✓The Promised Leader✓

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Everyone needs a leader. Someone who can guide them to the right path, someone that can be trusted.

You sure I'm the right person for the job?


Name- Miles Griffin

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Personality- Miles is a very chill individual, he almost always looks calm and therefore is approachable by anyone.

Inside the calm exterior is a highly calculative individual who denies his age and can manipulate anyone into thinking anything what he wants about him. Sometimes the best strategy is to catch people off guard with his unlimited potential to spontaneously switch back and forth between pacifist and violent in a mere instant.

Appearance- What makes him rather odd is his long, messy pink hair and ocean blue eyes. His body appears to be in peak physical condition, making him streamlined for multiple fighting scenarios and oddly more mature than he acts.

Sexuality (if any)- Miles is bisexual. Eat your hearts out

Role- The Promised Leader

Weapon(s)- Secondary weapons are twin katanas he rarely uses. Primary weapons are a series of airsoft guns (some of which Pierce skin).

Notable skills- strategically Gambling, doubling up on any roles that need to be filled in, being big brother figure, having training for multiple fighting scenarios.

Backstory- This is the part you will have to find out for yourself.

Other-  He takes care of a small wolf pack.


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