Pokémon Team

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First drawing of 2021!

So for Christmas I got a switch and Pokémon Shield (plus some other games) and after 4 days of playing I defeated the sixth gym and then got scared I would finish the game too fast lol. I did a drawing of my current team! (And my avatar!)

It took me about two or three days (within just my spare time haha)
I would guess about five-ish hours total, just because there were seven subjects rather than my normal one or two.

I wasn't sure about drawing my snom because he's very very new to the team (the sixth member kept changing) but then I decided I would most likely keep him because his typing gives me advantage over the next two gyms.

Their names are Jet, Caractacus (if you get the reference I will be so happy), Swiper, Mountain, Smiley and Blizzard. Smiley is the only girl. Try and guess which name is for who! (It's not hard lol)

I used to have a blue gastrodon named Escargot and she was very useful but I let her go to the box recently.

Also I put that quote in the sky because the sky was looking kinda boring and I like the quote :3

Okay that's a lotta words but there ya go

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