Chapter eleven

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"Squawk!" Chatot exclaimed while flapping his wings.

He then placed one over his head, shielding his face from the Team's view, sighing as if watching over them wasn't his job.

"Unacceptable! You and your team ran off during the night, and worried Guildmaster and I, and you expect us to let you off the hook?!" Chatot exclaimed, flapping his wings desperately.

Chatot then glared at the angrily.

"I-it's not our fault, Bradley was the one who..." Zack began before Chatot squawked loudly.

Zack jumped.

"I don't care who ran off! We had to wake up everyone in the guild! Guildmaster," Chatot began before he shuddered. "Guildmaster gets...cranky when I wake him, and for that you will be punished."

Punished?! For going out at night? What? Milo wondered curiously.

Milo felt like Chatot was overreacting towards their little night adventure.

Milo lifted a paw to rub his eyes.

I feel like the lack of sleep gotten and our realization we might need to train are enough. But how are we going to be able to do this? I can barely walk on four paws. It actually kind of hurts.

"Punished?! Don't you think that's a little overboard?! For what, going out at night?" Melissa roared as small embers came out of her mouth.

Chatot turned around for a bit, seemingly thinking before turning back.

He sighed as he swiftly spun around with a calmer appearance.

He sure is scary when he's mad, Milo noted.

"Fine. I suppose I'm just a little exhausted myself, but I still don't like that you left the guild unsupervised. Who knew what kind of trouble you could have gotten into."

Chatot flapped his wings as he continued.

"Anyways, today I want you to follow behind me. I'm sure being human means you don't know anything about our culture or how our world works."

Chatot sighed in exasperation.

"I suppose I'm going to have to have Team Diminutive help us out on this one. Of their members is a human...."

Chatot shuddered.

"But they're so weird, I'm not sure if it's a good idea."

Is he mumbling to himself? He does realize he's speaking louder than he realizes, right?

Chatot composed himself.

"I have a team here who can help you out with your coming to be Pokemon." Chatot informed him.

"Great, who is it?" Bradley asked monotone.

He obviously didn't like where this was going.

Chatot laughed nervously.

"They're a team who somehow graduated from the guild—Arceus knows how. One of their members used to be a human, so she should be able to aid you in your quest to being a good member of this guild."

Next to him, Melissa looked annoyed.

She bent over and whispered in Zack's 'ear' who nodded with agreement.

"Excuse me? I think we can manage just fine without some dimwitted team helping us. How did they deal with being a Pokémon? Probably just as bad as us." Bradley snarked, his star tipped tail lashing with anger.

Chatot rolled his eyes.

"From what I could tell she didn't even show any real signs of being a human until I was told the whole bizarre story. You're so obvious I wondered how I missed her being a human and all." Chatot informed them.

Bradley just growled lowly.

"Anyways, I got to get them from their headquarters. You stay right here." Chatot informed them before giving Bradley a warning with his wing. "I'll be right back."

The Chatot then left the five Pokémon to their own accord.

It was silent for a few minutes before Melissa broke it.

"So, are we just going to stand here, or can we go get breakfast? I'm starving." The Vulpix wonders as she licks her jaw, fantasizing about food.

"I don't like standing here either. Melissa has a great point." Bradley remarked, glancing at the ground.

A rumbling sound could be heard from his belly to confirm his agreement had been because he was hungry as well.

Milo shrugged with a smile.

"I don't see why we can't." He cheerful yipped.

The three Pokémon took a step towards the ladder before Zack stepped in front of them.

He was fuming, but he was semi-upset.

"Didn't you hear anything that crazy bird squawked about?" He began before adding, "Cant believe I would ever say that in my life."

Milo nodded. "Yeah I remember. He wanted us to stay here. Inside the guild. I don't think he would mind if we went downstairs to have ourselves a bite to eat. I mean, he can't stop us right now."

Plus, he'll probably get back with them when we're done. But just in case...

"Yeah, but—" Zack began.

Milo put a paw against Zack's weird snout, pushing his nose up.

"Whoops, sorry. I just wanted to say that someone can stay here to let chatot know. We won't be long, and I'm sure Chatot won't mind." Milo told his best friend.

Zack stared at him skeptically.

