yelled, "Then give her a chance to explain herself! Christ on his throne, Claire, she can talk!"

Claire immediately hissed, "Will you keep your voice down?!"

Owen gaped at her before dangerously saying, "I am about to lose another member of my family, and you want me to go about this in a calm manner? Jesus. Christ. Will you please pull your head out of your ass, and see that Elise is a living, breathing creature who can communicate with us?!"

Owen knew that was a toe out of line when Claire's eyes hardened. She took a step away from him as she coolly said, "I am sorry it has to be like this, but I've already made my decision, and I see no reason to reconsider. This is for the good of the company, Owen. You can say your goodbye when she's sedated before we…dispose of the body."

Claire nodded at the security guard as she added, "Please make sure Mr. Grady doesn't interfere with Dr. Harding's work."

Owen felt his jaw drop when the strong hands seized his arms, and he desperately said, "Don't do this to me, Claire. Don't you do this to her!"

Claire took a deep breath to calm herself before she said, "This isn't your decision; she belongs to this company. I make the decisions."

Owen opened his mouth to spew profanity at her, but froze when he heard the large doors slowly slide open. He whirled his head to the side, and felt his heart drop when Elise was standing there; looking agitated with all the yelling going on. Everyone went silent, and Elise gave a small, unsure croon that broke Owen's heart. She wanted guidance from him.

And he was powerless.

Her crimson gaze swept across the small, armed crowd before she found him. She stared at him for a signal of any kind, and Owen froze when Dr. Gerry raised his dart gun. He didn't know what else to do. He immediately yelled, "Elise! Run-!"

The gloved hand clapped over his mouth, and Owen began to struggle against him. Elise didn't like that; she didn't like seeing Owen stressed or angry, and she immediately let out a terrifying roar. The Asset soldiers readied their guns, ignoring Barry as he yelled, "Don't shoot her! Hold fire!"

Owen rammed his elbow into the hard abs behind him, and the man let out a grunt of pain. Owen twisted away from him, and stumbled back only to get a sharp punch to the nose. He felt the cartilage crack, and the blood began to gush from his nose. The back of Owen's head smashed into the gravel, and he could actually feel the ground vibrate when Elise shook the earth with a shrill roar.

He glanced to the side of him just in time to see Elise lunge forward with jaws wide open. She snapped her ivory daggers near the closest soldiers, and they immediately open fired on her. The small, blue darts did nothing to her hide, and Owen was surprised when she suddenly rushed back into her paddock. The only sound was the heavy thuds of her steps before the screaming of steel shearing filled the air. The Commander immediately yelled, "She's escaping through the other side! Move! Move! Move! No one go in there; go around!"

Owen had to admit he was impressed by how quickly they moved, and he stumbled up before running towards the entrance. He couldn't let Elise get hurt, and he knew she wasn't escaping. Something suddenly collided into his back, and the sharp gravel cut into his face as it further displaced his already throbbing nose. Owen struggled against the heavy weight before it was suddenly swept off him. He heard Claire scream, and looked up to see his savior hovering over him protectively.

Elise had purposely lured the Asset soldiers away before coming back.

The white Indominus barred her teeth dangerously as she took another step over Owen, daring anyone to come near either of them. He startled at seeing her scales shiver before they began to flush a terrifying, blood-bathed crimson with deep stripes of black along her back.

Sweet, baby Jesus in his itchy hay manger, now Elise looked like something that had crawled straight out of hell. Her blazing, blood filled eyes practically glowed against the thick black masking her face. She slowly lowered herself to all fours, and her dagger filled mouth began to shiver as Death himself seemed to be whispering promises of revealing his very face to anyone stupid enough to even make a move.

Owen was so stunned by this impressive display of intimidation that he had no idea how to react. Elise gave a snap of her jaws, and focused on Claire. The redhead was cowering against her car with her fallen body guard sprawled to the side of her. He groaned on the ground before slowly trying to push himself up. Owen couldn't let Elise hurt her; he could not let Claire be right.

He winced as he sat up, and wiped his bloody, wet lip before saying, "Elise. Elise, stand down."

The Indominus gave a deep, insidious snarl that fell from her shivering jaws in a hushed sigh. She wasn't going to stand down unless Owen did something else. He glanced to the side of him, and saw Dr. Gerry hesitating; he had the shot, but he just wasn't taking it. Owen caught his attention, and shook his head before motioning him to back off. The vet nodded, and began to cautiously back away.

Owen had a feeling the sedative would take a few minutes before slowing her down, and he didn't want to think about what she could do in that amount of time. Owen forced himself up before he stumbled to the front of Elise. She hadn't noticed him move, she was so focused on Claire that nothing else existed.

