Chapter 19. Face To Face

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Leia left Yoda's hut at the lamps and fire place burned out, leaving the little home in darkness. Sniffling she rubbed her nose, taking one last look towards the darkened home of the Jedi.

Slowly Leia made her way back to the Falcon where Han was waiting for her.

"Leia! You had us worried sick!" Han cried as Leia came out of the fog, her eyes red and cheeks flushed.

"What's wrong?" Han asked in worry, coming forward as Leia suddenly enveloped the taller man in a tight embrace, wanting someone to lean on.

Han though surprised did not hesitate to wrap her arms around Leia, holding her tightly. He absently wondered what had happened, guessing correctly when Leia finally allowed Han out of her grip and spoke. "Master Yoda has, passed. It's up to us now."

Han nodded. "But where do we even start?" He asked with a frown.

Leia grimaced as she and Han boarded the Falcon.

"Vader. He has Luke, he's the reason Luke was like that." Leia said with a controlled voice as they entered the cockpit.

"How are you sure?" Han questioned as he took his seat, Leia sitting down behind him.

"I saw Vader, in a vision of some kind." Leia said uncertainly, not sure if Han could understand her visions but she pressed on to keep the former smuggler from interrupting. "He hurt Luke, using some kind of brainwashing agent. He's killing Luke and making something new."

Han frowned as the Falcon began to rise out of the swamp. "So, Luke really isn't, Luke? It's all brainwashing?"

Leia nodded. "A modified kind of brainwashing, I've never seen anything like it."

Han grimaced. "Poor Luke... we're gonna have to work fast before the effects become permanent, if they become permanent."

Leia nodded in agreement. "Let's go back to Yavin 4. I need to prepare."

"For what?" Han asked worriedly.

Leia frowned, not answering as her mind drifted to the Sith, the black shadow that haunted her dreams.

Darth Vader.


Vader traveled for several weeks, using his Imperial rank to board with Star Ships to any destination he could think of. But searching like this was fruitless, he needed something more. A sign, anything.

But the Force was silent, as if it did not wish to help Vader find his daughter, and for weeks it stayed silent. Until finally something did happen.

Sullust was a lava planet, not unlike Mustafar but less hot. It was a mining area that the rebels and the Empire had fought over for some time before the Empire drove it's Rebel enemies out. Apparently the rebels had come back to finish the job.

And with them, was a Jedi.


Leia spun the lightsaber in a reversed grip, deflecting blaster fire with ease while Han and her Rebel band attacked the defending Imperials.

They were in the factory, large machines of war being made all around them though the systems had been shut down so that the Imperials could better defend against the Rebel forces.

But they had not thought about what to do if a Jedi came knocking on the door. And now the Rebels were advancing on the control room with considerable ease thanks to their Jedi friend.

"Han watch your left." Leia shouted above the blasterfire. Han sidled away from his left and raised his blaster, shooting down the stormtrooper Leia had seen.

"Got him, you're clear Highness." Han shouted back as Leia pushed forward, taking most of the blasterfire, covering her troops.

"Get ready to storm the control room. We need to get there before we can take the base." Leia said loudly, preparing her troops as they suddenly made a mad dash for the control room.

Stormtroopers yelled and tried to shoot down the invading party only for an invisible force to knock them multiple yards away like rag dolls.

Lowering her hand Leia grinned slightly at the power she possessed before returning to the matter at hand.

Leia's technicians quickly ran into the control room, hacking their way into the system while the rest took watch.

The young Jedi gripped the blue lightsaber tightly as all became eerily quiet, the stormtroopers retreating.

"Well that was easy." Han stated with wariness, looking around as if a trap would reveal itself at any moment.

Leia frowned, tilting her head slightly as she felt something through the Force, something dark.

"I'll, check the perimeter." Leia decided, walking off before Han could protest.


Leia walked down darkened halls, she had deactivated the lightsaber, not wanting it's humming energy sound to give her away.

Where was that feeling coming from? It felt dark, but not threatening. Some hope rose up in Leia that perhaps Luke had returned from the shadows, that he was here looking for her.

But that was wishful thinking and Leia did not want her hopes to be crushed if it turned out to be something else entirely.

And then she heard it, the mechanical breathing, the menacing presence of one so dark and ruthless. The blue blade of the lightsaber sprung up as Vader turned the corner, standing almost ten yards from Leia.

Leia raised the weapon, sweat beading on her forehead instantly as Vader stood there, his lightsaber still hung from his belt as the monstrous, thing, spoke. His voice and words caught Leia off guard though.

"Leia, I need your help." Vader spoke solemnly, there was nothing in his voice to make Leia afraid, infact, he sounded desperate, fearful.

"Why would I help you? You've taken everything from me!" Leia almost shouted. "You destroyed my home! You've killed many of my friends! Almost kill Han and now you're killing Luke!"

Vader silently took Leia's angry rant, it was all true. But if she did love Luke she would have to hear him out.

"I know. But if you don't listen Luke will be dead, forever." Vader said calmly.

Leia frowned, her grip on Luke's lightsaber still tight. "What do you want Vader?"

"I must overthrow the Emperor. After this is done Luke will need time to recover from his brainwashing. But I came to warn you." Vader said this with a heavy tone, as if overwhelmed and upset with the whole ordeal.

"Warn me of what?" Leia snapped angrily.

"My master discovered Luke, if he discovers you as well all will be lost. You must stay hidden until my master is dead." Vader responded darkly.

Leia smirked. "I don't believe you Vader. For all I know you're lying to me this very instant. Maybe I should just take you captive and make you tell me where Luke is."

Vader felt his anger festering now, but he forced himself to be calm. "You can try, but you know you will fail."

"I've been trained in the ways of the Jedi, you'd be surprised." Leia stated harshly, shifting and widening her stance slightly.

But Vader remained still. "I came here to warn you, not to fight you."

"Why would you be worried about my safety? You've almost killed me thousands of times!" Leia exclaimed in anger and confusion. Why would the Dark Lord of the Sith want to protect and warn her of his master?

Vader breathed slowly, Leia truly did look like, her. But she reminded him of someone else, of Skywalker. He shouldn't tell her, otherwise it would lead to a more dangerous path.

"I have seen a future, where we might be allies." Vader finally spoke before slowly turning and walking away, leaving Leia shocked.

The Dark Lord disappeared around the bend as Leia stood there, her mind working furiously.


Sullust was taken and the rebels victorious as the Imperials retreated. Vader sighed as he felt Leia's confusion, and he hoped she would at least consider his words.

He wondered if not telling her had been wise or not. But surely telling her of such things would only drive Leia into insanity, she hated Vader with a passion and feared him. He regretted setting that trauma inside her.

Vader regretted many of his actions towards Luke and Leia, now he had to go back, he'd been gone far too long. X-1 needed him.

Author's Note.
Another short chapter, lol sorry. But I hope you enjoyed this one, comment your thoughts about the whole ordeal with Vader, who I think is starting to be more like Anakin, and everything else! Vote and point out typos at well. Thank you so much for reading and may the Force be with you!

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