Hmm, I think I know what I can do to seal the deal. I'm not hungry right now, so as long as I stay here there shouldn't be any trouble. Especially with Murphy's Law....though I don't know. It comes out of nowhere.

Milo sighed.

"Look, Buddy, I know you're worried and scared. This is a new place filled with so many unfamiliar beings, but just relax. I'll stay here. You, Melissa, Bradley, and Diogee can go get something to eat. I'll stay here and wait for Chatot, how about that?" Milo suggested with a pleading look.

Zack and Milo continued to stare at each other for a bit before Zack sighed.

"Fine," Zack remarked in defeat, sounding exasperated.

"But...just call us if he comes back, okay?"

Zack shivered.

"I don't want to be chewed out again."

Me either. But we had to save Bradley from that Poochyena.

Milo didn't understand why they left out that in their explanation.

Poochyena was the main reason why they couldn't sleep.

Besides Bradley, but I feel bad. Do I really take all the attention like that? I know I can gain attention through Murphy's Law affecting me. Maybe Bradley just needs more friends is all. I suppose I can help him with that. Though, he'd have to be more friendly to us. It's hard to cooperate with someone who acts like you're their rival all the time.

Milo gave a curt nod.

"If anything happens, I'll give a holler. You just go enjoy some food with Melissa, Bradley, and Diogee."

Zack nodded, turning to the stairs and immediately climbing down, though he still seemed slightly hesitant to do anything.

Now all I got to do is sit back and relax and wait until either Chatot comes back with the human who will help us adjust, or until my friends come back from eating.

Milo sat down next to the bulletin board that showed a Pokémon in some kind of need.

It was a Porygon asking for some kind of berry.

Milo leaned forward, stumbling a bit to keep himself from falling over and smashing his face.

The Berry appeared to be red with some kind of twisting green stem attached to the Berry.

Milo read the berry's name.


Was that some kind of cherry-like Berry?

Back home Milo and his friends had cherries. Maybe they were some weird form of cherries here that did...something.

Milo tried to read the text, but it was difficult to read whatever the language was here. It was definitely different than English that's for certain.

So far he was stuck on some random name of a dungeon called Drenched Bluff.

It got him wondering why it was called that.

He couldn't really word out much else, but he was wondering if this was what the guild did every day. Rescuing and helping others.

It sure does sound nice. He thought as he watched a Aipom come down the ladder.

The Aipom glanced at him briefly before going down the second ladder with a playful shrug.

"Hey! Get back here! You didn't stand on the grate!" A loud voice boomed.

Milo noticed the loud Pokémon.

Loudred, right? He guessed as he watched Loudred chase around the Aipom.

"Hey! I don't have time to stand on that there grate! Plus it tickles my feet, and I had to run over it in order to stop laughing!"  The Aipom exclaimed as he didn't even try to dodge the Loudred, obviously faster than him.

"Get back here!!"

"Never! You'll never catch me alive!"

"Someone catch that stupid Aipom! He broke in and I can't catch him."

Well that's obvious.

Before the situation could go downhill any further, the Aipom ran into Milo and tripped.

"Fuck!" He groaned.

"Got you! Haha thought you could get away with it, didn't you miscreant! I'll go take you to guildmaster now!" The big eared Pokémon boomed.

He grabbed the Aipom by the tail and dragged him away.

A little bit later Chatot came in with three Pokémon.

The three Pokémon were a yawning Munchlax, a pretty intimidating-and-emo looking Magikarp, and a happy Dracozolt who was dancing.

Which one of these Pokémon is the human-turned-Pokémon? The Eevee thought as Chatot ran his wing over his head in frustration.

"I have some bad news." The exotic bird sighed.

Author's Note: Yeah it's been a while. I do plan to finish this soon in the future, but I don't know how soon. I just know that I want to finish this as one of the first things after Fear My Pulse that will get finished. Maybe not first first like Together or FNF/Pokémon crossover, but it will be one of the first things I'll think of finishing.

Anyways I'm so close to 1k already on this story it's quite surprising to me.

Oh. If you liked this chapter let me know.

Also let me know your thoughts on our....other Are they weird to you? Lol. Chatot seems to think so.

Thanks for reading!

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