"Elise, eyes on me."

The red eyes snapped down briefly before her large hand dragged him back underneath her massive body; she was protecting him. Owen shook his head as he darted back in front of Claire, and quickly said, "It's okay, Elise. I'm fine, the guy is down, and Claire is going to order those soldiers to back off."

Owen gave a backwards glance at the stunned redhead as he hissed, "Because they won't be able to do shit. Just like last time. Your order them to stand down or people will die."

"Owen, I will not-"

"You didn't call it off last time, and just about all of them died! They have the same damned weapons as the other team had. Why the hell would it work this time?! Order. Them. Down."

Elise shivered her jaw in a threatening hiss, and Claire winced. Owen refused to move away from in between them, and he quietly said, "No one will think less of you for calling them off. People respect smart decisions; not the people who can't admit a plan they set in motion may have been a bad idea."

Claire stiffened, and she opened her mouth to retort until Elise gave a dangerous snarl. Claire froze when Elise rose onto her back legs before pointing a sharp talon at her. Claire frowned when Elise splayed her open palm towards herself before quickly twisting it to face Claire. The crimson Indominus then pulled Owen a little closer to herself, and Claire flickered her confused gaze to Owen. He gently patted the giant, protective hand as he quietly said, "She's telling you to stop it."

Claire swallowed nervously as she glanced back at the crimson gaze before almost whispering, "I can't call it off, Owen. I don't have a good reason. Do you know how chastised I was for even trying? I almost lost the promotion because they were afraid of having an emotional woman as CEO. They thought I let my emotions run me when I wanted the Velociraptors to be spared."

Owen felt himself sink; he knew Claire was telling the truth, and he could only imagine how hard it would be for her to gather all the respect Simon had held. He heard Elise snort, and he quietly said, "I know…but Elise doesn't know about that. She was talking about the Asset Containment Unit."

Claire glanced back up at the threatening Indominus before she pulled her sleeve back to reveal the silver communication watch on her wrist. She pressed the button before sternly saying, "ACU, this is CEO, I am ordering you to stand down, and return here."

There was a brief pause before the Commander immediately hissed, "Don't you ever speak that loudly over radio! We're in heavy brush, and you'll draw her over!"

Owen pressed his lips, and Claire seemed to deflate. Either because she had been snapped at, or she was losing faith in her ACU. She pushed the button, and dryly said, "Asset has outsmarted you, and came back after you all ran into the jungle like idiots. Get your asses back here right now, Commander. I will be re-evaluating your abilities, and position, if you can't even recognize when an asset larger than a T-rex hasn't escaped her paddock."

Owen winced at the sharp, biting tone, but he supposed it was how Claire would have to act if she was going to prove herself a leader. He really wanted to stand by Claire, he wanted to support her, but he couldn't pick her over Elise. Claire caught his gaze, and he wasn't sure what to say. Elise was still hovering protectively, but she wasn't getting violent with Claire.

Life would have been so much easier if Elise would give him a reason to put her down, but she wasn't. He had told her once that it was wrong to kill people, and she hadn't killed anyone after that. She had only swept the security guard off, and he had already crawled away from them.

Owen glanced up as he softly said, "It's okay, Baby Girl, alright? You can calm down now."

Elise made a deep, low rumble, but she gave a final snap of her teeth at Claire before pulling Owen and herself a few steps back from them. The crimson color slowly melted away, and Owen was relieved when the scales became their snowy white again. It was like an angel and demon sharing one body.

A cheesy way of looking at it, but Elise did seem heavenly after witnessing the crimson scales.

Owen looked back at the torn redhead before silently pleading for a second chance with Elise. He rarely begged, but he was a heartbeat away from getting on his knees to outright plea with Claire. He knew she wasn't a bad person; she had shown emotion when the Apatosaurus has died in his arms. She called Rexy by name, and she had been so scared when her nephews weren't home.

Claire had her flaws, but Owen knew she wasn't cruel by any means. Masrani wouldn't have made her his park manager if she was.

Owen opened his mouth to ask Claire for one more chance to reconsider when Elise suddenly let out a furious roar. Owen nearly leapt out of his skin before snapping his head up to see Elise clawing at something in her neck.

The orange feather of the tranquilizer practically glowed against the white scales, and Owen turned his gaze back to the vet just in time to see Gerry angrily yank his tranquilizer gun away from Clare's bleeding, bruised security guard.

Now Owen really did intend to bury the man.

Elise's foot stomped a little too close to him, and Owen yelped as he darted away. He briefly froze at seeing the glazed looked taking over the confused, crimson orbs as Elise stumbled onto all fours. Owen dove out of the way as he yanked Claire with him before the loud thud of Elise collapsing shook the ground.

There's no way that should have worked so quickly.

Owen immediately ran over when Elise gave a scared moan, and her glazed eyes wandered over to him helplessly. He gently shushed her as he ran his hands along the scaled cheek.

"Easy, Baby, it's okay. You're just falling asleep, you'll be alright, I promise. I will take care of that guy. Don't fight the drug, okay, Baby?"

Elise made to move, and Owen could only imagine how heavy her limbs felt to her. She gave a distressed, high pitched wine that broke his heart, and Owen continued to gently rub her scales. He ignored the blood on his lip, the throbbing from his nose, and the aching cuts on his cheeks. He had to make sure Elise would stay calm, it was never good when a distressed animal was sedated.

He watched the clouded, crimson orbs slowly slide shut as her massive body relaxed. Her head lolled to the side, and Owen watched her massive ribcage slowly rise and fall with each deep breath she took. It was so quiet that Owen could actually hear the loud heartbeat that kept Elise alive.

It sounded so powerful.

Owen didn't feel good about this; he didn't like how quickly that had knocked Elise off her feet. He was half aware that he was breathing a little faster than normal as he glanced to Claire for help. She looked just as shocked as he did, but was pulled out of it when Dr. Gerry snarled, "If you ever touch my shit again, I'll feed you to Rexy! I'll enjoy picking what's left of you from her teeth at the next dental appointment!"

Owen actually felt his jaw drop when quiet Barry had marched up to the security guard, and threw a hard punch into the jaw. Owen swore he heard bone crack, and the guard's eyes rolled up; he was out cold before he even hit the ground.

Claire turned to the side when the ACU soldiers had finally made their appearance, and she walked over to the Commander with a dark look in her eye. Owen watched her get in the guy's personal space as she chewed him out before pointing at the large, armored vehicles. The man only stiffly nodded, and Claire dismissed them before she came back over to him.

Dr. Gerry was grumbling to himself as he locked the tranquilizer gun in his pickup before he looked up when Claire called out his name. She gently gestured to the sleeping giant, and Dr. Gerry gave a small sigh.

The cold fear in Owen's stomach was too much, and he quietly pleaded, "Claire…"

Claire finally gave him the eye contact he wanted, and she kneeled down to his level. She remained wary of the massive teeth, but gently grabbed Owen's hand as she softly said, "I am so sorry that you got caught up in this mess. I am so sorry you lost Charlie, and I am so sorry about…Elise. Even if I stop this, someone else will come around to do it. I cannot justify sparing her to the board. If I could, I wouldn't have even scheduled this…."

Owen felt his throat going tight, and the hopelessness creeping into his very soul. He wouldn't be able to function after this, he just knew it. Elise was something special, she was funny in her own way, and she wasn't violent by nature. She had enough human in her.

She was his tough baby.

Owen startled from his thoughts when Barry was suddenly next to him, and already struggling to hold back tears as he gently cooed to the sleeping, white scales. Owen looked away because he wouldn't be able to hold it together, and he half heard Dr. Gerry softly say, "You take your time, Owen. I know you got nothin' but good kids…"

Owen desperately stared at the elder, and couldn't get angry with the gentle calmness about him. This wasn't Dr. Gerry's first time dealing with attached caretakers.

Owen lowered his gaze to the large syringe in the old vet's hand. The light blue liquid almost looked harmless, and Owen numbly turned back to his precious Elise. He gently ran a hand down her scarred nose as he struggled to find the words to describe how sorry he was for failing her. He had asked for her trust, and he failed. He ordered her to run, but she refused to abandon him.

A creature he had known for less than three days, who he had actually fired a gun at, had risked her own self for his sake.

And she was going to pay for it.

Owen finally felt his vision grow blurry when he stroked a sensitive spot on Elise's nose, and she relaxed further; exhaling a large sigh that ruffled his hair.

He couldn't believe he would be saying goodbye to another one of his girls.

What a cruel world he was faced with, and Owen held his breath when he heard music playing in Barry's jeep not far from them. It was a calming tune that everyone knew and loved. An undying love song composed for a nameless woman who had stolen the heart of a brilliant composer.

Owen had only wished he knew just how cursed the name was before giving it to this special soul before him.

The world would never know who had inspired Beethoven's most timeless piece of music.

And the world would never know an intelligent dinosaur had lived her life in complete isolation, only being gifted a mere moment of freedom before breathing her last. The world wouldn't care.

Owen kept his face straight though he wouldn't stop the first tear that had finally spilled over, and he quietly heard the piano go silent. He didn't acknowledge anything when Barry softly said, "I told you it would come back on…it's a really good song."

Owen only mentally agreed.

Für Elise was a masterpiece.

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